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DarkRP Admin
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Everything posted by Ali

  1. Ali

    Shook's Store

  2. if you did not have the rank before hand. or have not purchased it. the perks you get for being staff are gone after you have resigned/demoted.
  3. Ali

    ohio store

    this shit is overpriced. buy it!
  4. if you're online you're joined automatically.
  5. WOOOO doxxing me??? reported to roast although i hate him.
  6. at least he is after me. Hate that guy
  8. Ali

    Vфids Store

    it got updated
  9. Love Melons. STEAM_0:0:1055959
  10. @JEFF42 i Think they found how @roast makes tokens
  11. Ali

    Selling Blady

    Selling Baldy for 30+fees or offers. Discord: A̲l̲i̲#0001 Owners ?@Dale & @Clippy? Description The best OG custom job out there with a full set of weapons, sweps, and abilities. Recent updates and even more to come! Weapons Vector, AWP, F2000, Ithaca, CSS Deagle, M14, Crossbow, AK-74, Minigun, Damascus Sword, TMP, M60, MAC-10, Dragunov, M249, Mustang & Sally, MP9 Sweps Unarrest Baton, Climb swep, weapon_medkit, Keypad Cracker, Camo swep, fists, bhop_swep, Magic sword, Disguise Kit, Pickaxe, Pro lockpick, Hack Phone Abilities Can Rob Bank, Can Mug, Can Kidnap, Can Take Hits, Can do meth, Can grow weed, Can spawn armor charger, Can make moonshine, DJ Equipment, Special Arms Equipment, 100 armo Verified & Very Based
  12. Ali


    but he owes me Millions wtf I will be contacting my lawyer
  13. Venice is an amazing guy and is apart of beep gaming.
  14. Ali

    Nexon's Trading Tent

    it was a joke Chris.
  15. Ali

    Nexon's Trading Tent

    here comes the scammer again
  16. I'm offering 5£ and some of the cloud gaming Onlyfans cards we talked about.
  17. I agree with anything Bald Rhys Says.
  18. Ali

    selling exile

    Nice joke Chris. ever thought about becoming a comedian?
  19. Ali

    Gorilla time

    how about 50 for gorilla @Ziya al din adbelkader
  20. Waiting for him to do it so I can snatch that name.
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