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Radontrax1 last won the day on July 11 2024

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About Radontrax1

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Radontrax1's Achievements

  1. ░░▒▒▒▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▒▒▒░░ - Updated - Guns: PKM, Balista, m40a3, Ithacam, Double Barrel, M4A1, Val, Raging Bull, Famas and Remington Sweps: Unarrest Stick, Disguise Kit, Climb Swep, Bop Swep, Magic Sword, Medkit, Keypad Cracker, Hackphone, OP Fishing Rod, Hammer, Lockpick and Hackphone. Abilities: Rob Bank, 100 Armor, Mug and Take Hits. Entities: Moonshine, Armor Charger, Crypto Miner, Weed and Store Shelf. ░░▒▒▒▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▒▒▒░░
  2. Radontrax1

    Titan Store

    IG Name: Radontrax Selling: Custom job slots/Ownerships Price: Add me on Discord/Steam if you wish to buy a slot/give me an offer. Payment methods: PayPal/ Ingame money My Discord: Radontrax My steam : https://steamcommunity.com/id/radontrax/ Titan Custom job ownership Job presented by (1) Description Titan comes with a complete suit of weapons, abilities and sweps. You can base and raid with anyone. You may not enforce the law Weapons: PKM, VAL, Double Barrel, Balista Sniper, Ithacam, AK47, M40A3 Sniper, Raging Bull, Famas, Remington. SWEPS: Unarrest Stick, Disguise Kit, Climb Swep, Bhop Swep, Magic Sword, Medkit, Keypad Cracker, Hackphone, Hammer, Lockpick and OP Fishing Rod. Abilities: Rob Bank, 100 Armor, Mug and Take Hits. Entities: Moonshine, Armor Charger, Crypto Miner, Weed and Store Shelf. Plans For Job: Camo, AKBeast, RPK, SR-25, Winchester, Poo Gun, Milkor Mk1 and other custom guns for the jobs. Slot Owners: @Radontrax1 @JonasRV @Mishco @oosna @Loopington @chenn @Greeny @WeeMan @Sell Price: Offer  © 2024 Radon ® All Rights Reserved.
  3. Radon's Store Update 1) Sold Smokey Ownership To @Holm
  4. Should be able to message me on forums and add me on discord, sorry about that.
  5. Radon's Store Update 1) Sith Ownership Reduced To £45 <- All Price(s) Negotiable -> New Discord: Syhno#0001
  6. Radon's Store Update 1) Sold @Boney 2) Also Selling A Solider Slot £40 2) Sith Ownership £50 <- All Price(s) Negotiable -> New Discord: Syhno#0001
  7. Radon's Store Update 1) Smokey Ownership Reduced To - £45-50 2) Private Military Reduced To - £50 3) Rebellion & CI - £40 For Both 4) Boney Reduced To - £30 5) Blaze Reduced To - £30 <- All Price(s) Negotiable -> New Discord: Syhno#0001
  8. Radon's Store Update 1) Smokey Ownership Reduced To - £55 2) Private Military Reduced To - £55 3) Rebellion & CI - £45 For Both 4) Boney Reduced To - £35 5) Blaze Reduced To - £35 <- All Price(s) Negotiable -> New Discord: Syhno#0001
  9. Radon's Store Update 1) Sold Gman & Major Slot To @Kirufureimu 2) Added Blaze Slot
  10. Radon's Store Update 1) Blaze Slot Added £35 2) Ducky Ownership sold @Holm
  11. Radon's Store Update 1) Ducky Ownership Reduced to £35 2) Smokey Ownership Reduced to £45 3) Sith Ownership on sale for £60 Boney Slot Reduced to £35
  12. Radon's Store Update 1) Exile Slot Sold! 2) 55 pounds for Gman & Rebellion inc fee.
  13. Radon's Store Update 1) Blaze slot sold! 2) 60pounds for Exile & Rebellion inc fee.
  14. Radon's Store Update 1) Selling Blaze & Rebellion for 50£inc fees
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