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[For Moderators] How to submit a ban request!


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Lately I feel ban requests are very messy and hard for admins like myself to fulfill. I'm going to teach moderators how to submit a ban request.


Step One:

Get the steamID of the player you'd like to ban. You can do this using the logs, or by finding their name in the tab list, clicking on their name, then clicking copy steamID.

Step Two:

Start writing out the command. Please do this step carefully to avoid getting an admin in trouble for banning someone for too long/too short.

How to write out the command for admins:

Start by opening the banid command by typing @ulx banid This part is telling the console that you are going to ban someone.

Next, enter the steam ID. This tells the console who you are trying to ban. To do this, hold control then click "V", and it should appear like this: ulx banid STEAM:0:1004156

After it looks like that, please enter the amount of time you'd like to ban the player for. Here are the times available:

Permanent - Simply write 0. Example: ulx banid STEAM:0:1004156 0 

Days - Write the number of days you'd like to ban the player for, then type D. Example: ulx banid STEAM:0:1004156 5d - This would ban the player for 5days (d stands for day)

Hours - Write the number of hours you'd like to ban the player for, then type H. Example: ulx banid STEAM:0:1004156 5h - This would ban the player for 5 hours (h stands for hour)

Minutes - Never try to suggest a ban on someone for some minutes, as it's simple too minor to ban for. Instead, jail them for how long you'd like to ban them in seconds.

After you've entered the time, you must enter the reason. Reasons should either have: "RDM" or "Violation of rule 2.1". Please don't write the reason any longer then it needs to be, just simply enter the rule they broke. If you feel you need a really long reason, it means you haven't told them why they're being banned correctly. When you're explaining to a player why he's being banned, please include everything you'd write in the reason, plus what he should have done to avoid the ban.

After you have wrote the reason, write your RP name in bracts, this tells higher up admins who the ban requesting mod was.

Example: ulx banid STEAM:0:1004156 5d Mass Violation of rule 2.1 (pooplez)

Step Three:

When requesting a ban, be patient. If the player is running around, freeze him. If he's mic spamming/chat spamming, gag/mute him.

Please don't flame the admins for not fulfilling a ban request right after you request the ban, as we are most likely in a sit if we haven't fulfilled it.

To request the ban, simply write in @ chat the console command, shown above.

Example: @ulx banid STEAM:0:1004156 5d Mass RDM (pooplez)

After you have requested the ban, your work here is done.


 PS - I must have had a ton of errors in this, if you catch any please let me know.

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5 hours ago, pooplez said:


Muting a person thats mic spamming won't do anything. I also find this extreamly annoying. A person thats been in the community for like 1 week telling othrr people how to do there job. You also make it seem like all mods are terrible. You didn't need to make a guide just tell them. Most mods know how to do a ban request. Your making it seem like we're all stupid and incorrect by do "Ban request on steamid:0;000000 for lta 4 days please." that's how Lightnin' and WarMachine taught me. I will not listen to someone who has not been a member of the community long.

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1 hour ago, NoT_eNgLiSh said:

You can tell you have not been staff for a long time...

Mods always fail to request a ban properly, for example, they never put how much time etc... 

Alright time..

Moderator : Please ban STEAMIDx:xx:xxx or whatever for mass RDM... Well you clearly are not gonna ban him for a month or 30 minutes.. Ban him for a week or whatever  you ban Mass RDM for, I would not know cuz like you said "you haven't been staff for a long time".


If it honestly that bad just bring it up in the meetings.

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1 hour ago, Daryl Dixon said:

Muting a person thats mic spamming won't do anything. I also find this extreamly annoying. A person thats been in the community for like 1 week telling othrr people how to do there job. You also make it seem like all mods are terrible. You didn't need to make a guide just tell them. Most mods know how to do a ban request. Your making it seem like we're all stupid and incorrect by do "Ban request on steamid:0;000000 for lta 4 days please." that's how Lightnin' and WarMachine taught me. I will not listen to someone who has not been a member of the community long.

Thanks for finding a mistake, I will fix it ASAP!

How is it annoying? It's just wayyyyyyy easier and less time consuming for a mod to ban request this way. Also if you say "Ban request on steamid:0:0518 for lta" the admin will most likely forget your name at the end, or the mod won't specify a time (which they NEVER EVER EVER do). And I am telling you how to do your job. 

If a mod is looking to become admin they are going to have to learn this same thing, may as well make them learn as a mod. You aren't all stupid  and incorrect, it's just simply lazy not to write out the command for us.

Admins are constantly taking sits, we can't take a break just because a mod doesn't feel like writing out a simple command.

Also after reading " I will not listen to someone who has not been a member of the community long." I may as well have not typed out what I said above, thats extremely ignorant of you to say. I've worked at the same pace as my fellow admins and I feel like I'm not credited for it because of people like you

45 minutes ago, Rasputin said:

Alright time..

Moderator : Please ban STEAMIDx:xx:xxx or whatever for mass RDM... Well you clearly are not gonna ban him for a month or 30 minutes.. Ban him for a week or whatever  you ban Mass RDM for, I would not know cuz like you said "you haven't been staff for a long time".


If it honestly that bad just bring it up in the meetings.

It's up to the banning mod to decide how long the ban time is, not someone who just received a few words in @ chat to decide.

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8 hours ago, pooplez said:

Also if you say "Ban request on steamid:0:0518 for lta" the admin will most likely forget your name at the end, or the mod won't specify a time (which they NEVER EVER EVER do). And I am telling you how to do your job. 

Now this is just wrong, if youve been taking ban requests for about more than 1 day you would know that 99,9% of mods do a time in their ban request(in the evenings atleast). And you need to have VERY bad short term memory to forget someones name lol.

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8 hours ago, Zonamo said:

Now this is just wrong, if youve been taking ban requests for about more than 1 day you would know that 99,9% of mods do a time in their ban request(in the evenings atleast). And you need to have VERY bad short term memory to forget someones name lol.

You got me.. I have short term memory loss. Now how hard is it to add your name? It's so selfish not to actually finish the reason, or not to add the time.

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Any arguments regarding things like this will be taken seriously and you will be spoken to by a senior member of the staff team. 

I understand the reason for the guide but honestly moderators will not be forced to make ban requests in this manner. They can simply make a ban request like this:

@ Could i have (STEAMID) banned for (rulebreaks e.g. Mass RDM) for (duration e.g. 1 week)

It is the moderators responsibility to add the correct STEAMID as well as correct reason and duration of ban. They're job is not to make the Administrators lives easier but to aid them by moderating the server.

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