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  1. Haha
    Noseian got a reaction from Toast in New flat yet?   
    New tent yet?
  2. Haha
  3. Haha
  4. Sad
  5. Upvote
    Noseian got a reaction from roast in Your Staff is Corrupt. I want to speak with you now, or compliant   
    Make a staff complaint
  6. Haha
    Noseian got a reaction from Main in "By hiding behind a "dumb reaction" you prove that you dislike me, yet are afraid to   
    “80% of those that mass dumb react my posts do it "for the lulz/to act cool in front of their virtual friends", as for the other 20% ... well, those were the ones targeted by my P.S.”
    Jesus, you can read minds? That’s crazy. What’s next?
  7. Downvote
    Noseian reacted to netCat in "By hiding behind a "dumb reaction" you prove that you dislike me, yet are afraid to   
    Mr. "Main", allow me to inform you, a citizen of the living fucking world, that the use of emoticons in a response does not define or affect its professional character (in my case, I used them in a sarcastic way, which many failed to notice/understand - I wonder why ^^).
    However, if this is the only negative aspect that you could find about my strictly personal opinion and decided to post a message on my wall about it, well, you should consider seeking help ASAP.
    P.S. "you are quite pathetic and I have only seen like 2 posts about you"
    So ... you expect me to give a fuck about your observation, right?
    I'm sorry, but I have nothing left to give! ?
  8. Downvote
    Noseian reacted to netCat in "By hiding behind a "dumb reaction" you prove that you dislike me, yet are afraid to   
    Listen, lad, I don't recall encountering your sorry ass before so keep your lame assumptions to yourself.
    I couldn't care less about those who hide behind some e-"dumb reaction"; I simply told 'em to say it to my face if they disagree with and/or have a direct issue with me, so that I can understand the reason behind their vote.
    80% of those that mass dumb react my posts do it "for the lulz/to act cool in front of their virtual friends", as for the other 20% ... well, those were the ones targeted by my P.S.
    Either way, I'm done talking to you as we're clearly on different wavelengths.
  9. Like
    Noseian got a reaction from Havoc in Hi Noseian! Hope you have a good day.   
    Hi Havoc! Hope you have had an amazing Sunday7! 
  10. Thanks
    Noseian got a reaction from Immersel in nice to see you back   
    Nice to see you to see you nice 
  11. Haha
    Noseian reacted to Officer Bob in Ok, could you do 25? i have more trust in you then the other guy   
    25 Pound is 25 Pound... 
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