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Everything posted by Noseian

  1. Mordercai my g Yeah the first thing is valid however, what’s to say the person that shot you hasn’t died since. So technically could be meta game in a way. With regards to killing police, it’s a hard one. Again how do you know they didn’t die since? Unless you have a friend watching them until you get out and kill them id say it’s probably better to just leave it.
  2. Noseian

    strict terms

    No, just ask them if it can be removed.
  3. Noseian

    strict terms

    Best bet would be Messaging Sprickles or another Super a admin and appeal it.
  4. There is however placing hits via console commands and not through the e-menu is considered exploiting. Other commands are fine though such as gang chat. However Mugging and especially hits are not allowed through console. I’d strongly advise not doing this.
  5. Going to be totally honest, this is already covered during the mentoring process. Nearly all of this is covered under mentoring and other stuff is common sense. I like how you created this and I think it would be something good to incorporate further into the mentoring process however most of it is just copy/paste.
  6. Noseian

    Missing Tokens

    Message @roast. Attach proof of payment and you’ll be fine. Transaction ID from PayPal is screenshot
  7. Noseian

    Useful Dupes

    I prefer Skyfuck - Creds @_RzVibration
  8. Yea he seems like a cool guy who is really good cabs cool yeah that’s if goodnight
  9. £20 and I won’t report you for a month
  10. Noseian

    IGM reset?

    It's not a "limit" as such it's due to the server being 32-bit.
  11. Noseian

    IGM reset?

    In theory, yes. There’s no reason to have that much money. A way around it would be giving the extra money to someone else as a “bank” or something but realistically there’s no need for anything over 1 million nowadays except from buying custom jobs. I’m sure @Slayer @15inb or someone else from QA+ can confirm this so then it saves the confusion.
  12. Noseian

    IGM reset?

    Yes there is an overflow limit for the server, I’m pretty sure if you hit this you would then go into the minus’. If you hit this, it is your own fault and you won’t be compensated. I’m pretty sure this is roughly around 2,300,000,000.(From what I know)
  13. Following on from what Panda said, if you base with one of the big gangs on the server and buy pots and printers from them then you essentially can double your profit. And with basing with big gangs there’s very little chance you’ll be raided.
  14. I sadly cannot help with this as my money is spoken for at the moment. However I could help with getting a good deal for a custom job
  15. Am i fuck buying a job which is verified and the owner done fuck all with for a year and is now charging the price he basically bought it at.
  16. nr just want boris back x

  17. Noseian

    strict terms

    Basically what toast is saying in a convoluted way. Don’t be a retard.
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