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Scab last won the day on April 22 2021

Scab had the most liked content!

About Scab

  • Birthday 12/17/2007

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  • Interests
    Eating Glass
    Eating Glass
    Eating Glass
    Eating Glass
    Eating Glass
    Eating Glass
    Eating Glass
    Eating Glass
    Eating Glass

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  1. Scab


    That man has sent me horrible things on discord
  2. Fart

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Scab


      bladee listener has listened to bladee for over a year false news

    3. PedoInSpeedos


      gaydee listener lying to the public. gaydee listener gay. 

    4. Scab


      smelltary listener thinks he knows everything

  3. In my personal opinon @PedoInSpeedos is quite the guy
  4. Thank you peedo in speedos buddy pal guy friend man buddy pal dude buddy you truly are a Top G
  5. Mental i thought he just stopped playing
  6. did you equip it in menu?
  7. doo doo STEAM_0:1:74453753
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