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Posts posted by Tiers_Kyle

  1. 16 hours ago, Courier said:

    A great gateway to being accepted to staff is these things. When you play try and make a positive presence towards staff on the server so this means try not to break rules, be overwhelmingly nice and positive towards others, make reports etc. Having this impact on staff and the server would make them more likely to vouch for you when you have written an application as they know a little bit about you. For an application, include positive qualities about you as a person and your overall skills and at the end of it just why you want to join the staff team in the first place.


    Not everyone gets accepted for staff the first time so even though you've made some applications it has made yourself known to some staff members meaning you are showing that you are willing to join team. But trust me if you follow these steps then you are more than likely to accepted into the staff team.

    tysm for this advice good mate, I promise to be very respectful to both you and other admins and mods 👍

    4 hours ago, Lugenix said:

    Personally, one of the best things to do is simply roleplay, getting involved within the community gets more notice than you think. A great example of this is my gunstores, renown for being overpriced yet hilarious to come to, you'll have players and staff come and RP with you, give everyone a great experience not just staff, and staff will come naturally to you, even /advert your business in game shows your active and engaging within the community creating a point of sale and business interest in the server. This engagement, plus passion creates the perfect chemistry to joining the staff team. 


    By achieving this, not only is it a return point to link yourself back to the community when you're off duty, but it's giving back to them as well by creating an access point to weapons or utilities to maintain and upkeep role play. There are plenty of great examples like this, but this is how I do it.


    My first application got denied, I rushed it, wasn't imbedded within the community enough, and I rightfully got denied, the staff are aware of who is active and who isn't, the occasional rule break happens just like mistakes (and I mean VERY RARE), but repetitive rule breaking leaves a red mark on your logs and will always be mentioned when applying, but good behaviour can always get this taken off.


    Just by this post, is a great way on engaging in the community, it's a sign you're reaching out for help, which is a key feature of being in staff and you'll work in a team to solve problems.


    Hope this helps.


    All the best


    Thx so much mate 😁

  2. I had submitted an application to become mod on duty and was rejected by admins and mods with the description: not detailed enough, incorrect discord id, incorrect steam id and some didn't see me online much, fair enough arguments but tell me how I can improve on making my description detailed enough because I did not get any advice, admins and mods, tell me what I can do for the application next time please? much appreciated  👍

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