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About TheBiggestCatFish

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  1. Good fella, seems to like his blue screens tho
  2. I like this guy, he has a very good taste for alcohol 👍
  3. @MadMan is a good guy, always have fun with him. I did notice that he has a BIG alcohol problem tho
  4. I agree @Chiel is a really good guy. Very smart guy, knows a lot with what goes on in the server. He is also very funny. Kinda famous for some "quote" Big up Chiel
  5. @NEMxDman is not only one of the best admins, he is also a very fun guy to be around. He is also a super helpful person he will drop everything he is doing to help someone else Big + support from me
  6. Ayy lets goo, thanks man, also that possum in your pfp is dead xoxox
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