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Showing content with the highest reputation since 06/04/2015 in all areas

  1. JamieB

    Your mental health

    Hi everyone, I just thought I’d put this post here to speak about mental health and just to offer support to anyone who wants or needs it and just to hopefully make people think about what they say to everyone in this community a little more. If you’re reading this and feel alone or upset about anything at all please don’t hesitate in messaging myself or @roast our door will always be open to everyone in this community and try to help with any issues you are having, if you don’t feel like you could speak to us then I recommend speaking to anyone you’re close to family members, friends, or the Samaritans/Childline you are not alone. I really would appreciate it if everyone could just think about what they say before they say something to someone else aswell, as we could never know what’s going on behind the scenes of someone’s life and this community could very well be an escape for a lot of people. As always guys Godbless and stay safe ❤️
    144 points
  2. roast

    Your mental health

    I think its important to know too that when it comes to mental health its such a personal experience therefore one solution that works for someone does not work another person. Ive struggled with my mental health a lot over the years, and as a result have turned to drugs which made things ultimately worse. I tried therapy and medication but neither worked. I thought I was doomed. I thought about taking my own life, I even planned it. Looking back now it seems quite crazy where I was to where I am now. Two years of absolute hell, now I am the best I have ever been. I started going to the gym which I enjoyed, it was a hobby to keep me busy and entertained. I also started setting myself small achievable goals, like cook dinner for my family, go to the shop, code X today, learn X today, learn how to do this exercise today, up the weights today. I also spoke to my family and friends, about my worries and how I felt. Then gradually it started getting better. It wasn't instant, but it wasn't slow either. That is my story, and how I got out of the pit I was in. Your story will be different, but I can promise you there is always a solution. Just don't give up, keep trying to find it, keep trying new things and stay strong.
    130 points
  3. Holm

    Holm's Store - Sold out

    IG Name: Don Holm Selling: Custom job slots Price: Not available£ Payment methods: PayPal Only Contact: For details/questions, message me on the forums or on my discord Holm#7685 Sold out © 2021 Holm ® All Rights Reserved.
    36 points
  4. roast

    Forum Rules

    Do not attempt to create loopholes for your personal benefit. 1 Disrespectful Conduct – Any form of disrespect which is considered to be distasteful or immoral will not be tolerated; be careful what you say, and don’t take it too far. 2 Advertising – Promotion of competitor gaming communities is not permitted. 3 Appeals – You may only post on appeals if you have additional proof, is the accused member (If a ban request or staff report) or is the thread starter. Forum staff exempt from this rule. 4 Languages – English is the only language permitted. 5 Content – Content should not be offensive or sexually oriented; nor must it crave any form of attention/reputation. 6 Topics – A topic may not be created without a proper reason behind it, this means that there shouldn't be topics made where you post stupid content. 7 Applications – You may not post on a applications of any sort; Staff applications may be posted on if you are a member of staff and are giving out information that could change the outcome of the application, such as information about rule breaks, misbehavior or good manners. 8 Gravedigging - If a thread has been inactive for 30 or more days it's considered 'dead' and should no longer be posted on without staff approval. 9 Drama Post - Any posts that affiliate yourself, or another user in the community, with drama or unnecessary attention is strictly prohibited. It is seen as attention seeking, and thus will be reprimanded immediately. If you have comments to make, or questions to ask about performance etc, then ask in Discord or In-Game. - This INCLUDES resignation posts. 10 Resignations - You are prohibited from making a 'resignation' post/topics. However, if you wish to resign then you may make one in the staff room or speak with a member of the higher ups. This is because these topics are deemed unnecessary and bypass the farewell rules. 11 Bumping - Do not bump threads unless you are a forum staff member. 12 Mass Downvoting - Unecessarily down-voting a member of the community with intentions to harm their reptuation is prohibited.
    35 points
  5. Shook

    Shook's Store

    - Blight Description @Shook You can raid and base with anyone. Anything in RED is exclusive to Blight. Weapons Wunderwaffe-DG2 - L96A1 - Lewis Gun - Claws - Commando - BO1 Galil - BO1 Famas - Olympia - Tar-21 - MP40 - Ithaca - Double Barrel - Minigun. SWEPS Bhop - Climb - Camo - Disguise - Magic Sword - Lockpick - Keypad Cracker - Hackphone - Hammer - Unarrest Baton - HL2 Medkit Abilities HP Bars - 100 Armor - Mug - Rob Bank - Take Hits - Moonshine - DJ Equipment - Crypto Miner - Armor Charger - Weed. Price: £1000 Slot Owners: - Madman - Crocie - John Davidson - Vevi - Lyne ㅤ© Template by Shook 2024ㅤ - Arctic Description @Shook You can raid and base with anyone. Anything in BLUE is exclusive to Arctic. Weapons Spectre M4 - SR25 - Ithaca - Double Barrel - AS VAL - M4A1 Iron - AK47 - S&W Model 500 - M40A3 - PKM - HK416 - Kriss Vector. SWEPS Bhob Swep - Climb Swep - Magic Sword - Camo - Disguise - Medkit - Lockpick - Keypad Cracker - Hackphone - Unarrest Baton - Hammer - OP Fishing Rod. Abilities 100 Armor - Ability to take hits - Armor Charger - Grow Weed - Brew Moonshine - Raid Bank - Mug - Crypto - Kidnap. Price: £75 This Job will receive regular updates with Custom Items planned soon. ㅤ© Template by Shook 2024ㅤ
    33 points
  6. Hello everyone! This guide will teach you how to make an RPG proof base. This guide is based on repeated careful testing of RPGs on all props and using human test subjects (thank you @Jacob Rothschild @Matt_The_HELLRIDER ϟØ® @Flip) and special thanks to @Oops for his pizza delivery while testing! In order to have an RPG proof base Choosing an RPG-Proof prop Those are props tested and shown as RPG proof: Make sure no gaps in between RPG proof props, it has to be basically sealed shut with props "air tight" Create a curve at the entrance so RPG doesn't hit deeper inside the base: That's it for now! Any other tips I can find I'll be adding!
    33 points
  7. Flip

    Flip's "Trafika"

    Flip's "Trafika" If you are interested in any of the custom jobs below, PM me on Forums or on Discord (flip123.) Addicted Header Owner(s): Flip Description: Addicted Header. Weapons: Nothing Sweps: Nothing Abilities: 100 Armour Price: NFS 4x ReasonHolo Wild Lotus Owner(s): Flip Description: Insane AK craft Weapons: Nothing Sweps: Nothing Abilities: Nothing Price: Around 200k QA Team Owner(s): Sprickles Description: Swag Weapons: CSS AWP - CSS Galil - Remington 1858 - Model 500 Sweps: Camera Abilities: 100 armour - DJ Equipment Price: 999 GBP
    30 points
  8. CUSTOM JOB GUIDE! 2021-2022 HOW TO GET A CUSTOM JOB? As the new CJ system is in place this is now how you get custom jobs. You can get Rebellion and Chief inspector instantly from the in-game !jobs command but all CJ transfers are instant depending on the owner. Firstly you need to buy credits (It is 25 pounds to add a new slot and 5 pounds to transfer an existing slot) Here is an example of the new menu. You can see how many people own a slot of that CJ and what is included (only on reb and CI) You can see in the top right you can buy for 30C, once purchased it will immediatly go to your F4 Menu. TRANSFERING EXISTING SLOTS To transfer a CJ slot to another player you just click on a job from under your jobs on !Jobs. Go to where your SteamID is located then left click. There should be a Transfer option. Then just enter the players SteamID and pay 5C and the job should instantly go to the entered SteamID's F4 Menu. ADDING A NEW SLOT OR TRANSFERING OWNERSHIP. If you are a CJ owner like I am you can add new slots to individual players. Same thing goes. Just click onto your CJ and click Add +, Enter the SteamID and then pay 25c, You have the option to verify it as an Ownership slot as well if you are looking to transfer owners. CUSTOM JOBS! Every Custom job on the server is unique in its own way, Depending on which custom job you buy will change and benefit your Role-play experience forever on Cloud Gaming. There are so many to list as there are new CJ apperances every year! - So have fun exploring! You can look in the trading section of the CG Discord or go to the trading section on the forums. Rebellion = /rtron Chief Inspector = /Ashford Ace = /assassin Tyloo = /pern Exile = /jamesflow Gman = /arnold Chaos = /roastt Boney = /hater Private Military (CP) = /wiggles Insurgent = /insurgent Cyrax = /mtrooper Disclaimer: There are many other Custom Jobs on CG, most of them are Private, Dead, Stripped or not used anymore. Thank you for reading. Please tell me if I got anything wrong.
    29 points
  9. Enzo

    Rasta Man with Custom Gun!

    RASTA MAN *Verified Job* *Custom Gun* *Remington Revolver that shoots watermelons (exclusive to Rasta Man!)* Sweps Abilities Entities Guns Magic Sword Take Hits Grow Weed Melon Gun Camo Kidnap Moonshine Scar Climb swep Mug TV Aug Bhop swep Rob Bank Special Arms Dealer Ithaca m37 HL2 Medkit 100 Armour Armour Charger Honey Badger Lockpick AWP Hackphone AK47 Keypad Cracker Ace Gun Disguise Kit Fists Unarrest baton Price £50
    28 points
  10. roast

    Regarding Jamie

    I think hes doing a good job as SA especially considering the circumstances and what he is going through right now IRL. He is setting the bar high for the other staff members and its really showing, everyone is doing a good job! Keep it up everyone and help Jamie where you can and go easy on him like I said he has problems IRL. 1 like = 1 prayer.
    28 points
  11. 27 points
  12. @faithbjn Such an adorable lil man. So kind n funny. ❤️ People I wanna give a small shout to @SYMMIJ @Harry. @Under Consideration @Leevi @OoO @Billy bongus @3agle @John Davidson @krokie @Bonk @BobZy @Polio @Davidd @realboss963 @Greeny7780 @Jomano @Triix @Hydraaa @camille @Ali @Ckileena @Andreas @kivines @PedoInSpeedos @Sylla @PensiveWaste @7ambolah @OhSweetMurder @Seed @Traktor @SameGuy 110key CS.DEALS @Dandy @JamieB @Tangy @Medo230 @Callmechristian @Mason R. @EYEBOBLER @Pixie.Dimi @Tesco Piccolo Cherry Tomatoes @Cactus Mascul @Baumann Couldn't forget bossman @roast People I couldn't find the @ too Trevor, Maniac. Would write a nice long message for everyone individually but I'm a bit lazy 💔 If I forgot you, it is nothing personal. I just have really shit memory. Love you all, thank you so much for coping with my special behaviour 😇
    27 points
  13. Hello Cloud Gamers! I am feeling rather generous and would like to give one person in the community a free slot to my RASTA MAN custom job. Rules: Reply to this thread to enter. Do not comment more then once. You may not transfer the slot to anyone in the future you MUST provide your SteamID in your original comment The giveaway will close on Friday 10/06/22 at 18:00 GMT Be Lucky! Click here for more information about Rasta Man
    27 points
  14. Chr1ssY

