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Everything posted by MeatBallz

  1. Agree! @Dancing YetiQueen And @Brock Olly has done a great job as moderator!
  2. @Avionix boombox and terminal should be removed
  3. I once Paid 4 Cops 5k each to not try to stop me When i was raiding bank So Thats How you do it
  4. im still confused, are you white or dark skin?
  5. so the tonight has been a really big mess with so many rulebreakers and people that got banned, once when there was only a new mentored guy on (@Mark Cooper) It was the biggest mess i ever seen while playing on this server, you couldnt go 2 minute on the streets without getting rdm'ed or ra'ed, this one admin @Mark Cooper handled it all with a good hand even tho he was stressed as he was the only staff OD and he was just mentored. thanks to the new guy!
  6. Why would you even have a dog like daryl? He is a bitch and a ugly dog, he aint deserve No scooby snacks @Daryl Dixon fight me stupid dog
  7. Heard nightblade is a good mentor, dont suprise me
  8. The thing its named when you can edit stuff? The thing its named when you can edit stuff on forums ?
  9. Haha sorry! Didn't really know what it wad named ?
  10. @WARRIOR you are doing a great job as admin! You are a good friend and a good staff member. We used to base and raid alot before you became staff and it took some of you're time, however it makes me so happy to see you doing good! Also as what i have seen players and other staff members saying about you makes me more happy, cause they are saying alot of good things about you. Tbh it didn't surprise me you got staff as you are a very respected player, i never seen you be jailed before and you know the rules! Keep up the good work lad, sadly i cant enjoy any of you're sits anymore as my computer is not working well:/. @Toast glad to see you back as a staff member again! When i was new on the server i always wanted to be just as respected as you! You are a good friend and a nice gang member, i really want to get back on the server so i can see you as staff again and wish you luck! @Shift also one of my fellow gang members! You are a great staff member and a greater friend! Before i really get you to know i was standing on your side when you was hobo and telling stories to people. You are a great builder and you loved to show you're new hobo building to me, and I loved them!! I remember a time before you joined toast's gang, you made a house and showed me a secret room with a case, And you locked me inside! I enjoyed to be your little slave:^) @priorduck★ I remember you resigned a while ago and I'm glad to see you back on the track! You are doing a great job as a staff member. You and @WarMachine was mod when I came on, you helped me alot and I really enjoyed talking with you, it made me happy when they promoted you to admin and I enjoyed your sits so much! But then you resigned which was so disappointing, but fuck it as you got your rank back! Keep up the good job lad! @WarMachine you was also there to help me when I was new on the server so I didn't break any rules, it also made me happy when they promoted you to admin! You keept doing a great work and you even got admin+ but it didn't surprise you as you have always been doing a great work! Keep up the good work lad. @NoT_eNgLiSh wazzup m8! I remember when you first came on the server we used to be swat together! It made me so happy when you became mod and I knew you was gonna do a great job! You are admin now and of the best on the server! I really do hope you get a promotion to admin+ cause you fucking deserve it! Keep up the good work my little English boy @Mr Robot you are also a great admin! When you first became mod I didn't think you will make it so far but you did! I never got to know you so much but I can say I enjoyed your sits and you should keep up the good work lad! @Lightnin' oh boi, had my fun times with you and bad times, all I really want to say is you are doing a hell fucking good job! Both as CM and admin+! I enjoy you're sits to and you are great at your job! You are the only guy I hope gets promoted to something higher.. Keep up the good job dude!! (Omg this was so hard to type on my phone)
  11. me, @Zaadlob & @Toast is the reason CG still is here, we are the gods from heaven and we will keep up our good work :^) im totally a joke, so is @Zaadlob and @Toast
  12. Alltimegamer is an very active admin that handles sits very Well i enjoy my reports with him cause he know The rules and Always make a fair punishment. I would say this is one of The Best admin on The server! keep the Good work up bud
  13. Mass rdm + proppush + racisme + disrespect + mods killing minge kids all saved my our lord the great UM Mark
  14. This guy, is fucking awesome, i love him<3 i Think he derseve Way better rank than a Silly mod, he's good at Helping People, and i really enjoying he's sits .... I really love that guy
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