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Showing content with the highest reputation since 02/11/2024 in all areas
weapons raygunuzi - dbarrel - ithaca - ak47 - famas - aug - minigun - val - krissvector - ragingbull - matador - hk416 - bo2svu - bo2fal - b02remington sweps unarrest - climb - medkit - 3d2dcracker - adrenaline - magicsword - lockpick - bhop - hammer - camo - hackphone - bugbait - ied abilites bank - mug - 100armor - kidnap - hits - dumpsters entities dj - shelf - moonshine - armorcharger - crypto - weed - specarms slot holders (15/15) jello pikkel noseian whoopie bops not david fed 3agle yato bape sylla ryan vevi xzy ethan chiel Sold the cj to madman it was fun while it lasted16 points
Because they're shitposts.16 points
Titan Store
MadMan and 14 others reacted to Radontrax1 for a topic
IG Name: Radontrax Selling: Custom job slots/Ownerships Price: Add me on Discord/Steam if you wish to buy a slot/give me an offer. Payment methods: PayPal/ Ingame money My Discord: Radontrax My steam : https://steamcommunity.com/id/radontrax/ Titan Custom job ownership Job presented by (1) Description Titan comes with a complete suit of weapons, abilities and sweps. You can base and raid with anyone. You may not enforce the law Weapons: PKM, VAL, Double Barrel, Balista Sniper, Ithacam, AK47, M40A3 Sniper, Raging Bull, Famas, Remington. SWEPS: Unarrest Stick, Disguise Kit, Climb Swep, Bhop Swep, Magic Sword, Medkit, Keypad Cracker, Hackphone, Hammer, Lockpick and OP Fishing Rod. Abilities: Rob Bank, 100 Armor, Mug and Take Hits. Entities: Moonshine, Armor Charger, Crypto Miner, Weed and Store Shelf. Plans For Job: Camo, AKBeast, RPK, SR-25, Winchester, Poo Gun, Milkor Mk1 and other custom guns for the jobs. Slot Owners: @Radontrax1 @JonasRV @Mishco @oosna @Loopington @chenn @Greeny @WeeMan @Sell Price: Offer © 2024 Radon ® All Rights Reserved.15 points -
Description: Anything highlighted in this colour is Private/Custom. Weapons: Scar, Ithaca, AS Val, MK14 EBR, Ak47 Vulcan, M40A3, Mustang & Sally, Honey Badger, RPK, Remington R5RGP, Peacekeeper, M4A4 Howl, UMP45, Ak47, BO2 LSAT, Sr-25,M4A4 Iron, Double Barrel SWEPS: Bhop Swep, Climb Swep, Unarrest Batton, Hackphone, Magic Sword, HL2 Medkit, CamoSwep, Disguise Kit, Keypad Cracker, Lockpick, Golden Fishing Rod Abilities: Moonshine, Mug, Raid, Raid PD, Raid Bank, take Hits, 100 Armor, Weed, spawn Armor Charger, Kidnap, DJ Equipment, Gun Dealer guns, Meth Verified. £40 PayPal only More info DM snoball1 Description: Anything highlighted in this colour is Private/Custom. Weapons: Ithaca, HK 416, AS Val, Honey Badger, Double Barrel, AK47, Remington R5RGP, Ballista SWEPS: Bhop Swep, Climb Swep, Unarrest Batton, Hackphone, Disguise Kit, Lockpick Abilities: Weed, Crypto Miner Un-Verified. £45 PayPal only. More info DM snoball1.13 points
Shook's Store
Whoopie Bops and 11 others reacted to Shook for a topic
- Blight Description @Shook You can raid and base with anyone. Anything in RED is exclusive to Blight. Weapons Wunderwaffe-DG2 - L96A1 - Lewis Gun - Claws - Commando - BO1 Galil - BO1 Famas - Olympia - Tar-21 - MP40 - Ithaca - Double Barrel - Minigun. SWEPS Bhop - Climb - Camo - Disguise - Magic Sword - Lockpick - Keypad Cracker - Hackphone - Hammer - Unarrest Baton - HL2 Medkit Abilities HP Bars - 100 Armor - Mug - Rob Bank - Take Hits - Moonshine - DJ Equipment - Crypto Miner - Armor Charger - Weed. Price: £1000 Slot Owners: - Madman - Crocie - John Davidson - Vevi - Lyne ㅤ© Template by Shook 2024ㅤ - Arctic Description @Shook You can raid and base with anyone. Anything in BLUE is exclusive to Arctic. Weapons Spectre M4 - SR25 - Ithaca - Double Barrel - AS VAL - M4A1 Iron - AK47 - S&W Model 500 - M40A3 - PKM - HK416 - Kriss Vector. SWEPS Bhob Swep - Climb Swep - Magic Sword - Camo - Disguise - Medkit - Lockpick - Keypad Cracker - Hackphone - Unarrest Baton - Hammer - OP Fishing Rod. Abilities 100 Armor - Ability to take hits - Armor Charger - Grow Weed - Brew Moonshine - Raid Bank - Mug - Crypto - Kidnap. Price: £75 This Job will receive regular updates with Custom Items planned soon. ㅤ© Template by Shook 2024ㅤ12 points -