    Changing Physgun Colors

    I would like to start this guide with a simple disclaimer, this was not my original idea as there is an old post about physgun colors!! If you're trying to find the perfect physgun color and you didn't find it yet, I hope you will find it in this post. HOW TO CHANGE YOUR PHYSGUN COLOR: It is very simple, just open your game console whilist you're playing on the server using ` After you have opened your console you paste the cl_weaponcolor x y z presets After you did all of those you ask someone to kill you or simply type kill in your console. Doesn't get easier than that. PHYSGUN COLORS: Error: cl_weaponcolor 48396.996094 -4840.082520 519299392.000000 ICE: cl_weaponcolor 0 500 128000 GOLDEN cl_weaponcolor 128000 500 0 LIME: cl_weaponcolor 400 12800 -128000 BLOODY PHYS: cl_weaponcolor 0 -128000 -128000 GLACIAR BLUE: NOTE! It has invisible beam cl_weaponcolor -128000 255 100 BLACKED-OUT: cl_weaponcolor -128000 -128000 -128000 DRAGONS BREATH: cl_weaponcolor -565 88 -66745 BLACKED-OUT v2.0: cl_weaponcolor -5757 -9783 -3052 POMEGRANATE: cl_weaponcolor 901 -901 0 BUBBLEGUM: cl_weaponcolor 3000 211 3000 DEEP BLUE: cl_weaponcolor -2555 -2555 0 GLITCHED BLUE: cl_weaponcolor -1200 1000 20000 ANGEL: cl_weaponcolor 45 1000 45 ENERGY: cl_weaponcolor 45 1000 45 GLITCHED RED/WHITE: NOTE! It has invisible beam cl_weaponcolor 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 110 10 BLOOD ORCHID: cl_weaponcolor 255 23 44 ------------------------------------------------------------ I took some "old" physguns and I have placed them here so you don't have to search for them BAE: cl_weaponcolor 1.000000 -0.203922 2053.023438 Sorry had to cut chat out for this one (1.1) SUN: cl_weaponcolor 127.615685 0.831373 -17.427450 CHAOS: cl_weaponcolor -1.662745 -435.729401 -0.011765 BLACK OCEAN: cl_weaponcolor -16.956863 -0.164706 -0.011765 ELECTRIC: cl_weaponcolor 1.662745 4.839216 487.898041 OLD PHYSGUN COLORS If you can please ignore chat as I couldn't make the whole server silent whilist I made these screenshots. I hope I could give you some ideas on how to personalize your own physguns!
    26 points
  15. Money making guide I have found the hourly profit for each income source and sorted them below. This may not be fully accurate so please comment if there's anything wrong. For each, the total profit is the income received by a player, minus any costs such as weed seeds for example. Printers: Assuming printers are fully charged, cooled, and upgraded; printers can be one of the best ways of making money. Per hour without an extra printer you can expect to earn £529,000, but with an extra printer you can expect £616,400. Without VIP and a gang, you can expect £266,800 per hour. Mining: Because mining is skill level based, I have found the expected earnings from three different levels, 10, 6, and 0. These are per hour, and level 10 mining earns the most money out of all methods that I have checked - nearly £1,500,000 in just 1 hour! A benefit of mining is that it is legal, however underground mutants may kill you, making mining sometimes difficult. Weed: Assuming you are lucky and are not arrested selling, weed becomes a very good method of earning money when you have more than the standard 2 pots. The standard 2 pots will earn you £228,000, which means for a solo player, weed is the best option out of weed, moonshine, and meth; in terms of profit, however it comes with the greatest risk. Moonshine: Moonshine is one of the least risky methods of making money as it does not require you to travel to an NPC where you could be arrested; however it is far less profitable. At only £120,000 profit per hour (without borrowing other player's brewers), moonshine is not that good. Meth: Meth is a relatively fun and active way to make money, and is less risky than weed as it is far quicker to sell. However, it is not as profitable. Using a second stove to double the speed of meth cooking can net a decent profit of £430,000, but requires you to be very busy creating the required ingredients. Bitcoin: Bitcoin requires lots of set up costs, so takes a long time to become profitable (~2 hours). I have not fully checked the profits of bitcoin yet, but will add to this section later. With a full rack, you can expect profits roughly around £500,000 per hour. Conclusion: Max-level mining is the most profitable method of earning money, however it does require a large initial cost to level up. When coupled with printing, you could expect profits of around £2,000,000 per hour!
    26 points
  16. Thought I'd give people the bind I use for my laws/show how to make a convenient law bind for them, just replace the text in the bind to easily change them as you wish. Essentially it uses aliases to run a command, then rebind that key to a different command, which then repeats until it cycles through completely. To use it, I would advise pasting it into your autoexec.cfg file, as it means it won't vanish randomly like some Gmod binds does, and also means you can paste the entire thing instead of doing it line by line. The autexec.cfg file is found in your gmod folder - for me this is located here (D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\GarrysMod\garrysmod\cfg) https://gyazo.com/2e04342aea39352cc46149562a6c2425 It's fairly self explanatory, but I'll explain it briefly. mayor 1 - resets the laws so you can start fresh mayor 2 - adds the first law, outlawing all weapons, raiding tools, and mining tools - Nobody enforces the mining tools thing but it's funny mayor 3 - fairly obvious, stops those pesky trespassers mayor 4 - again, obvious, gets rid of hits and threats mayor 5 - miscellaneous illegal behaviour, throwing things refers to bugbaits and snowballs mayor 6 - stops people insulting you or not doing as you say mayor 7 - outlaws gunshops, because... why not mayor 8 - gets rid of the non default illegal entities (technically moonshine is always illegal, alcohol is a drug) mayor 9 - stops those annoying situations where people say they have a licence to sell guns etc mayor 10 - catchall thing that makes it look nicer than putting AOS -> KOS on every single line mayor 11 - starts a lottery for 25000 (if you don't have the skill, change it to 5000 otherwise it won't work) - and then resets the loop back to mayor 1 to change the key to whatever you want, just replace KP_UPARROW with whatever key you want that is more convenient for you To use: if you haven't restarted your game since adding these to your autoexec.cfg file, go into console and type "exec autoexec" and then press enter. Once you know these have been added, simply press numpad8 (or whatever key you change it to) 11 times, with at least 2 seconds between each press - less than this and you'll be rate limited and it won't apply the law, but will still move to the next alias, so you'll have to repeat the cycle. Enjoy
    26 points
  17. roast

    Custom job updates

    Custom job updates complete 20/05/2021 @Chromo there was an error with your form so it didn't get done the error: "stop tagging me on discord" have a good weekend folks and yes chromo you have to remake it
    26 points
  18. bigflip


    Hello Cloud Gamers! Somewhere in December 2019 I hosted a giveaway for a Rebellion slot and at that time I've said to myself that at a point I'd like to host another CJ giveaway one day. Today I decided to host a giveaway for my Kratos slot. I know that at this moment it isn't a very strong/good Custom Job, but the stuff that it has right now are some good starters imo (I will attach the custom job details at the bottom of the post). As I said, not the best CJ out there right now but still it is a free CJ for you! Even more I've heard that the current owner of Kratos is planning on adding plenty of stuff in the future, so I am certain that a point it will become a good Custom Job! The reason why I am giving this CJ away is that I don't really RP these days, I dedicate my available time for CG for staffing and well I don't really get to use it that much, while I think that someone else would be happy to have it, and actually use it. Gangster with some gang perks, guns etc. will fit well for me right know if I want to RP a little. Furthermore I sort of received this CJ for free, so I believe it is rather nice and right to give it for free than selling it for money. Anyway after you win this custom job you can obviously do whatever you wish: keep it, gift it if you are generous or sell it straight away. In order to make this giveaway as fair as possible for everyone you can have only 1 entry which you get for free by leaving a comment on this topic or by pm-ing me on the forums/Discord (leaving a comment here and also pm-ing me wont give you 2 entries). So no, you can't get or buy more extra entries by giving in-game money, I used that option for my previous giveaway. After opting to join the giveaway I will PM you your entry number on the forums or Discord. Also for the giveaway to be totally free I will obviously pay the transfer fee! The registrations will be closed on March 30 and on March 31 the winner will be picked with random.org and announced. GOOD LUCK!!! CUSTOM JOB DETAILS: Weapons and Sweps: PKM, Climb Swep, Lockpick. Abilities: Raid, Take Hits, Raid PD, Mug, Act as Hobo and Weed. Link to the official Kratos page for more details: https://cloud-gaming.co.uk/forum/index.php?/topic/25502-new-offical-kratos-shop/
    26 points
  19. Missing M9K weapon sounds? Subscribe to this!: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=231961544 Welcome to The Guide to CloudGaming! Here you will be able to find all the links to support and guide sections! Feel free to stick around and discover our forums. If you are still having trouble, You can contact an ingame admin using @ infront of your chat message. You can access this page again using the !help command ingame. Welcome to the CloudGaming FAQ! Here you will see our most asked questions answered! Q: Do i need to advertise "Raid"? A: You don't need to advertise any criminal activities except for kidnapping. Q: I have a problem but there aren't any administrators responding/on duty! A: Don't worry, our staff is very busy at some times and can't always respond instantly. Just wait a few minutes and retry calling a staff member. If you still aren't getting a response and the matter is serious enough you can report it on our forums. Create an account and make a "Ban Request" here. Q: How do i cook meth? A: You can find a full guide on this on the "Making Money" guide. Q: I want to be a job but it says i'm in the wrong group! A: Some of our jobs require you to donate to the server. You can donate by clicking here. Q: How can i donate and what will i get for it? A: Like mentioned above, you can look at the benifites of donating and donate by clicking here. Q: Help! I'm getting an error while looking at a forum page! A: Most of our forum content requires you to create an account. Otherwise you will receive an error when trying to look at some of our threads. Q: I got banned! How can i fix this? A: Create an account on our forums and make a thread in the subforum "Ban Appeals". Make sure to use the template that can be found in the subforum!
    26 points
  20. Slayer

    Marine Giveaway!

