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Everything posted by jello

  1. changes: new slot holders added
  2. hello, i struggled for a very long time to get the textures for cg for mac!, but rather then have other people go through the same struggles as i, im going to upload the files i painstakingly manually converted. for all the mac gamers that come after me, youre welcome. https://mega.nz/file/HrI3HQoa#k7PYIk1AnbBpoqIHeFA4rZR3ZUV-yCfiVTPrnIMeWns How to use. 1. go to steam library 2. go to gmod 3. right click gmod and go to properties 4. go to installed flies 5. go to browse local files 6. click the garrysmod folder 7. click the download folder 8. download and unzip the zip file 9. place the folders inside the folder created from unzipping into said download folder 10. verify game files 11. enjoy full textures
  3. changes: new slot holder added
  4. changes: added new slot holder
  5. not much to say, hes jsut a jit fr
  6. changes: added new slot holders
  7. changes: added b02remington removed m40a3 removed scar
  8. changes: added new slot holder removed pkm added raygun uzi
  9. changes: added new slot holder removed useless items to avoid clutter - camera - fists - op fishing rod
  10. changes: changed the colors to reflect the current cj color
  11. changes: added new slot holder
  12. Changes: added B02 SVU added B02 FAL added IED added bugbait changed the mp5 to the krissvector changed the m3super90 to the aug
  13. Changes: added the newest slot holder
  14. Changes: added final name added hk416 re-added dumpsters added active slot holders to post
  15. Are you ever upset with not being about to become casino manager because there's to many people? Do you wish there was a easier way than waiting forever or begging at the feet of some greasy guy to switch off for igm? Well boy do I the CJ for you, introducing "Private Casino Manager" (PCM for short) PCM is a CJ i just made cuz i went thru the same problem u just did, and boy does it just make life so much easier For the low low price of 5 irl or 15m igm you can get urself a slot and secure your Casino Tables anytime you want! msg me on discord to buy/ask questions wasimmer
  16. Changes: updated added new name a lot more coming very soon
  17. well i didint know that untill i posted this, i removed it when it was lol
  18. Changes: updated added new name removed dumpsters as its broken
  19. Changes: updated added new name
  20. Changes: added cj
  21. Changes: updated Lyros
  22. Changes: updated Lyros
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