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  1. Today
  2. Changes: added B02 SVU added B02 FAL added IED added bugbait changed the mp5 to the krissvector changed the m3super90 to the aug
  3. Yesterday
  4. Last week
  5. gambo u got banned, this makes me sad

  6. UPDATE Sold Vice to @James0079 for £75! Thank you! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- More Custom Jobs will be Sold Later
  7. Changes: added the newest slot holder
  8. This is the power of gelatinous https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/juMxXbm6ubvmTQYLr?invite=cr-MSxUZGMsMTIyNDY1MzIzLA
  9. +support love this cj, i spent 5mil earlier for someone to get off haha degen gamba. Hope to see some more things added eventually.
  10. Changes: added final name added hk416 re-added dumpsters added active slot holders to post
  11. Are you ever upset with not being about to become casino manager because there's to many people? Do you wish there was a easier way than waiting forever or begging at the feet of some greasy guy to switch off for igm? Well boy do I the CJ for you, introducing "Private Casino Manager" (PCM for short) PCM is a CJ i just made cuz i went thru the same problem u just did, and boy does it just make life so much easier For the low low price of 5 irl or 15m igm you can get urself a slot and secure your Casino Tables anytime you want! msg me on discord to buy/ask questions wasimmer
  12. Changes: updated added new name a lot more coming very soon
  13. Jacky

    .NoGood Store

    UPDATE: swapped Scoped Raging Bull for s&w model 500
  14. UPDATE VICE SLOT NOW IN STOCK (Level 15 Gang still in stock, but cba to update the page again) BUY NOW BUY NOW BUY NOW BUY NOW ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- More Custom Jobs will be Added Later!
  15. well i didint know that untill i posted this, i removed it when it was lol
  16. Jacky

    .NoGood Store

    UPDATE: swapped HL2 357 for Scoped Raging Bull
  17. Dumpsters was fixed this reset/this morning
  18. Changes: updated added new name removed dumpsters as its broken
  19. Jacky

    .NoGood Store

    UPDATE: added ability to search dumpsters
  20. Earlier
  21. Changes: updated added new name
  22. update: hey yall selling boney ghost shinobi arctic wendigo ownership ( sold )
  23. nani

    nani's Store

    Xero Update Added: M40A3 Removed: Nothing
  24. Selling Ownerships: Whole Job, M4 Hybrid, Type-25 and Custom Model
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