    I've decided to give away 1 Marine Slot for the one Year anniversary of @Spoodermans Closed Shop. To enter the giveaway all you have to do is reply to this post. To make it as fair as I can you may only enter the Giveaway once, No Exceptions. The Giveaway ends in 3 Days. I will unvail the winner in CG Discord in unlimited voice channel at 7pm UK Time on Friday. Marine is a CP Custom Job that Acts like the Swat Sniper and follows the same rules, meaning that you are not forced to AOS people anymore and can KOS people instead. It comes with a fair amount of weapons, 150 Armour and with all the Sweps. More about what is has is below. What Marine Has: Weapons: HK 416,Vector, SPAS 12, Double Barrel, AI AW50, Winchester 1897, Ithaca, Dlore, PKM , Matador. SWEPS: Climb SWEP, 150 Armour, Arrest/Unarrest Baton, Battering Ram, Stun-stick, Weapon Checker, Shield, Magic Sword, Medkit, Camo Swep, Disguise Kit, BHOP Swep. Abilities: Act as Civil Protection, Act as S.W.A.T Sniper, Ability to build on the street.
    25 points
  21. Hello CG Members! It is not a secret most people believe Bitcoin Mining isn't very profitable and just not worth it. I have decided to spend my money on all types of bitcoin miners and check exact profit/revenue values so the community gets a clearer image of the Bitcoin system. Looking over my results, I find it a bit shocking of how different miners earn per minute. Maybe it is time to change some miners so the "time needed to get your initial investment back" is more realistic. But thats a possible future suggestion; for now, lets jump straight in. Currently, in CG, there are 3 types of Bitcoin Miners, the Bitminer S1, Bitminer S2 and the Bitminer Server which is connecting to the Bitminer Rack. The Bitminer Rack can hold up to 8 Servers. To start with, lets take a look at the initial investments needed for each miner: Bitminer S1 Bitminer S2 Bitminer Rack + 8 Servers Miner £5,000 £25,000 £50,000 each Upgrades £773,400 £773,400 about £550,000 Generator £6,000 £6,000 £6,000 Extras N/A N/A Bitminer Rack - £100,000 Total £784,400 £804,400 about £1,056,000 As we can see, the initial investment ranges between £780k to £1m. This range is quite small when you looking at the possible profit from each miner: Bitminer S1 Bitminer S2 Bitminer Rack + 8 Servers Every 1 minute £1,255.34 £1,880.50 £8,738.70 Every 10 minutes £12,553.37 £18.805.02 £87,387.00 Every 1 hour £75,320.22 £112,830.12 £524,322.00 Time needed to get back initial investment 10 hours 7 hours 2 hours From this table we can agree it definitely not worthy investing in the Bitminer S1 and the Bitminer S2, as most people will not base for 10+ or 7+ hours. However we can conclude that if you have a base, and planning to base for more than 2 hours, which is realistic sometimes, the Bitminer Rack, equipped with all 8 servers is a good investment. Whilst this table only shows one of each miner - you can own up to two of each. This doesn't change any estimates about time needed to see profit, as if you double the money making entity, and double the investment, the time needed would be the same. So realistically, in order to make money, you can buy and upgrade two Bitminer Racks, with 8 servers in each, making more than £1,000,000 every hour, simply by yourself! Like I mentioned, time needed to make profit wont change, however, the possible profit made after those 2 hours can be much bigger if you base with your friends/gang. If only 5 people spawn their two Bitminer Racks - You would make about £5,200,000 every hour (or about £866,666 every 10 minutes) and that's dope. So, in conclusion, Bitminers aren't that bad if you invest in them correctly and have at least 2 hours to dedicate. Should I make more of these guides for other money making entities? Let me know what you think! *Fuel intake per miner, per generator was not calculated in this guide and actual profit may vary based on the miner you are using and the fuel intake needed*
    25 points
  22. Deadlux

    Lux & Dandy's store!

    Bruce U: Current slots: 2 Playermodel: Male03 Owners: @Deadlux @Dandy Marine Slots: Basic description: Marine is a Civil Protection custom job that provides you a wide variety of weapons and sweps. Playermodel: css_riot Weapons: 1997 Winchester AW50 Ithacam37 Galil Vector M249 LMG Mustang and Sally Barret M82 Scar Remington870 AWP Dragon Lore HK 416 (NEW!) S&W Model 3 Russian Desert Eagle Sweps: Camo Disguise kit Climb Swep 2 Bhop Swep Medkit (HL2) Unarrest Stick Magic Sword Police Shield Special perks: 125 Armor - Ability to enforce the law - Verified - CP SWAT TREE Current slot owners: 43 Owners: @Deadlux @Dandy Price: £40 HOBO+ slot available for sale! Contact @Dandy for offers! Additional information: My in-game name is Lux and @Dandy's is Dandy. If interested, please contact me either on the forums or add me or Dandy on Discord: My Discord: Deadlux#3514 Dandy's Discord: Dandy#5931
    24 points
  23. Hairybeast

    Boney ownership

    That's what i paid for it...Take it or leave it. £50 ? I would pay £50 for you never to be able to inflict your opinion on me ever again
    24 points
  24. Toast

    Toast's Custom Job Store

    Buying IG Name: Toast/Toast No Sound Buying: CJ Ownership (Pref Empty CJ) Description: Looking to buy ownership of a preferably empty Custom Job. Looking to pay: Can be negotitated. Payment method(s): Paypal Only
    24 points
  25. Underground Predator Sweps: Camo Swep, disguise kit Abilities: 100 armour Price: £30 Payment method(s): PayPal only V Weapons: Vikhr, Winchester 73, G3A3 Sweps: Camo Swep, Climb Swep, Hackphone, Magic Sword Abilities: 100 armour Price: £55 (Limited Slots - Semi Private) Payment method(s): PayPal only Ace Weapons: Knife, Pancor, Ithaca, MP5SD, FB MSBS B, Sl8, Barrett, Tar21, Minigun, LSAT, M202 Sweps: Climb Swep, Hackphone, Camo, Unarrest, Lockpick, Keypad Cracker, BHOP Swep, Magic Sword Abilities: Grow Weed, Meth Cook' Equipment, DJ equipment, Raid Bank, Take Hits Price: £500 (Totally Private) Payment method(s): PayPal only Custom Job Weapons: Shadow Daggers, Ithacam37, Double Barrel, Jackhammer, Winchester 1887, MP5SD, SVU, SL8, Barrett, AK74, Famas, Ares Shrike, IED, Matador, F2000 Sweps: Climb Swep, Hackphone, Camo, Unarrest, Lockpick, Medkit, BHOP Swep, Magic Sword, Disguise, Hammer, Police Shield Abilities: Grow Weed, Meth Cook' Equipment, DJ equipment, Raid Bank, Take Hits Price: £45 Payment method(s): PayPal only Dippy Egg Ownership Major Ownership Underground Predator Ownership Emperor slot The Mercenary Ownership Ace Slots V Slots Alyx (CP) Slot Freaky Frank Slots Exile Slot Soldier Ownership/Slot Rebellion Slot Sprinter Slot Gman Slot All for sale for different prices DM me on discord.
    24 points
  26. IG Name: Spooderman Selling: Marine custom job slots Price: 40£ Payment methods: PayPal Only Other comments: For details/questions, message me here on the forums or on my discord Marine custom job Custom job ownership Full ownership by @Spooderman Description You can base in PD and build in streets You may enforce the law Weapons: HK 416, MP5SD, SPAS 12, Pancor Jackhammer, AI AW50, Winchester 1897, Ithaca, SVU, Vikhr, Matador. SWEPS: Climb SWEP, 150 Armour, Arrest/Unarrest Baton, Battering Ram, Stun-stick, Weapon Checker, Shield, Magic Sword, Medkit, Camo Swep, Disguise Kit, BHOP Swep. Abilities: Act as Civil Protection, Act as S.W.A.T Sniper, Ability to build on the street. Price 40£ © Template by Holm® All Rights Reserved.
    23 points
  27. Bonk

    Bonk's store

    In Game Name: Bonk Selling: Custom Jobs Payment Methods: Paypal Contact Discord: ogbonk Elite Guard Owner: @Bonk Description Comes with 1 unqiue/private weapon which in yellow Weapons P90, Honey Badger, Galil, MP9, M4A1 Beast SWEPS Police Shield - Disguise Kit. Abilities 100 Armor - Swat Skill Tree - Spawn Gun Dealer - Spawn Special arms Price: NFS Cyrax Owner: @Bonk Description Just a Cool Job Weapons wip SWEPS wip Abilities wip Price: NFS .NoGood Owner: @Leevi Description Comes with 1 unqiue/private weapon which in yellow best cj on the server no cap, big up mscd Weapons Crossbow, Galil, Ithaca, Crowbar, AK47, Scar, Val, M40A3, Fal SWEPS Bhop Swep - Climb Swep - Magic Sword - Lockpick - Medkit - Keypad Cracker - Camo - Disguise Kit. Abilities 100 Armor - Ability to Raid PD - Ability to Take Hits - Mug Price: NFS
    22 points
  28. Shook

    Slav King

    @Slav King is genuinely one of the nicest people I've ever met, never has a bad thing to say about anyone and is just a joy to be around. He also has a very good taste in food!
    22 points
  29. DC 

    The Elusive Mining Pete

    Yesterday, after my usual stint of inactivity, I came back to Cloud Gaming DarkRP to check out any new things that may be floating about - I see the mining system has had a complete overhaul (which looks great may I add) but I also notice there are new craftable things, most notably, Mr Mining Pete. His absurd pricing compared to the others caught my eye and I knew at that moment I would return to CG to claim my beloved from those treacherous mines. I am making this guide as to inform any fellow miners who dare to embark on this quest with me, how much time it shall take to acquire this glorious beast of a man. I have done some testing - I do have Level 10 mining and I mined as efficiently as I could (at this point there were only 3 miners including myself). I did 3 runs to time myself to get 100 bronze. I am calculating the time needed in terms of bronze due to it being the limiting factor of the ores, all the other ores have drop rates within proportion, as such once you reach 100,000 bronze as required you will have the required amount for the others aswell. Each of the 3 runs took just under 10 minutes to mine the 100 bronze. To keep this as a conservative estimate I will call this 10 minutes to get 100 bronze. This will equate to 10,000 minutes of constantly efficient mining: This is just under a week (6.944 days). Then, I acquired the mining skill to upgrade my rates of getting ores. As expected with the probability of double ores, this did cut my time by 1/3rd taking me 6.66mins to get the 100 bronze. Unfortunately, I did only test this one twice due to a pesky mutant but both times came out the same. This would then equate to 6666.66mins or 4.63 days of straight efficient mining. I hope they inspire the strong to join me and discourage the weak from ever attempting this mammoth task. Good luck soldiers - we will unlock the secrets of the elusive Mining Pete. Even if these numbers only prove how stupid I am.
    22 points
  30. 1. Clip: To put on or take of the supressor you need to press e+right click simultaneously or hold e and then right click. 2. Clip: To toggle a gun between Semi-Automatic and Automatic you need to press e+r simultaneously or hold e and then press r.
    22 points
  31. Sprickles

    Hobo+ Store

    Hobo+ Description: @Sprickles @Slav King - Weapons: AAC Honeybadger, Browning Auto, Elephant Gun (.950 JDJ) SWEPS: Keypad cracker, Hackphone, Half Life 2 Bugbait, Unarrest Baton Abilities: Can raid PD, Hits, Custom Spawnable Drugs Price: £150 © Template by Rica
    22 points
  32. OoO

