Owned by @SH Koko
Is verified and will not be stripped
M16ACOG, M249 Para, Remington 870, AS Val, AK47, M249 LMG, Winchester 1897, Desert Eagle, Ithaca, Crossbow, AK47 Vulcan, Minigun, M4A1 Iron, HK416, Kriss Vector,
Dragon Lore, M14, Sten, Exile Launcher, Double Barrel
Bhop Swep, Climb Swep, Magic Sword, Camo, Disguise, Medkit, Lockpick, Keypad Cracker, Hackphone, Unarrest Baton, Hammer
Abilities / Entities
100 Armor - Ability to take hits - Armor Charger - Grow Weed - Brew Moonshine - Raid Bank - Mug - Cook Meth - Kidnap - Gun Dealer - Special Arms Dealer
Price: £30
PM koko9145 on discord if interested in buying a slot.