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Everything posted by KraftaN

  1. Egg: Weapons: Shadow Daggers - Mac10 - Winchester 73 - AK-47 - Barret M82 - Ares Shrike - Double Barrel Shotgun - Ithaca M37 - PKM - Mossberg - M14 - Winchester 1897 - Matador Sweps: Unarrest baton - Police Shield - Magic Sword - Climb SWEP - Bhop SWEP - Camo SWEP - Disguise Kit - Medic Kit - Hack Phone - Hammer - Pro Lockpick - Keypad Cracker Abilities: 100 Armor - Raid PD - Raid Bank - Build on the streets - Mug People - Kidnap People - Grow Weed - Brew Moonshine - DJ Equipment - Take Hits - £150 Salary Price: £30 (Including Fee) Dm me on discord: KraftaN#8103 I only accept PayPal
  2. KraftaN

    Selling Exile

    Did you get it sold?
  3. IG Name: KraftaN Selling: Slot for Rebellion Price: £20 (Fee included) Payment method: Paypal only Features: Meth Bitcoin Weed Moonshine DJ Equipment Hitman (job can take hits) 100 Armor Armor charger Raid bank/PD Sweps: Camo swep BHop Swep Climb Swep 2 Medkit Magic Sword Unarrest Baton Hack Phone Pro Lockpick Keypad cracker Disguise kit Fists Weapons: Double barrel shotty USAS Ithaca M37 Winchester Shotgun Cross bow AK47 M249 barrett luger You may base and raid with anyone. You may build on the streets. You are allowed to mug for a maximum of £10000. You are allowed to kidnap anyone. You are allowed to raid PD.
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