IG Name: Radontrax
Selling: Custom job slots/Ownerships
Price: Add me on Discord/Steam if you wish to buy a slot/give me an offer.
Payment methods: PayPal/ Ingame money
My Discord: Radontrax
My steam : https://steamcommunity.com/id/radontrax/
Custom job ownership
Job presented by (1)
Titan comes with a complete suit of weapons, abilities and sweps.
You can base and raid with anyone.
You may not enforce the law
PKM, VAL, Double Barrel, Balista Sniper, Ithacam, AK47, M40A3 Sniper, Raging Bull, Famas, Remington.
Unarrest Stick, Disguise Kit, Climb Swep, Bhop Swep, Magic Sword, Medkit, Keypad Cracker, Hackphone, Hammer, Lockpick and OP Fishing Rod.
Rob Bank, 100 Armor, Mug and Take Hits.
Moonshine, Armor Charger, Crypto Miner, Weed and Store Shelf.
Plans For Job:
Camo, AKBeast, RPK, SR-25, Winchester, Poo Gun, Milkor Mk1 and other custom guns for the jobs.
Slot Owners:
Price: Offer
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