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To the staff team

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This is for all of you guys who are sticking with the community and constantly dedicating your time and efforts in aiding its constant growth. Seriously, Cloud Gaming wouldn't be the same without all of us, we bring the community together in so many ways. Ensure that the servers are actively administrated and overall just ensure that it's a fun environment to play on. This is a reminder that you guys play one of the most fundamental roles in the community and are part of the foundations to its success. Your constant hours on duty and or even just playing on the servers doesn't go unrecognized and it sure as hell is appreciated a lot. 


With the upcoming exams for those of you who are still in school times will be pretty stressful but staying with the community as a pose to leaving shows us resiliency and how much dedication you put into the servers, this most definitely won't go without reward. You may feel like you aren't noticed being OD for hours or you are unappreciated but that's simply a misunderstanding. We have high expectations for all of you Mods, Admins, Admin+ Super Administrators the lot. You're just simply living up to what we expect and those of you who go above and beyond will be rewarded. 


It goes without saying that the lot of you do an excellent job and all do your roles very well and like i said previously, you are one of the fundamentals to Cloud Gaming's Success. Thank you for your time and dedication and we hope that you carry on the good job.


Note: I didn't mention any names because without one or each other the server wouldn't where it is today. We all do equal roles on the server some may do more than others but we all are essential to its survival. 


King regards, Nomad  

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