    AFKing - A Better Way

    Preface: This guide may look long, but fear not, it is mainly images and detailed descriptions of steps for less advanced users AFKing on the server offers multiple benefits: helping our beloved community, earning us tokens, and allowing us to join Job Credit Raffles. With this guide you'll be able to reduce GMod to a simple text box, which will allow you to leave it running on your machine without impact on performance or without your fans keeping you up at night. (yes this is really what it looks like) Before starting this guide you may want to consider how you would like to apply this. You can run this on your main machine, it shouldn't impact your FPS in other games or make the fans act up at night, or you can run it on some crappy laptop you have laying around. Extra instructions for laptop users (whether as a main machine like me or as a dedicated AFKing machine) are at the end. Step 1 - Locating hl2.exe If you already know how to find Garry's Mod files on your PC skip this step. Go to your steam library, right click on Garry's Mod, and click Properties. Under "Local Files" you will see "Browse...", clicking that should open a File Explorer window in the GMod folder. You should be able to see a file called hl2.exe in this folder. This is the actual Garry's Mod app, you can launch GMod by double clicking on that file. Step 2 - Creating & Testing a Shortcut Windows not-11 Right-clicking on hl2.exe should prompt you to "Create shortcut" Windows 11 Right-clicking on hl2.exe then on "More Options" should open a menu where you can find "Create shortcut" To check if you've done everything right so far, you can try running(double-clicking) the shortcut, which should look like this: GMod should open up like usual, this means everything is going well so far. Step 3 - Editing the Shortcut If you right click on the shortcut, then click properties, a small window should pop up with multiple different tabs. Clicking on "Shortcut" you should be able to see the "Target" box with the path to your gmod file. We are now going to add modifiers after this path. Copy and past the following modifiers after the path you see: -64bit -textmode -single_core -nojoy -low -nosound -nod3d9ex -sw -noshader -noshaderapi -nopix -novid -nopreload -nopreloadmodels +connect s1.cloud-gaming.co.uk It should look something like this: Notice the space between .exe and -64bit, make sure it's there. These modifiers make it so the game will load in text-mode and using as few PC resources as possible, and will make this client load into CG automatically leaving your PC free to do other things. Step 4 - AFK Click on the shortcut you made, a lot of text will scroll past as GMod loads your addons and connects to CG, but soon enough you should only be seeing a few console messages every now and then. You are successfully connected to Cloud Gaming and AFKing on the server. It may use around 1gb of RAM but other than that should have minimal impact on CPU, and should not be using your GPU. If your wifi fails or you get disconnected or any other problems arise just close the app in the top right with X and open the shortcut again. Extra Step - Desktop Shortcut Instead of going to your GMod folder every time, you can move it to your desktop and have it as a button there: And/Or have it as a button on your taskbar: To have it on your desktop, simple right click on the shortcut you made, and click the scissors (Windows-11) or Cut (Windows-not11), then go to your desktop, right click your background and click on the clipboard (Windows-11) or paste (Windows-not11). To rename it, right-click the shortcut and click on the box with a text cursor (Windows-11) or rename (Windows-not11), you can then name it "GMod AFK" or whatever else you like. To have it on your taskbar, right click the shortcut, (in your gmod folder or on your desktop) and click on More Options then Pin to Taskbar (Windows-11) or Pin to Taskbar (Windows-not11) Extra Step - For Laptop Users While Desktop users can just unplug/turn off their monitors, we need to find a way to close our laptops without disconnecting us from the server. Open "Control Panel" (can be found by using the windows search bar), and search "power". You should see the following: Click on "Change what closing the lid does" and change it to the following: This allows you to close your laptop without disconnecting you from AFKing. Before leaving the laptop for long periods of time close whichever apps you don't need running (eg discord or chrome) and just shut the lid of the laptop. This will turn off the screen but leave you connected to CG. When you reopen the lid you should be right back where you left off. If you have any questions, concerns, or issues, leave them in the comments below so I or someone else can answer.
    21 points
  33. WsWinter

    WsWinter's Store

    Not Selling IG Name: (Baldy Slot) 『 · ――――――――――――――――――――― ◈ · ◈ ――――――――――――――――――――― · 』 Baldy Baldy is probably one of best Custom Jobs that exists, it contains all the entities that you need to make mone and all the abilities! Baldy is known for being the custom job with the biggest amount of weapons, it also contains a explosive weapon called the Mustang and Sally which is a dual beretta that shoots missiles! With his big shiny fat forehead you can blind any opponent during a raid he also has a brilliant mind. (quite literally) ♖ ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― ◈ · ◈ ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― ♖ SWEPs: Unarrest Baton, Climb Swep, weapon_medkit, Keypad Cracker, Camo, Fists, Bhop Swep, Magic Sword, Disguise Kit, Pickaxe, Pro Lockpick, Hack Phone. Weapons: Double Barrel, M60, M249, SVD Dragunov, Mustang and Sally (Explosive), Ithaca, M37, CSS Deagle, M14, HL2 Crossbow, Minigun, Damascus Sword, CSS AWP, AK-74, Vector, TMP, Mac10, MP9. Abilities: Rob bank, Mug, Kidnap, Hits, Guard, Meth, Weed, Armor charger, Moonshine, DJ Equipment, Special Arms Equipment. 100HP and 100 Armor. ♖ ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― ◈ · ◈ ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― ♖ £ 37.99 Payment method(s): PayPal Other comments: I will pay the fee. You can contact me on Discord (), or DM me in the forums. Keep in mind that I only accept payments that are in british pounds, even if you give me the equivalent amount in another currency. 『 · ―――――――――――――――――――――――― ◈ · ◈ ――――――――――――――――――――――― · 』
    21 points
  34. peepeepoopoofartpeepoo cstm jb Description: IM ONLY OWNER! MY NEW PRIVATE CJ Weapons: NONE Abilities: Soon maybe some need s0prrlrues to talk to R0ast Price: 10000 YEN or like 100quid paypal (Payment stricly set to buff balance) DM ME ON DISCORD: Slayer-#1342 PLANS: Weapons PKM, Double Barrel, Mustang & Sally, Ithaca M37, CSS Deagle, M14, HL2 Crossbow, Minigun, Damascus Sword, Barret M82, Mossberg 590, .357 Magnum, ACR, SCAR, MP9, F2000 Sweps Unarrest Baton, Climb Swep, weapon_medkit, Keypad Cracker, Camo, Fists, Bhop Swep, Magic Sword, Disguise Kit, Pickaxe, Pro Lockpick, Hack Phone Abilities Can Rob Bank, Can Mug, Can Kidnap, Can Take Hits, Can Be Hired As A Guard, Can do meth, Can grow weed, Can spawn armor charger, Can make moonshine, DJ Equipment, Special Arms Equipment, 100 armor
    21 points
  35. Hi, I wanted to share this trick that you will definitively need if you're a base builder. It's about the requirement that a base's entrance must be "2x2", and the way to check that is to ensure that two players must be able to fit in your base entrance side/side and infront/behind. However, if there's no second person available to check it for you, you can simply use this prop called " furniture_desk01a.mdl " It's width is about exactly the same minimum size of a 2x2 base entrance! I hope this guide will come to use for someone!
    21 points
  36. 15inb

    Auctioning a Shade Slot

    Just a PSA: The owner of this custom job has a long history of stripping customs jobs and shouldn't be trusted.
    21 points
  37. JonasRV

    Jonas' Store

    Nova Prospekt Co-Ownership Offer me for price I will pay fee for the transfer of the slot Description Follows the same rules as S.W.A.T Leader Weapons AK-74, Vihkr, Barret m82, Ithaca and spas 12 Sweps Climb, Stun stick, magic sword and disguise (Other than the usual CP stuff)
    21 points
  38. IG Name: OddityCoWs Selling: Cyrax custom job slots Price: £35 (Including Fee) Payment methods: PayPal Only Other comments: For details/questions, message me here on the forums or on my discord Mulla#9403 Cyrax Custom Job Ownership: Partnership between: @OddityCoWs @Craig Description: Established in 2015 Cyrax is considered an 'OG' Custom Job! The first CJ on the server to have the Double Barrel shotgun! It's being shown some love to be known as an updated Custom Job. If you are tired of the unnecessary 'bloating' that comes from other Custom Jobs then Cyrax will be the right job for you! The core idea behind this job is to keep the price low whilst providing a well-rounded, efficient CJ to players who are interested! Essentially "Gangster +"! You can raid and base with anyone You may not enforce the law Weapons: Ithaca M37, Double Barrel, USAS Shotgun *NEW*, Spas12, SL8 *NEW*, Famas *NEW*, Barret *NEW* SWEPS: Lockpick, Keypad Cracker, Hack Phone, Climb Swep, Camo Swep, Bhop Swep *NEW*, Unique Medkit *NEW*, Magic Sword, 100 Armour, Unarrest Baton *NEW* Abilities: Allowed to Kidnap, Can act as a hobo(Mic-Spamming Allowed) *RARE*, Can act as a guard, Build on the street, Raid PD, Raid Bank, Can mug for a maximum of 10k, Take hits *NEW*, Grow weed *NEW*, Buy "Meth Cook" Equipment, Spawn an armour charger *NEW* Future Plans: We want to keep this job from bloating and therefore at some point Cyrax will be considered fully updated and suited to players needs! However that being said we have some ideas in the works of things that will be added in the future! Weapons: Police Shield, MP7, Another rifle/sniper is being discussed (Suggestions welcome) Sweps: Disguise Kit Abilities: Moonshine Equipment, Bitcoin (For the meme), Special Arms Dealer, Ability to spawn DJ Equipment Price £35 (Including fee) *No Current Slots Available! PM Oddity/Craig for offers* © Template by Holm ® All Rights Reserved.
    21 points
  39. Xappan

    Nomad for CM

    Allright I do not know what is the usual method for this or where should I post it but since its mostly a recommendation I'm going to do it here. Since we had @Nomad on the staff team, at least as far as I've known him, he has always been very helpful to everyone who needed help, he is on the server for a ridicolous time every week. Apart from that I can always see him on the forums active, commenting on many post, and from personal experience I can tell if I have any doubt or problem I can go to him and get an answer in a short time. He cares about the staff team to the points where I can discuss my daily life with him and such. He is friendly, fair, and always willing to listen to peoples problems and questions. He is probably the most devoted member of the community I ever seen after Proxy, though I've known Proxy for a longer time. And this is where I come to the part I'm writing this thing at all. Namely: We need a new Community Manager. Apart from Nomad being the closest to it in rank with his Superadmin (Unless our lord Roast wana become a CM) he puts an insane ammount of time and energy into the servers and the community, he is truly someone you can go to if you have questions, problems, or you need things done. I truly believe that he is fully capable of handling the responsibilites of the rank and that he'd do a damn fine job. But of course this is my opinion only so I want to hear what others have to say about/think about him. I'm going to tag quite a lot of people, please those of you who can and want to share your opinion do so! @NightBlade@docge@Toast@Madninja44@kelloz@WarMachine@Deadlux@priorduck★@Leon Stark@Senaeth@Zecron@Dexter@Jerry@JimmyTortellini@OU Pals@Dandy@jacksolget@Lightnin9515@Zaadlob@Nukez@TheMadMin3r@Zoulou@Yuuki And of course if I didn't call your name (Mostly did staff and not all of them just whom I can remember fast) please feel free to add your POV too.
    21 points
  40. Paineddexth

