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Showing content with the highest reputation since 01/17/2025 in all areas
hello, i struggled for a very long time to get the textures for cg for mac!, but rather then have other people go through the same struggles as i, im going to upload the files i painstakingly manually converted. for all the mac gamers that come after me, youre welcome. https://mega.nz/file/HrI3HQoa#k7PYIk1AnbBpoqIHeFA4rZR3ZUV-yCfiVTPrnIMeWns How to use. 1. go to steam library 2. go to gmod 3. right click gmod and go to properties 4. go to installed flies 5. go to browse local files 6. click the garrysmod folder 7. click the download folder 8. download and unzip the zip file 9. place the folders inside the folder created from unzipping into said download folder 10. verify game files 11. enjoy full textures9 points
weapons raygunuzi - dbarrel - ithaca - ak47 - famas - aug - minigun - val - krissvector - ragingbull - matador - hk416 - bo2svu - bo2fal - b02remington sweps unarrest - climb - medkit - 3d2dcracker - adrenaline - magicsword - lockpick - bhop - hammer - camo - hackphone - bugbait - ied abilites bank - mug - 100armor - kidnap - hits - dumpsters entities dj - shelf - moonshine - armorcharger - crypto - weed - specarms slot holders (15/15) jello pikkel noseian whoopie bops not david fed 3agle yato bape sylla ryan vevi xzy ethan chiel Sold the cj to madman it was fun while it lasted5 points
changes: added new slot holder removed useless items to avoid clutter - camera - fists - op fishing rod2 points
Changes: added B02 SVU added B02 FAL added IED added bugbait changed the mp5 to the krissvector changed the m3super90 to the aug2 points
I fucking wanna go on a date with Hungry prime minister and nuke france1 point
1 point
MadMan's Mad Store
TheBiggestCatFish reacted to MadMan for a topic
---------Store Updated--------- Added - gelatinous1 point -
MadMan's Mad Store
TheBiggestCatFish reacted to MadMan for a topic
---------Store Updated--------- Virus Added - M1 Garand Added - Stun Stick More coming soon...1 point -
1 file would exceed the total allowed size of 0.605kB, and was skipped
HadiZ reacted to AndrewTate for a topic
everytime i try to post an image i keep getting this shit i try compressing the file and shit doesn't do anything anyone know what i can do to fix this? 1 file would exceed the total allowed size of 0.605kB, and was skipped OK1 point -
1 file would exceed the total allowed size of 0.605kB, and was skipped
Jamez reacted to amfetamiin for a topic
just use a link to the image, easy way is to post the image on discord and then use copy link and then paste the link to the image where you need it it might disappear after a while but if you just need it for an one time thing then it'll work fine1 point -
I’d love to help but there’s really nothing I can do!1 point
1 point
UPDATE: added AK-47, PKM, Magpul PDR, Ability to take hits, Store Shelf, Camo removed s&w model 500 Sold Patient Z Selling Arctic GodBless1 point
1 point
HadiZ reacted to Whoopie Bops for a topic
Fuck i would love me some wilton adding our custom guns to gelatinous1 point -
1 point
1 point
thought the IED was bugged or has it been fixed1 point
1 point
changes: added b02remington removed m40a3 removed scar1 point
UPDATE: added Magic Sword and Hackphone Sold Shinobi1 point
changes: added new slot holder removed pkm added raygun uzi1 point
private casino manager
TheBiggestCatFish reacted to jello for a topic
Are you ever upset with not being about to become casino manager because there's to many people? Do you wish there was a easier way than waiting forever or begging at the feet of some greasy guy to switch off for igm? Well boy do I the CJ for you, introducing "Private Casino Manager" (PCM for short) PCM is a CJ i just made cuz i went thru the same problem u just did, and boy does it just make life so much easier For the low low price of 5 irl or 15m igm you can get urself a slot and secure your Casino Tables anytime you want! msg me on discord to buy/ask questions wasimmer1 point -
Price: 400 tokens Payment method: Token store Transaction time: Instant NOTE: You cannot trade this job with other players, but you can sell it within the token store to get tokens. Insurgent Features: 100 Armor Raid PD Raid Bank Kidnap Mug Build on Streets Raid with anyone Hits Weed Meth Armor Charger DJ Cocaine Sweps: Camo swep BHop Swep Climb Swep Magic Sword Hack Phone Pro Lockpick Keypad Cracker Hammer Unarrest Batton Medkit Disguise Weapons: PKM Crossbow As Val Double Barrel AK47 Matador AW50 M4a4 Howl Vikhr Ithaca Rules: You may base and raid with anyone. You may build on the streets. You are allowed to mug for a maximum of £10000. You are allowed to kidnap anyone. You are allowed to raid PD. You are allowed to raid the Bank.1 point
1 point
1 point
1 point
What was also funny was yesterday when we was all playing TTT and guess what happend @RadecMetagamed. @Ryan @DeathFromAbove im changing it around now. Ryan mass rp;s1 point
Updated the name to rebellion and model to a hl2 one so the hitbox is perfect. Also added armor charger.1 point
Rebellion Custom Job Slots
enzo84am reacted to Leon Stark for a topic
At this point it seems like Soldier / Ugandan Commando / Tron / Flash has multiple personality disorder. But hey ever since I joined the server nearly 2 years ago I wanted to play as flash1 point -
Seems to be an error there as it's Flash now1 point
Bumped, changed model and name to The Flash.1 point
Rebellion Custom Job Slots
enzo84am reacted to Leon Stark for a topic
You know what? Ugandan Commando can fuck off. He served his country well in countless pd raids but https://m.imgur.com/t/funny/pAUrD1 point -
Ugandan Commando is now Tron. The stuff from it has been transferred to Tron and has the Tron model.1 point
Rebellion Custom Job Slots
enzo84am reacted to Lost In Dreams for a topic
On next time: CJ restarts! Btw i dont understand: does the soldier have now the tron model and everyone that had the soldier get this one, or is this a new CJ?1 point