job would look alot better with the XPR and a M4A1s Beast on it. just saying.10 points
If you want any of my dupes and or have any questions about building pm me on the forums and or discord ( megabouse ) this is not a guide on server rules and isn't intended to help you know them. special values: Shoot window width = 47.51 Shoot window height = 33 hope you have a wonderful day10 points
hello, i struggled for a very long time to get the textures for cg for mac!, but rather then have other people go through the same struggles as i, im going to upload the files i painstakingly manually converted. for all the mac gamers that come after me, youre welcome. https://mega.nz/file/HrI3HQoa#k7PYIk1AnbBpoqIHeFA4rZR3ZUV-yCfiVTPrnIMeWns How to use. 1. go to steam library 2. go to gmod 3. right click gmod and go to properties 4. go to installed flies 5. go to browse local files 6. click the garrysmod folder 7. click the download folder 8. download and unzip the zip file 9. place the folders inside the folder created from unzipping into said download folder 10. verify game files 11. enjoy full textures9 points
NiceTry Manu and 8 others reacted to jello for a topic
Yato as been the only admin that I've never felt any sort of misunderstanding of what I had done and or malice in any of the punishment's that would come from it. He's very helpful in everything related to the server, and if I ask a question he answers them to the best of his ability. I've never seen a better example of how to administrate a server than yato is, he deserves everything that he as and will get in the future.9 points -
.NoGood Owner: Jacky Description: .VeryGood Weapons: HL2 Crowbar, AK-47, HK416, Double Barrel, PKM, M40A3, Magpul PDR Sweps: Magic Sword, Climb, Bhop, Lockpick, Keypad Cracker, Hackphone, Medkit, Camo Abilities: Search Dumpsters, Moonshine, Crypto, Weed, 100 Armour, Rob Bank, Mug, Take Hits, Store Shelf Price: NFS : also buying slots back pm me if you have a slot to sell : 20/20 slots Also selling: Smokey - Offers ~~~ Discord ~ jacky6970 ~~~8 points
private casino manager
TheBiggestCatFish and 7 others reacted to jello for a topic
Are you ever upset with not being about to become casino manager because there's to many people? Do you wish there was a easier way than waiting forever or begging at the feet of some greasy guy to switch off for igm? Well boy do I the CJ for you, introducing "Private Casino Manager" (PCM for short) PCM is a CJ i just made cuz i went thru the same problem u just did, and boy does it just make life so much easier For the low low price of 5 irl or 15m igm you can get urself a slot and secure your Casino Tables anytime you want! msg me on discord to buy/ask questions wasimmer8 points -
Updated Crossbow As Val Double Barrel AK47 Matador AW50 M4a4 Howl Vikhr Unarrest Medkit Disguise Hits Meth Armor Charger DJ Cocaine (This update will be in game soon, might take a week or so)8 points
Assistance required
Whoopie Bops and 7 others reacted to Sogol for a topic
I require assistance from a senior staff member regarding my undeserved ban and its reasoning. I would like to know the full story. Thanks Help me super admins (this is a serious post)8 points -
Whoopie Bops and 7 others reacted to Cold_Beanz for a topic
My favourite Tusken Raider cosplayer @BigKillers pretty chill fella ^^ BigKillers selfie he sent me!8 points -
8 points
Hey Just wanted to show my support to @JonasRV for taking time out his busy day to teach me (new player) how to cook cocaine in game. Jonas took the time to physically walk me through each of the steps 1 by 1 in my base, answered any questions I had too and continued to support me if I needed it later. Brilliant to see experienced players helping out those who have not long started like myself. Big thanks man for being so friendly and welcoming! Much appreciated. - Hawx8 points
