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Klaus Iohannis

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Status Updates posted by Klaus Iohannis

  1. wtf, a guy banned me for mic spam, i I was not spamming and you decline meh ? oh this is bullshit

    1. Klaus Iohannis

      Klaus Iohannis

      And it was during a fucking event, so rules are different.

    2. proxy


      I did not decline you, it was the majority of the staff team who voted you down. I did NOT vote in that poll.

  2. I really like ya' mate, you like weird tops on yt, and you are a sick guy, you have my respect :D

    1. yushkodeath


      Ty Klaus as it is my job and other staff to help any forum user or a darkrp player to become either a good rper or good staff member and my goal is to do whatever it takes to improve the community and strengthen bonds there shall be no enemies nor fighting between a player or staff as i do give them really good advise whether ingame or in real life

    2. Klaus Iohannis
  3. hello java, can I give +/- support to applications ?

  4. lol i have a skin on CS GO Crimson Web

    1. Potato King

      Potato King

      what weapon and grade?

    2. Klaus Iohannis

      Klaus Iohannis

      idk, i saw it on market lol

  5. hello java, do you think i should apply as a mod ??

    1. Java


      You have nothing to loose!

    2. Klaus Iohannis

      Klaus Iohannis

      ok, thx for the good wors xD :D i will start to write it down now

  6. "Is Newcastle in London?" ~ Corporal 2015 "I like cock" ~ Proxy 2015

  7. death can't take me !!!!

  8. Hello my hobo old mate

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kendrick


      Nope the vid is unavaible :P

    3. Klaus Iohannis

      Klaus Iohannis

      what ? i will post it in the Shoutbox wait a sec

    4. Klaus Iohannis

      Klaus Iohannis

      I am an idiot, i deleted the video :((((((((((

  9. Do you like Sex God ? :D

  10. I love your pic lol that little dancing guy

  11. give me the link for you forum mate, i want to try it

  12. good job mate, you are now SA, well done I am proud of ya' :'D

    1. Java


      Thank you very much, have been SA for a while now :)

    2. Klaus Iohannis
  13. Bodman is love, Bodman is life

  14. you don't understand i can't see the ban again........

    1. Klaus Iohannis

      Klaus Iohannis

      Please tell me the reason

    2. Java


      Well make an appeal, and maybe the banning admin comes forward.

  15. Hello Sir Bodman, i would like to speak to you on TS if you have time.

  16. hi chris, can you please talk to me on TS in a private room please ?

  17. Hello, i would like you to help me please.

    1. Java


      Yes, what the issue?

    2. Java
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