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How to kidnap


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Hello there! As you're reading this, you're probably wondering how to kidnap and rape like I do! Well, you've come to the right place, as I will explain step by step how to do this!


Step 1. - Become a proper job

This step is very important, and probably the MOST important. I use the CJ Gman in this guide


Step 1.1. - Change your Job Name (Optional)

I used the name MR Rapist, as we're going to rape people later on.


Step 2. - Look for a victim

Now that we have our fancy job name, and the job that can kidnap, it's time to look for a victim.


Step 3. - Make sure they are alone

After we've found our (un)fortunate victim (Thanks to @Chr1ssY!), make sure they are alone. More people == More risks.


Step 4. - Kidnap

When we are sure that no one else is around, tell them they're being kidnapped, stripped and have to follow you


Step 5. - Get in the base

This is an easy step. Get in the base along with your victim. Totally didn't abuse no collide to get in here


Step 6. - Get your victim in your rape room

I hope you've prepared one. Next step is to get your victim in your 'rape' room. This is where the 'magic' will happen


Step 6.1. - Put your victim in a cage (Optional)

Optional step, but I love this one. Get your victim(s) in a cage that you may have prepared. Here are a few examples below


Step 7. - Get 'busy'

The time has come. Time to announce to the server that you're a filthy rapist, and you're going to rape your victim.


Step 7.1 - Getting into that cage

Take out climb swep or idfk what you prefer, get in that cage, and start raping your victim. It's time to have lotsa sex!


Step 8. - Dispose of your victim

When you're done with your victim, it's time to dispose of them. Take out an explosive, like a C4 or sticky nade (C4 was unavailable for whatever reasons, couldn't buy (i had enough money leave me alone))



Step 9. - Congratulations, you are now a rapist!

Nicely done! You are now a rapist, and ready to rape even more people!

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otherwise SEXY


edit: tl;dr version of the thing

  • get a job suitable for the thingy
  • look for someone and make sure they're alone
  • kidnap them
  • bring them to your place
  • do what you want with them [if gman, y'know, give them a "good time"]
  • if done and negotiators fail to pay up or respond, dipose of them
  • +support JA4AKE's guide like I just did


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