    Soviet CJ Store

    ѕσνιєт Description: Owner(s): @Paineddexth The number of slots for this job will NOT be limited. Anything in Orange is exclusive to this job only, anything in Yellow is private on this job and others. My hope is to make this a fun custom job with thematic exclusive content only available to this job so it sticks out from the rest. Weapons: CSS AK47 - PPSH - AN-94 - S12 - SVT40 - PKM - AS Val - AK-47 - AMD 65 - SR-3M Vikhr - AK-47 Vulcan SWEPS: Disguise - Keypad cracker - Lockpick - Unarrest baton - Hammer - Hackphone - HL2 Medkit - Climb - BHop - MagicSword - Camo - Pickaxe Entities: Grow Weed - Armour Charger - Moonshine - DJ equipment - Cocaine Equipment Abilities: 100 Armour Complete hits - Raid Bank - Build on streets (act as hobo) - Mug - Kidnap - Act as Guard - Ability to spawn Gun Dealer weapons - Ability to spawn Special Arms Dealer weapons You can base and raid with anyone and you cannot enforce the law. Is Verified. Price: £35 (PAYPAL Only) Message Panda#6536 for more info © Template by Rica 2021 ®
    20 points
  41. Rebellion is a server official custom job, this means it can never be stripped. It has rare changes but keeps up with the meta. This is a safe and stable custom job. You can still trade your slot with other players. Go in game and type !jobs to view Rebellion.
    20 points
  42. Holm

    Holm's Store - Sold out

    Store updated! @Baumann is now a co-owner! Blaze custom job will have more updates soon! ⚒️
    20 points
  43. roast

    Custom job updates

    Custom job updates complete 11/07/2020 sorry for the delay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! x2
    20 points
  44. This guide should go over the basics of everything you'll need for DarkRP. Please note not everything in this post will 100% be made by me. I will post other guides if there is already a guide over it. Table of contents To find what you're looking for press f3 (A little search box should pop up in the top right) then search what you need that is listed below. Getting Started CSS Textures Downloading the addons The rules Setting up a base DarkRP Basics Fading doors Advanced Duplicator Skills Gambling Flips Jackpot Token flips Spins Civil Protection Arresting Raiding Mayor Criminal Weed Moonshine Thief Meth cook Mugging Citizens Bitcoin Miner Gun dealer/Special arms dealer Miner Conclusion Overview Getting Started CSS Textures When you first download Garry's mod you might have a shit ton of errors. You can either buy(If you don't already have it) CSS or you can download the textures offline. A guide can be found here if you do not know how to get CSS textures installed, and here is another one if you like some visuals After you do this you should have your textures. Downloading the addons All you have to download the addons is make sure you have downloads turned on in your settings which can be found in the 'Other' section in your options make sure it's set to 'Allow all custom files from server' if you have errors after loading in restart your game and retry. DarkRP Basics Now that you have your textures lets go over some of the basics. The rules: I know this one is pretty obvious but yet we still get new players who don't know the rules. They can be found here. Just give them a quick read (It won't take very long) and if you're ever confused just give them a quick reread. Setting up a base: A guide on making bases can be found here or here Setting up a base is very easy. First, go a job that can base (Thief, gangster, parkour etc.) then find a place that you want to base (This place must have an ownable door). Buy the doors by either pressing f2 on the door or taking out keys and press right clicking. To lock a door left click with keys, to unlock right click with keys. After you own the doors you can get to building the actual base. First, you want to put a building sign (This ensures you won't be raided). Make sure not to spawn any money making entities with a building sign up (It's a rule break) After, you set up your building sign you can set up a little defense inside the base. Fading doors: Here is a little guide on making fading doors (Might be a little old but is still helpful). Just make sure to set the hold length on the keypad to 0 (It will automatically set it to 4 seconds for you) Advanced duplicator: Now that you made your base you can save it. First you want to make sure everything is welded together (Either precision weld or normal weld works) Then, right click on any prop with Advanced Duplicator 2 tool and it should copy everything (As long as it's all welded) After that go into the Q menu and press Advanced Duplicator 2 and right click on a folder to the right Then, press save, name the file, then press the little blue save icon that looks like this. Now that you have this dupe all you have to do to spawn it when you want is go into the Q menu, look in the folder you save the dupe in, right click it, press open, then make the sure you have the box that say 'Paste at original position' checked (It should be found under where you have all your dupes). Skills: When you join the server you are able to complete many challenges in order to buy skills You can access the menu by typing !skills then access the challenges by pressing challenges in the top right. Note: You can only earn 440 skill points from the challenges and every skill adds up to 1,950 in total. So spend your skill points wisely and don't buy something that you'll regret in the future. Gambling This can either be a very good way of making money or be a very good way at losing all your money. Flips: When you join the server you access to !flips. You can either join the flip or you can make your own. You have a 50/50 chance to either the double the money or lose it all. Jackpot: For jackpot you must enter a minimum of 25,000. Once the first person puts money in the jackpot will be drawn in 2.5 minutes. The more money you put in the higher the chances of you winning the jackpot. Token flips: If you type !store then go to the 'Games' section you can find 'Versus' you can either put in the amount of tokens you want to gamble or you can enter one that was already made by another player. This is the same concept as normal flips. 50% chance to either double those tokens or lose them. Spins: If you type !spins you can enter any amount of money you want then you pick a color (Obviously you have less of a chance of winning the x14), but be cautious as there's a 'Nothing' option in the spin. So there is a chance you will lose all the money you put in. Civil Protection As a civil protection you are the protectors of the city. You uphold the law. Arresting: As a SWAT you get a shield, it can be easier to arrest someone if you hit them with the shield first then hitting them with arrest baton as the shield will stun them for a second or two and they can't run away. But, be careful as you must give a 10 second warning before arresting and MUST attempt to arrest before killing unless they are an active threat to another CP/Civilian. Raiding: Before conducting a raid make sure you have a warrant. You can get a warrant by typing /warrant Name/SteamID reason. If you do not get a warrant then it is a rulebreak to raid the base. You are also only allowed to raid with other CP. To open a door/fading door take out your battering ram, right click to ready the ram, then left click to batter the door. Please note: The battering ram does have a cooldown and you can't just instantly open every door. Mayor: As a mayor you are the leader of town, you command all the CPs and you make the laws. To add a law type /addlaw LAW To remove a law type /removelaw LAW # To reset all the laws to the default type /resetlaws As a mayor you are able to start lotteries to start one type /lottery #### (Note: the max lottery is 5,000 unless you buy a skill to it to 25,000) To set the agenda type /agenda (What you want added) To add another row to the agenda type /addagenda (What you want added) If you want to clear the agenda type /agenda Criminal For money making as a criminal there are multiple routes you can take. Weed: To grow weed go gangster. Then buy a weed pot (Or 2) then buy a seed (Or 2) and combine a seed with a pot. ] Wait 10 minutes for the weed to finish growing. After, it finished growing press on the pot (It'll say Ready to harvest) then press e on the bag of weed that drops out. You then want to take the weed to Gazza (Who is in industrial; You should get a waypoint on your screen) After you sell the weed you will automatically be wanted by the police so be careful to avoid the cops. Moonshine: Go moonshine brewer, buy a moonshine brewer, then buy alcohol and dank juice and put both of them into the brewer. Wait for it to finish then press E on the bottle to get 10,000. Thief: You can either print in your base or you can go out and raid. It's up to you. Meth cook: Meth cook can be a very good way to make money but can be very time consuming as you have to be constantly doing stuff pretty much the whole time. Here is a little guide on making meth. Mugging: If you're a gangster you must have at least 2 people in order to mug someone. If you are another job that has the ability to mug you may mug by yourself. To mug just find your victim then pull your gun or any other weapon you want to use then you want to either say in VC, /y or local chat "Mug drop 10k or die" Note: 10,000 is you max amount you can mug for. Citizens Civilians also have ways of making money, this isn't just limited to just criminals. Bitcoin miner: Being a bitcoin miner although takes a while to make your money back and you need quite a bit of money just to start after a while it is a good way to make money. First spawn what you want to use. Example: Bitminer S2 Then you want to spawn a generator and a power lead. Take the lead and plug it into the bitminer server and then the generator. Then press E on the Bitminer S2 and type Mining start Every so often you'll have to refuel your generator, you can do so by buying fuel. You can also bind buying generator by typing in console bind key "say /buybitminerfuel" Obviously change 'key' with the key you want to bind it to. Gun dealer/Special arms dealer: As a gun dealer you can sell many guns to other people, but as special arms dealer you can sell special weapons, such as RPGs, Grenades, bigger guns, etc. Just setup a little shop then whenever someone comes in to buy a gun ask them what they want and if they want a single or a shipment. If they do, tell them a price (You can chose, but don't make it too high because then they won't want to buy it). After they give you the money you buy what they requested and give it to them. Miner: Go to the mine (You should get a waypoint on your screen once you change jobs) then got destroy some rocks to sell or craft stuff you can either type !mining or you can find Gertrude, the mining NPC, you can also upgrade your pickaxe in this menu to speed up how fast you can mine rocks. Mining statistics: Ore Values: Bronze: 500 Silver: 900 Gold: 1,900 Platinum: 8,500 Ore Chances: Bronze: 50% Silver: 30% Gold: 15% Platinum: 5% Conclusion Overview: Not every single little thing on the server will be on here, if you want something added please ask in the comments below. Here are a few guides that are featured https://cloud-gaming.co.uk/forum/index.php?/topic/15584-help/
    20 points
  45. Oaky

    Command list.

