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Missing Perm weapons


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I am still missing perm weapons.

IGN : MR Deadmau5    Steamid64: 76561198041314284

i have only received one perm weapon back which was the USAS but i am still missing BAR, HK45C, SVU, MP5SD, PDR and SVT as well as a fidget spinner.

https://gyazo.com/37176ae9cc3ad58ba082da0092543bd0 - Proof of BAR

https://gyazo.com/99beca9d38fc28ed4b4a5dd6e99f2a1f - Proof of SVU

https://gyazo.com/b7233486bd444065c7baf036f8a46728 - Proof for PDR and MP5SD 

As for the SVT, i was given that for a competition for having the most OD time by roast back when i was an admin 2016 - 2017 somewhere in that time frame

and for the HK45C and fidget spinner i got them in the old perm weapons store but i have no proof of these.

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Well that doesn't make much sense to me as the weapons were bought off roast in the first place and that i paid roast £5 for each weapon to transfer the ownership to me, it the same with any CJ he wouldn't just basically delete the CJ just because ownership was transferred.... and as for the SVT i was given that as a competition prize.

Even if that's the case, it's basically saying "fuck you" to all the members who have been here from the start... as we were freely allowed to transfer weapons back then.

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