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Jake Innit

Ultimate VIP
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Jake Innit last won the day on January 24 2022

Jake Innit had the most liked content!

About Jake Innit

  • Birthday 06/18/2001

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  • Interests
    Sprinter ?

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Jake Innit's Achievements

  1. Update Sprinter & Kac-PDW ownership has been sold to Sprickles. Ace slot has been sold to Bonk.
  2. Update Also taking offers for Sprinter Ownership (including the privatisation of the Kac-PDW)
  3. Custom Job Slots Trading all of these slots for CSGO skins or irl-cash. Mad Chef, Gman, Cyrax, Spetsnaz (CP), MrKiller, Exile, Smokey, Heisenberg, Marine (CP), Caesar, Baldy, Courier, Boney, Prostitute, Addicted Header, Chief Inspector, Rebellion, Freaky Frank, Bozo (CP), Element, Brute, Undercover Agent (CP), Mutant Hunter, CIA, Hobo+, Scientist and Dancer
  4. Update Removed Winchester 1897, M14, Barret M82, M249, Mac-10, MP9, TMP Added G36, CSS Aug, Honey Badger, AK-47, CSS Galil and HK416
  5. Update Swapped Double Barrel for Winchester 1897
  6. Update Swapped AK-74 for Mac-10 Swapped PKM for M249 Added TMP
  7. Update Added M16 ACOG (thank you @Ryan Ross)
  8. Update Added LSD, Alcohol and PCP Transferred Raina's slot to Tangy
  9. Says the guy who touched a minor
  10. Update Swapped M249 for AK-74
  11. In all seriousness theres too many slots in the economy to be able to make profit off of the 250£
  12. So the slot owners know what's being added and removed
  13. Unsure where you learnt to count. plus my ownership slot ^
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