    This is a guide including various useful commands for things like ammuntion and jobs, it does not include everything as there is litterally no use of having 3 ways to change your name in this list. Custom Jobs: The Good: The Bad: Citizens: Ammo: Job Entites: Door Commands: Mayor Commands: CP Commands: Other Commands: Money Commands: Inventory Commands:
    20 points
  46. Policing: an in depth guide for beginners An introduction to Police RP So you wish to RP as a Police Officer? This extensive guide should give you a solid foundation to base all future police roleplay on the server. I will be basing this on British Policing due to knowing more about the subject than our US counterparts. Useful Binds/Commands /Warrant [Name] [Reason] /Wanted [Name] [Reason] !PO (this will give you the prop owners name) [For Police] /Job Police Officer [For Chief of Police] /Job Chief Officer [For S.W.A.T] /Job SCO19 AFO/SFO/CTSFO (AFO = Authorised Firearms Officer, SFO = Specialist Firearms Officer, CTSFO = Counter-Terrorist Specialist Firearms Officer) [For S.W.A.T Medic] /Job SCO19 Paramedic [For S.W.A.T Sniper] /Job SCO19 SRO (Specialist Rifle Officer) [For S.W.A.T Leader] /Job SCO19 Chalk Leader [For Secret Service] /Job SCO19 Close Protection [For Chief of Police w/ no Mayor] /Givelicense bind "[insert key]" "say /Advert Need Police assistance? call 999 by /cr [location] [emergency] 'UK Police Service, building a better community'" bind "[insert key]" "say /Advert There is currently a police cordon, anyone passing the barriers may be subjected to arrest" bind "[insert key]" "say /Advert There is currently a lockdown, anyone on the street can be subjected to arrest for their own safety" bind "[insert key]" "say /Advert Anyone deemed a threat to the mayor may be injured or killed by the protection detail" bind "[insert key]" "say /Advert Location sir?" bind "[insert key]" "say /Advert En-route, remain calm and await for police to arrive" bind "[insert key]" "say /Me Notes on notepad" bind "[insert key]" "say /Me Shows Police Warrant card: [Insert Name]: [*Police, Detective] [**Constable, Agent, Inspector, Superintendent] : Warrant number [***######] *Pick a position of the 2 listed **Pick a rank of the UK Police, a few listed here *** Pick 2 capital letters and 4 numbers in any order bind "[insert key]" "say /Y My name is [Insert Rank and Name], attached to Cloud Gaming Police Station" The Basics of Policing Before we begin we need to understand to understand the basic role of a Police Officer. On the surface a Police Officers role is to do as the mayor tells you to and enforce the law however from an RP perspective there is much more to the story. If you are to truly get into the spirit of Police RP your role should be to adhere to the Peelian Principles; the foundations of policing. They are as follows: To prevent crime and disorder, as an alternative to their repression by military force and severity of legal punishment. To recognise always that the power of the police to fulfil their functions and duties is dependent on public approval of their existence, actions and behaviour, and on their ability to secure and maintain public respect. To recognise always that to secure and maintain the respect and approval of the public means also the securing of the willing co-operation of the public in the task of securing observance of laws. To recognise always that the extent to which the co-operation of the public can be secured diminishes proportionately the necessity of the use of physical force and compulsion for achieving police objectives. To seek and preserve public favour, not by pandering to public opinion, but by constantly demonstrating absolutely impartial service to law, in complete independence of policy, and without regard to the justice or injustice of the substance of individual laws, by ready offering of individual service and friendship to all members of the public without regard to their wealth or social standing, by ready exercise of courtesy and friendly good humour, and by ready offering of individual sacrifice in protecting and preserving life. To use physical force only when the exercise of persuasion, advice and warning is found to be insufficient to obtain public co-operation to an extent necessary to secure observance of law or to restore order, and to use only the minimum degree of physical force which is necessary on any particular occasion for achieving a police objective. To maintain at all times a relationship with the public that gives reality to the historic tradition that the police are the public and that the public are the police, the police being only members of the public who are paid to give full-time attention to duties which are incumbent on every citizen in the interests of community welfare and existence. To recognise always the need for strict adherence to police-executive functions, and to refrain from even seeming to usurp the powers of the judiciary, of avenging individuals or the State, and of authoritatively judging guilt and punishing the guilty. To recognise always that the test of police efficiency is the absence of crime and disorder, and not the visible evidence of police action in dealing with them. Those principles are the very essence of policing itself and if nothing else is taken away, allow those principles to make the foundation of your Police RP experience for your fun and enjoyment and other peoples. Powers of Policing Powers of Arrest As a Police Officer while roleplaying, no matter your particular role you must understand the powers you have at your disposal, for this you must first understand the Powers of arrest and grounds for an arrest. The obvious time to use your power of arrest goes without saying, though I will say it anyway, is when an offense is taking place, the second one however is rarley disused, this is to arrest for preventative measures, let us take a look at preventative measure by analyzing one of the laws. Let us start with the 3 default laws, more specifically law number one: You cannot attack civilians other than in self defense (paraphrasing.) As a Police RPer it is your duty to prevent people from breaking this rule. A big rule of Policing is that it is better to prevent things from happening rather than responding to them as it happens; in other words you must deter people from committing the offense in the first place. To prevent this from happening you can take several measure to prevent this, but you have to risk asses: Are they likely to commit the offence? Do they present an immediate danger? Is the the danger to the public? Is there a danger to yourself? This is three areas to consider on a basic level. An example would be you overhear a Hitman asking people to place hits on people. Under the 4 rules you can risk asses the situation: Are they likely to commit the offence/are they committing an offense? Yes, they have offered to break law 1 in exchange for money as an illegal service. Do they present an immediate danger? Yes, if they are offering to kill someone for money the likely have the means to do so e.g. A lethal weapon Is the the danger to others? Yes, their target could potentially be a member of the public, a member of Law Enforcement or a member of Government, to which they could also collaterally injured a passer by. Is there a danger to yourself? Yes, if they have the ability to injure or kill someone else they have the ability to injure or kill you. If you can answer yes three or more of those questions you have reasonable grounds for an arrest based on law 1. Not happy enough with just that list? Want something more realistic? For those of you who like RP to the more extreme end I am happy to tell you that under The Police and Criminal Evidence act 1984 section 24 there is more grounds for an arrest based on preventative measures. I have edited number 2 and 5 to be more in keeping with the rules. The list is as followed: Preventative Measures (Police and Criminal Evidence act 1984) You have reasonable grounds for an arrest if: - The person may cause injury to self or others - The person is suffering from self inflicted injury - The person is causing damage to property - The person is offending public decency - The person is causing obstruction NOTE: This has been edited for use in DarkRP Stop and Search The ability to perform stop and search is one of the most useful powers a Police RPer has at their disposal. The primary purpose of stop and search powers is to enable officers to allay or confirm suspicions about individuals without excising their power of arrest. It is often debated as what consists of reasonable grounds, the official line is that an officer my perform a stop and search if they have reasonable grounds to suspect an offense is taking place, however this is a bit vague in terms of description and it is on the onus of the officer to decide what counts as reasonable grounds. When doing so try to use common sense, some examples of when a stop and search would be acceptable would be: - A group of masked men are standing outside a house that isn't theirs - There has been a report of robbery's in the area and a masked man runs into a shop - You get a report of an offender who used a handgun to rob a shop in your area and a person matching their description walks past - You have the name of someone who might be carrying something illegal and you see that person - A masked man approaches the mayor while being aggresive Again this is just a limited example, but this would be just some of the common sense rules to go off. When searching someone you must always tell them Your name The grounds for the search, What prompted you to search him e.g. matching description of an offender The objective for the search, What you are searching for Those three things are a persons legal right to privacy and should be adhered to for correct Police roleplay. Again if this is too basic for you we can adapt and use the real UK police protocol to conduct a search correctly; Remember always search W.I.S.E.L.Y: -Warrant Card, present your warrant card to the individual. -Identity, state your identity clearly to the person being searched (Bind above for none microphone users.) -Station, state the station you are attached to (in this case is Cloud Gaming Police Station.) -Entitlement, inform the individual he has an entitlement to a search record or to complain to the government if the search is not conducted correctly or to legal standards. -Legal power used, inform the individual the law used to search them (Police and Criminal Evidence act Section 1/Mayors law if applicable) grounds for the search and the objective of the search. -You are detained for the purpose of this search. NOTE: This has been edited for use in DarkRP. Use of Force Criminal law act 1967 "A person may use such force as is reasonable in the circumstance in the prevention of crime." That is the guideline given by UK legislation and is pretty effective to convert into a roleplay element. Force should be used in an appropriate setting where necessary. Your number one objective should be to protect the life of the general public, secondary should be to protect your own. less-than-lethal force There are several circumstances where it would be appropriate to use less-than-lethal force, an example of reasons are the following: A person is causing obstruction, if you are able to move him without an arrest it is advisable to do so. To enforce a Police cordon, this will be disused further, however if you can get them out of the cordon area without an arrest, do so. To deter an approach, if you are guarding an individual or an area you may use less-than-lethal force to deter their approach to area/person In response to invasion of personal space, if someone is entering your personal space and reaction gap you may use less-than-lethal force to move them back Again with use of less than lethal force use common sense, if it is uneeded to use less than lethal force then do not use it, if it risks escalating the situation then do not use it. If you find that the situation naturally escalates then refer to my next guideline. Lethal Force Use of lethal force is quite simple, you may use lethal force if you believe there is a danger to life, be it your own or others. Lethal force is quite simple to asses, you can use the Yes, Maybe, No. We can categorize what situations fit into where. Yes - The suspect is confirmed to have a lethal weapon on him and is failing to comply with instructions given/is actively committing an offense. Maybe - The suspect is fleeing from a scene/matches the description of an armed suspect and is failing to comply with a stop and search or instructions and it is unknown if they are armed. No - The suspect is known not to have a weapon on him or the suspect is following instructions even if armed. An office is authorized to shoot if the answer is yes or maybe, if the answer it maybe it is advised the officer uses discretion before opening fire on the suspect an either give time for the suspect to comply with instructions or change the maybe from a yes. If you reasonably believe the suspect has potential to cause injury or kill you or others you may use lethal force in defense of yourself or the general public. Police Cordon The police cordon is a simple but effective measure of containing incidents/suspects, but it is also useful for preventing the general public from interfering with Police operations, hindering police progress or potentially getting injured or killed. A police cordon should: - Contain the suspects - Block of the area of Police operation to the general public - Be enough distance away from the operation area so as to prevent injury to members of the public - Prevent members of the public/suspects observing police movements to prevent potential spotting and information leaks - Be clearly visable - Be manned by regular Police Officers while S.W.A.T Conduct the operation - Be split into an outer and inner cordon A cordon will make Police operations that much easier to conduct as it will prevent civilians from interfering, will prevent attack from outside elements or at least give the operational officers enough warning to react to it, and will prevent innocent people from being injured by potential spray bullets. When manning a cordon it is important you split into 2 groups: Cordon Officers, who's responsibility is to man to cordon and prevent people entering the cordon area Operation Officers, who;s responsibility is to conduct the raid/operation inside the cordon area The operational officers will likely already know their goal as it will more than likely be a raid or other area operation, so it is important the Cordon Officers know what is expected of them. The Cordon Officer job will likely be undertake by Police, with occasional S.W.A.T support with rot shield, due to not being correctly equipped for hard entry raid scenarios. When manning the cordon there are 3 golden rules to follow: Under no circumstance can any none Law Enforcement enter the operation area Do not allow bystanders to get to much information from observation Do not allow bystanders to get to much information out of you Number 1 is a given, however number 2 and 3 are often overlooked but are just as important the sort of information they are able to observe is police positions, weapons, numbers etc. This is highly useful information for any defender to have and you do not know who is passing this information to the defenders, so don't let them get it. As for information they could get out of you this could be tactics you are discussing e.g. "we'll drop the ransomed money and arrest him when he comes out to collect it" or "We will send in a medic to check the hostage who will secretly give the hostage a gun." Even telling people what exactly you are hoping to get inside a base will give any defender knowledge on what he needs to hide or destroy to cover up their offence and avoid arrest. Think before you talk and if anyone asks just inform them that there is a Police operation underway. With cordon officers, assuming there is enough of you, you can be split down even further into 3 roles each with their own responsibility: - Defender. The job of a defender is to be stationed on the cordon and stay there despite what might be going on outside the cordon, it is your job to make sure no one gets past and follow the 3 golden rules - Chaser. They will be stationed on the cordon but will leave the cordon in the event that someone attempts to bait the police or a criminal offense is taking place in view outside of the cordon, your job will to be to arrest the defender or otherwise chase them as far away as to not present danger or obstruction to the operation - Cordon Manager. Your job will to be to ensure all others are performing their role, you will be responsible for liaising with the operational officers to find out how far the operation is into it's time and how long it will be until the operation officers exit the building after all suspects are eliminated or detained, you will also be praising you officers and helping when they are a man short due to a chaser performing his name sake. This job should be done by the Chief of Police. Finally it is important to know when to use a cordon, there is no one answer for this but again, use common sense. A list of examples are as followed: Building raid The Bank/PD is being raided Extended operations in an area Hostage situation There is a danger to those inside an area There is a danger to those who enter an area Again there is no one rule but use common sense and use the guidelines to do so effectively. Always assume you will never have enough officers to man a full cordon and prioritize as best you can based on potential threat to you and your operation. Job Roles Police Officer The Role As a Police Officer you are responsible for the day to day operations of the Police. This can be anything from a solo foot patrol, door to door questioning or manning a cordon. As a Police Officer your role is adaptable and diverse and you could go from investigating reports of Underground Mutants attacking Miners one moment, perusing a money thief another and securing the area and checking people for concealed weapons during the mayors speech the next. You will leave most of heavy duty jobs to the