Description Verified Owned by @XZY This job is private, Anything in RED is custom /or private. Weapons: M40A3 - Ithaca M37 - CSS Desert Eagle - Crowbar - Milkor - Ak47 - Fn Fal - Ace Gun- M4A1 Iron - Scar - Kriss Vector - Contender - B23R - PKM - Famas - AS Val - Double Barrel - USAS - M1918 BAR - SR-25 - AK47 Beast Sweps: Unarrest Baton - Hackphone - weapon_medkit - Disguise kit - Grappling Hook - BHOP Swep - Climb Swep - Hammer - Keypad Cracker - Camo - Magic Sword - Lockpick - Maxwell - Davy Crowbar - Poo Gun Abilities: 100 Armor - Take Hits - Raid Bank - Mug - DJ Equipment - Crypto - Moonshine - Armor Charger - Weed - Special Arms Dealer - Gun Dealer - Kidnap8 points
Gorilla time
Window Sniffer and 7 others reacted to Gavin for a topic
Selling IG Name: Gavin Selling: selling Custom Jobs Description: selling jah slots as well as other jobs GORILLA OWNED BY: @Gavin Weapons: Colt Python, Damascus Sword, M4A1-s Beast, FG42, AW50, Spas12, Ithaca, Honey Badger, CSS Aug, ACR, Scar, Remington 7615, Exile Launcher, 1987 Winchester, Vikhr, Dragon Lore, P90, Crowbar, MK14 EBR Sweps: Climb Swep, Bhop Swep, Magic Sword, Unarrest Baton, Hackphone, Disguise Kit, Hammer, Medkit, Keypad Cracker, Fists, HL2 Bugbait, Lockpick, Camo Abilities: Meth, 100 Armor, Weed, Hits, Mug, DJ Equipment, Moonshine, Custom Drugs, Drug Lab, Armor Charger, Special Arms Dealer, Gun Dealer, Raid Bank ANYTHING BOLD + UNDERLINED = CUSTOM/PRIVATE PRICE: £40 Unverified Where to contact me if interested or have any questions: DISCORD: mr.gavin8 points -
MikeyWP's CJ Store
james battlefury and 6 others reacted to MikeyWP for a topic
Odesa Owner: MikeyWP | Unverified | Weapons 10 | Sweps 14 | Abilities 5 | Entities 6 | Slots 6 | CMD: /Odesa Slots may be Limited | Anything Exclusive to the job will be in Purple Weapons: M4 Hybrid, Type 25, Double Barrel, AK47, HK416, M40A3, Remington1858, PKM, Mustang and Sally, Ithaca M37. Sweps: Climb, Bhop, Hammer, Hackphone, Lockpick, Keypad Cracker, Magic Sword, Medkit, Camera, Unarrest, OP Fishing Rod, Adrenaline, Disguise, Camo. Abilities: Hits, Kidnap, 100 Armor, Mug, Rob the Bank. Entities: Weed, Moonshine, Crypto Miner, Armor Charger, Store_Shelf, Spec_Arms_Guns. To Buy Slots Message MikeyWP#6828 for more info.7 points -
Titan Store
NiceTry Manu and 6 others reacted to Radontrax1 for a topic
░░▒▒▒▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▒▒▒░░ - Updated - Guns: PKM, Balista, m40a3, Ithacam, Double Barrel, M4A1, Val, Raging Bull, Famas and Remington Sweps: Unarrest Stick, Disguise Kit, Climb Swep, Bop Swep, Magic Sword, Medkit, Keypad Cracker, Hackphone, OP Fishing Rod, Hammer, Lockpick and Hackphone. Abilities: Rob Bank, 100 Armor, Mug and Take Hits. Entities: Moonshine, Armor Charger, Crypto Miner, Weed and Store Shelf. ░░▒▒▒▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▒▒▒░░7 points -
What is wrong with my name?
ogtheottoman21 and 6 others reacted to Cobra for a topic
Einsatzkommando is german for task force ... The Einsatzgruppen where part of the SS and the Einsatzkommandos sub groups, but is nowadays used for a lot of special units, like "Das Mobile Einsatzkommando" or "Sondereinsatzkommando"7 points -
Sealzz Gift Shop!
Whoopie Bops and 6 others reacted to Sealzz for a topic
SELLING FREAKYFRANK SLOTS WEAPONS AS VAL, Double Barrel Shotgun, PSG1, Ithaca M37, CSS Desert Eagle, Crowbar, Milkor, Ak47, Damascus Sword, Fal, Ace gun, Honey Badger, Scar, Magpul PDR, Contender SWEPS Unarrest Baton, Hackphone, weapon_medkit, Disguise kit, Grappling Hook, BHOP Swep, Climb Swep, Hammer, Keypad Cracker, Camo, Magic Sword, Lockpick, Maxwell ABILITIES 100 Armor, Take Hits, Raid Bank, Mug, DJ Equipment, Crypto, Moonshine, Armor Charger, Weed, Special Arms Dealer, Gun Dealer VERIFIED! (new weapons will be added soon!) £30 INC FEE PM ME ON Discord: Crocsoverglocks (Sealzz) PAYPAL ONLY7 points