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Warrior, Turtle, meatballz and reaper

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@WARRIOR How... How do you have so many hours OD.. How do you not explode? Like i say i will be od all the time, not even half as much time yoh put into the server.. Do you not have school or something? Also you are nice but not nice to let people off of hurting you OD, (you know what i mean )you are an amazing lad <3

@Turtle You are very friendly, really nice and your a great friend. I had never spoken to you before other than when i got staff, and you always make me laugh and smile!

@MeatBallzOh my beautiful, tasty sack of meatballs! What would we ever do without you? You are insanely friendly, and you are always happy and funny! Yoh are always willing to go OD and help out CG

GG Meat face


@ByReaper Last but not least, reaper <3 You are a nice, responsible admin who respects all players, and nothing ever gets you down! You are doing a great job as an administrator, and i will always be there to support you <3

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