S.W.A.T as they are more equipped to deal with dangerous situations, though you may find yourself exchanging fire from time to time. Main Responsibilities You will mainly find yourself: Patrolling Solo First Responder Manning Cordons Performing stop and search Questioning people Checking Gun licenses Working with local community members and leaders Talking to people Investigating Conduct property searches Enforcing Lockdowns Qualities of a Police Officer Friendly Well mannered Fluent in English Good at communicating Co-operative Patient Independent/resourceful thinker good memory Able to follow instructions Good judgment Cool Headed Most useful commands/binds /Warrant [Name] [Reason] /Wanted [Name] [Reason] /Job Police Officer bind "[insert key]" "say /Advert Need Police assistance? call 999 by /cr [location] [emergency] 'UK Police Service, building a better community'" bind "[insert key]" "say /Advert There is currently a police cordon, anyone passing the barriers may be subjected to arrest" bind "[insert key]" "say /Advert There is currently a lockdown, anyone on the street can be subjected to arrest for their own safety" bind "[insert key]" "say /Advert Location sir?" bind "[insert key]" "say /Advert En-route, remain calm and await for police to arrive" bind "[insert key]" "say /Me Notes on notepad" bind "[insert key]" "say /Y My name is [Insert Rank and Name], attached to Cloud Gaming Police Station" bind "[insert key]" "say /Me Shows Police Warrant card: [Insert Name]: [*Police, Detective] [**Constable, Agent, Inspector, Superintendent] : Warrant number [***######] *Pick a position of the 2 listed **Pick a rank of the UK Police, a few listed here *** Pick 2 capital letters and 4 numbers in any order Chief of Police The Role You are the person in charge of running the entire Police Service besides the mayor. it is your job to ensure that Police/S.W.A.T Perform to the highest standards and deal with any issues that arise internally within the service you will liaise with the mayor to conduct operations and crime preventing strategies and work with the S.W.A.T Leader to execute them. You will be the main man on the ground running the show as well as performing regular police duties when and if needed Main Responsibilities You will mainly find yourself: Liaising with the mayor Instructing the Police Service Managing operations Communicating directly with community leaders performing solo and group patrols managing groups of officers ensuring discipline within the force setting up meetings Qualities of Chief of Police Good leadership skills Good communication skills Fluent in English Have good management skills Be firm Be dsciplined Good strategic thinker Be able to take a step back Good observation skills Good assessment skills Cool Headed Most useful commands/binds /Warrant [Name] [Reason] /Wanted [Name] [Reason] /Job Chief Officer /Givelicense bind "[insert key]" "say /Advert Need Police assistance? call 999 by /cr [location] [emergency] 'UK Police Service, building a better community'" bind "[insert key]" "say /Advert There is currently a police cordon, anyone passing the barriers may be subjected to arrest" bind "[insert key]" "say /Advert There is currently a lockdown, anyone on the street can be subjected to arrest for their own safety" bind "[insert key]" "say /Advert Location sir?" bind "[insert key]" "say /Advert En-route, remain calm and await for police to arrive" bind "[insert key]" "say /Me Notes on notepad" bind "[insert key]" "say /Y My name is [Insert Rank and Name], attached to Cloud Gaming Police Station" bind "[insert key]" "say /Me Shows Police Warrant card: [Insert Name]: [*Police, Detective] [**Constable, Agent, Inspector, Superintendent] : Warrant number [***######] *Pick a position of the 2 listed **Pick a rank of the UK Police, a few listed here *** Pick 2 capital letters and 4 numbers in any order S.W.A.T The Role Special Weapons And Tactics or S.W.A.T for short is a more specialized role within the Police Service, you will find yourself dealing with dangerous offenders often in tough combat situations, it is your job to use lethal force if necessary and being equipped for the job you will be more often than not dealing with combat situations while leaving the more passive elements to the regular officer, because of this you will find yourself not relying on your ability to think, more on your ability to react to a situation in a high stress environment. Main Responsibilities You will mainly find yourself: Patrolling as part of a chalk (small group) Responding to dangerous situations Conducting property raids Dealing with armed suspects Dealing with armed robbery Conducting counter terror operations Conducting counter organised crime operations Responding as back up Enforcing lockdowns Qualities of S.W.A.T Team worker Focused Able to make quick decisions Firm Good communication skills a microphone Quick reacting Able to take orders Fluent in English Able to follow instructions Accurate Aggressive Most useful commands/binds /Job SCO19 AFO/SFO/CTSFO /Warrant [Name] [Reason] /Wanted [Name] [Reason] !PO bind "[insert key]" "say /Advert There is currently a police cordon, anyone passing the barriers may be subjected to arrest" bind "[insert key]" "say /Advert There is currently a lockdown, anyone on the street can be subjected to arrest for their own safety" bind "[insert key]" "say /Advert Location sir?" bind "[insert key]" "say /Advert En-route, remain calm and await for police to arrive" S.W.A.T Medic The Role As a S.W.A.T Medic you will find yourself more often than not performing first aid. You will be doing regular S.WA.T duties and often attached to a unit, however your role will be slightly different and it usualy requires you to take a step back take on a supporting role. You will be essential on scene to checking a hostages health, or healing your squad mates during a raid. You are the lifeline of the team and your actions can determine success or failure of the mission. Main Responsibilities You will mainly find yourself: Patrolling as part of a chalk (small group) Responding to dangerous situations Conducting property raids Setting up triage Healing wounded inocents Liaising with hostages Healing squadmates Securing the cordon area Providing the mayor with additional support Able to follow instructions Qualities of S.W.A.T Medic Team worker Focused Able to make quick descions Firm Good communication skills a microphone Quick reacting Able to take orders Fluent in English Able to take on a supportive role Likes medical RP (using /Me) Most useful commands/binds /Job SCO19 Paramedic /Warrant [Name] [Reason] /Wanted [Name] [Reason] !PO bind "[insert key]" "say /Advert There is currently a police cordon, anyone passing the barriers may be subjected to arrest" bind "[insert key]" "say /Advert There is currently a lockdown, anyone on the street can be subjected to arrest for their own safety" bind "[insert key]" "say /Advert Location sir?" bind "[insert key]" "say /Advert En-route, remain calm and await for police to arrive" bind "[insert key]" "say /Me Notes on notepad" S.W.A.T Sniper The Role A highly specialized job for a highly specialized person. You will be responsible for missions that a regular S.W.A.T officer is not suited for. You could find yourself providing overwatch, performing reconnaissance or taking the shot that kills the hostage taker and saves the Hostage. if the S.W.A.T are the hammer, you are the nail, precision is you tool, patience is your weapon. Main Responsibilities You will mainly find yourself: Working as a two man sniper team Providing operational overwatch Providing overwatch on mainstreet Performing reconnaissance on bases or during operations Undertaking specialized missions Providing overwatch on PD Qualities of S.W.A.T Sniper Patient Calm Cool Headed Indipendant worker Good communication skills Quick reactor Able to use own initiative Good judgment Acurate Precise Most useful commands/binds /Job SCO19 SRO /Wanted [Name] [Reason] bind "[insert key]" "say /Advert There is currently a police cordon, anyone passing the barriers may be subjected to arrest" bind "[insert key]" "say /Advert There is currently a lockdown, anyone on the street can be subjected to arrest for their own safety" bind "[insert key]" "say /Advert Location sir?" bind "[insert key]" "say /Advert En-route, remain calm and await for police to arrive" bind "[insert key]" "say /Me Notes on notepad" S.W.A.T Leader The Role You are the lifeblood of the S.W.A.T. It is your job to direct them during operations, making sure the follow instructions clearly and to the letter, to ensure safety and swift operation. You will need to be able to adapt quickly and take down any threat equally as quickly, there will always be something ahead of you and rapid reaction in a stressful situation will be required and expected of you. Main Responsibilities You will mainly find yourself: Leading S.W.A.T during operations Directing operations Liaising with the Chief of Police and Mayor Ensuring S.W.A.T behave in an appropriate Planning operations Regular S.WA.T Duties Qualities of S.W.A.T Leader Good leadership skills Have a mic Good communication skills Fluent in English Have good directing skills Be firm Be dsciplined Good tactical thinker Good observation skills Good assessment skills Cool Headed Most useful commands/binds /Warrant [Name] [Reason] /Wanted [Name] [Reason] /Job SCO19 Chalk Leader bind "[insert key]" "say /Advert Need Police assistance? call 999 by /cr [location] [emergency] 'UK Police Service, building a better community'" bind "[insert key]" "say /Advert There is currently a police cordon, anyone passing the barriers may be subjected to arrest" bind "[insert key]" "say /Advert There is currently a lockdown, anyone on the street can be subjected to arrest for their own safety" bind "[insert key]" "say /Advert Location sir?" bind "[insert key]" "say /Advert En-route, remain calm and await for police to arrive" bind "[insert key]" "say /Me Notes on notepad" bind "[insert key]" "say /Y My name is [Insert Rank and Name], attached to Cloud Gaming Police Station" bind "[insert key]" "say /Me Shows Police Warrant card: [Insert Name]: [*Police, Detective] [**Constable, Agent, Inspector, Superintendent] : Warrant number [***######] *Pick a position of the 2 listed **Pick a rank of the UK Police, a few listed here *** Pick 2 capital letters and 4 numbers in any order Secret Service The Role You have a highly specialized and easy sounding job, defend the mayor at all costs. While It may sound simple and straight forward it is not, you are in charge of every aspect of his security up to and including who is allowed within his personal space. You need to be ready for anything and everything, expect the unexpected, one second you could be dealing with annoying but harmless mutant rights activists, the next you could be shield the mayor from AK74 fire from the shitville separatist movement. Always be on guard, always be prepared. Main Responsibilities You will mainly find yourself: Guarding the Mayor Guarding the PD Engaging in firefights Building defenses in the PD Escorting the Mayor and other V.I.P's through town Risk assessing threats Qualities of Secret Service Quick reactoing Authortarian Firm Agressive Good at risk assesing Good Judgment Accurate Defensive Good defense builder Most useful commands/binds /Job SCO19 Close Protection bind "[insert key]" "say /Advert There is currently a lockdown, anyone on the street can be subjected to arrest for their own safety" bind "[insert key]" "say /Advert Anyone deemed a threat to the mayor may be injured or killed by the protection detail" bind "[insert key]" "say /Advert Location sir?" bind "[insert key]" "say /Me Notes on notepad" bind "[insert key]" "say /Me Shows Police Warrant card: [Insert Name]: [*Police, Detective] [**Constable, Agent, Inspector, Superintendent] : Warrant number [***######] *Pick a position of the 2 listed **Pick a rank of the UK Police, a few listed here *** Pick 2 capital letters and 4 numbers in any order Why PoliceRP? I find that there seems to be a lack of competent RP in all areas, not just policing, but the lack of RP in policing is most noticeable and important. If all Police Officers were to put in more effort while RPing it would be an overall more enjoyable experience for everyone, not only cutting on admin time having to deal with constant calls of RDM and FailRP. I'm not suggesting for a moment to turn this into a serious RP server as the exaggerate aspects are what I enjoy about DarkRP, I am just suggesting we do not shun the importance of role play, more specifically performing our role to one side for enjoyment. I do hope this guide has at very least gives enough detail and helps give some people guidance as to how to play the Police Service better and enhance their own and everyone else's RP experience. If there is anything I have missed out, you want me to adress or otherwise have questions about please leave a comment, message me in game or on the forum and I will be happy to help. Kindest Regards, Henry West.
    20 points
  47. Without trying to be cringey.... I wanted to say thank you to everyone who has been supporting Cloud Gaming, forum users, players, staff, everyone. Its not a secret my activity is bad, and will probably remain bad as I work full time as a developer and I do not want to come home after 8-10 hours of coding to write more code. I was skeptical at first when I accepted this job (8 months ago now), as I worried that my activity would affect Cloud Gaming negatively. I was shown it would not affect it at all, as we have an amazing community and staff team that keeps everything flowing. So thank you to everyone, we have built something amazing here.
    20 points
  48. In Game Name: yungmersel yunghania Selling: Custom Jobs Payment Methods: Bank transfer / Paypal Possibly / Cashapp possibly Contact Discord: immersel. Woodgreen Vue Cinema Owner: @Slayer Description woodgreen vue cinema soon come Weapons: M40A3, Ithacam, CSS Deagle, AK47, As Val, MP9 SWEPS: Unnarest, Medkit, Poo Gun, Lockpick, Keypad Cracker Abilities: 100 Armor, Rob Bank, Take Hits, Mug, Moonshine, Spawn DJ Equipment, Spawn armor charger, Weed Price: NFS Brute Owner: @NiceTry Manu Description: Verified Comes with 6 unqiue/private weapon which in yellow Weapons: AK47 Vulcan - M40A3 - Mustang and Sally - RPK 74M - M4A4 Howl - Remington R5RGP, Peacekeeper, MK14 EBR - UMP45 - CSS Galil - Ithaca - P90 AK47 - Honey Badger - Famas - Scar - CSS Aug - BO2 Lsat SWEPS: Golden Fishing Rod - Bhop swep - Climb swep - Unarrest baton - Hackphone - Magic Sword - HL2 Medkit Camo swep - Disguise swep - Keypad Cracker - Lockpick Abilities: DJ Equipment - Gun Dealer Guns - Brew Moonshine - Act as Hobo - Raid PD - Raid Bank - Mug - Kidnap - Take Hits 100 Armor - Grow Weed - Spawn Armor Charger. Price: NFS Lampz Owners: @Relly @Slayer Description kelvins coffin Very Private job. Weapons ACE GUN. M40A3 SWEPS Hammer, Unnarest, Adrenaline, Disguise Abilities 100 Armor - Ability to Raid Bank - Ability to Take Hits - Mug, Kidnap, Price: NFS Caesar Owners: @Sprickles @hnood190 Description: Fat forehead and guns 4 life Comes with 2 unique/private items which in yellow. Weapons: Intervention, Winchester 73, AK-47, Barret M82, Double Barrel Shotgun, Ithaca M37, XM1014, Crossbow, M4A1, Model 500, Winchester 1897, Mustang & Sally, Galil, Shadow Daggers SWEPS: Pichaxe, Fists, Unarrest Baton, Magic Sword, Camo Swep, Climb Swep, Hackphone, Keypad Cracker, Disguise Kit, BHOP Swep, Medkit, Lockpick, Hammer, Grappling Hook Abilities: 100 Armour, Take Hits, Mug people, Raid Bank/PD, Brew Moonshine, Grow Weed, Armour Charger, DJ Equipment, Kidnap people, Meth Price: £40 FreakyFrank Owner: a big bozo Description: Verified Comes with 1 unique/private items which in yellow. Low Slot Count Weapons: Honey Badger - Contender - AK47 - Scar - Ace Gun - Magpul PDR - Damascus Sword - CSS Deagle - Ithaca M37 - PSG1 - Crowbar - Milkor SWEPS: Magic Sword -Lockpick - Maxwell - Unarrest Baton - Hack Phone - Medkit - Disguise kit - Climb Swep - Bhop Swep - Hammer - Grappling Hook - Keypad Cracker Abilities: Buy DJ Equipment -Buy "Gun Dealer" Equipment - Take Hits - Armour Charger - 100 Armour - Raid PD - Grow Weed - Raid Bank - Act as a Hobo - Buy "Special Arms Dealer" Equipment - Mug Price: Offer !cat Owner: @Ckileena Description: Verified !cat op Comes with 1 unique/private items which in yellow. Weapons: Scar, Honey Badger, MK14 EBR Sweps: Keypad Cracker, Lockpick, Bhop Swep, Climb Swep, Medkit, Hackphone Abilities: 100 Armour, Mug, Weed, Armour Charger, Moonshine Price: Offer Rebellion Owner: @roast Description: Uses the black hl2 medic model (not too sure which tho) Weapons: Double Barrel Shotgun, USAS, Ithaca M73, Luger, AK-47, M249, Crossbow, Barret M82, Winchester 1897, Model 3 Russian, Galil, Scar SWEPS: Camouflage, Fists, Keypad Cracker, Magic Sword, Medkit, Hackphone, Unarrest Baton, Climb Swep, Bhop Swep, Lockpick, Disguise Kit Abilities: 100 Armour, Mug, Kidnap, Raid Bank, Raid PD, Take Hits, Moonshine, DJ Equipment, Armour Charger, Meth. Price: Offer Chief Inspector Owner: @roast Description: Acts as Civil Protection and is the highest ranked CP of all SWAT jobs. Combine soldier hl2 player model Uses the SWAT Skill Tree Weapons: Ithaca M37, AS Val, AWP, Scar SWEPS: 125 Armour, Active Camouflage, Climb SWEP, Bhop Swep, Police Shield, Disguise Kit, Stunstick, Arrest/unarrest baton, Weapon checker. Battering ram. Magic Sword. Abilities: Follows the same rules as SWAT leader but is higher ranked than it. Price: £20 Ownerships kelvins coffin Owner: @Immersel | Me Description 1 Slot Weapons: N/A SWEPS: N/A Abilities: N/A Price: Ownership Offer | Slots £60 Stripped Jobs .NoGood Owner: @Relly Description Stripped job, rip .nogood, welcome .nogood+ Weapons N/A SWEPS N/A Abilities N/A Price: Offer Elite Guard Owner: cbanned cheater Description got stripped by a cheater Weapons N/A SWEPS N/A Abilities N/A Price: Offer HOBO+ Owner: a bozo Description: Stripped Weapons: N/A SWEPS: N/A Abilities: N/A Price: Offer Freddy Fazbear Owner: cbanned nonce Description: stripped Weapons: N/A SWEPS: N/A Abilities: N/A Price: Offer Zen Warrior Owner: @SYMMIJ Description Stripped Weapons: N/A SWEPS: N/A Abilities: N/A Price: Offer
    19 points
  49. sw4ner

    sw4ner bruh store

    Chief Inspector Owner: @roast Description: Combine soldier hl2 player model Acts as Civil Protection and is the highest ranked CP of all Swat jobs Weapons: Magic Sword, Ithacam37, G36, AWP SWEPS: 175 Armour, Active Camouflage, Climb SWEP, Bhop Swep, Police Shield, a Disguise kit, Stunstick, Arrest/unarrest baton, Weapon checker, Battering ram Abilities: Follows the same rules as Swat Leader Contact me sw4ner#8220
    19 points
  50. Noseian

    Chriss’ Trading Store

    IG Name: Chriss Selling: Boney Slots Description: Discord or Message me on the Forums. Price: N/A Payment method(s): Paypal Other comments: Boney will not be sold for IGM. ✔✔✔Boney Slot✔✔✔ Description: Skeleton HL2 Player Model Can raid and base with everyone Verified Weapons: m9k_scar , double barrel, m9k_ithacam37, m9k_M3, m9k_Matador, m9k_browningauto5, m9k_barret_m82, M9k_m60, weapon_357, m9k_vector, Winchester 87(The Spinny one) SWEPS: Magic Sword, Active Camouflage, 100 Armor, Climb Swep 2, Hackphone, Disguise, BHop Swep, Unarrest Baton, lockpick,weapon_medkit Abilities: Meth Cook, Raid PD, Build on streets, Raid Bank, Mug, Weed, Hits Price: £N/A Marine Slot Ownership @Spooderman Description: css_riot player model Acts as Civil Protection Weapons: M16A4 Acog, MP5SD, TAR-21, Pancor Jackhammer, AI AW50, Winchester 1897. SWEPS: Climb SWEP, Disguise, 100 Armour, Arrest/Unarrest Baton, Battering Ram, Stun-stick, Weapon Checker, Shield, Magic Sword. Abilities: Act as Civil Protection, Ability to build on the street. I will be adding more stuff to the job. Price: £40 ????? Owner: @Ryan Ross ???????: M16ACOG, USAS Shotgun, Remington 870 Shotgun, AS Val Assault rifle, SCAR Assault rifle, PKM Machine gun, Winchester 1897, Desert eagle Pistol, Ithaca Shotgun, M60 Machine gun, AK47 Vulcan Assault rifle, Winchester 73, PSG-1 Sniper rifle, Barret M82 Sniper rifle , TMP, Glock 18 Pistol, AWP Dragon Lore Sniper Rifle, M14, Dual Elites Dual pistols, M9K Exile Grenade launcher ?????: Magic Sword, Active Camouflage, Climb Swep, Bhop Swep, Hackphone, 100 Armour, Unarrest Baton, Disguise Kit, Lock pick, Keypad Cracker, Med Kit ?????????: Ability to spawn an Armour Charger, Can take hits, Mug up £10,000, Raid the PD, Raid the Bank, Weed growing equipment, Special Arms Dealer's equipment , Meth cooking equipment, Can kidnap, Moonshine brewing equipment, Can build on streets. Price: £35
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