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Bind Guide


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In this thread I thought I would list some of the binds I know, as they make the game a lot easier and enjoyable to play.

Below, you will finds binds for a few jobs, including the binds to switch to that job.

If you feel I have missed any, or want to add more, then post below and I will add them.

To bind each command, use the / commands below in this format

Note that the key can be anything you want, just replace the word "key" with pressing the button you want, and "/thief" with whatever command you want from the list below.

Edit: If you want to bind a key such as Page Down, or Numpad keys, they are below:





"NUM_0" (and above).

Job Binds:

VIP Jobs:

/mthief - Master Thief.

/special_arms - Special Arms Dealer.

/parkour - Parkour.

/elitehitman – Elite Hitman.

/hobol - Hobo Leader.

/swatchief - SWAT Leader.

/swatsniper - SWAT Sniper.

/terroristleader - Terrorist Leader.

/hacker - Hacker.

/radioman - DJ

Staff Jobs:

/mod - MOD (Mod On Duty)

/admin - AOD (Admin On Duty)

Non-Vote Jobs:

/citizen - Citizen.

/gangster - Gangster.

/mobboss - Mob Boss.

/gundealer - Gun Dealer.

/medic - Medic.

/hobo - Hobo.

/banker - Banker.

/drugdealer - Drug Dealer.

/thief - Thief.

/guard - Guard.

/mechanic - Car Mechanic.

/prostitute - Prostitute.

/pimp - Pimp.

/adealer - Armour Dealer.

/swatmedic - SWAT Medic.

/hitman – Hitman.

Vote Jobs (You cannot bind these to instantly get the job, but you can bind the vote creation):

/votepolice - Police.

/votechief - Police Chief.

/votemayor - Mayor.

/votess - Secret Service.

/voteterrorist - Terrorist.

/voteswat - SWAT.

Custom Jobs (Only available to those who bought them):

/batman - Batman.

/wookie - Spiderman.

/arnold – Flash Gorgon

/glados - Moe Glados. (Removed)

(Please PM me if you have a custom job and it’s not here)

Entity Spawn Commands:


/buyammo pistol - Pistol Ammo.

/buyammo smg1 - SMG Ammo.

/buyammo ar2 - Rifle Ammo.

/buyammo buckshot - Shotgun Ammo.

/buyammo SniperPenetratedRound - Sniper Ammo.

(Note that the above need to have the space inbetween "/buyammo" and the ammo type in the console bind area.)


/buystove - Meth Stove

/buypot - Pot

/buyspot - Special Pot

/buysulfur - Liquid Sulfur

/buywater - Water

/buyjar - Jar

/buyiodine - Iodine

/buygascanister - Gas Canister

/buymacid - Muriatic Acid


/buymoneyprinter2 - Bronze Printer

/buymoneyprinter3 - Silver Printer

/buymoneyprinter4 - Gold Printer

/buymoneyprinter5 - Diamond Printer

/buymoneyprinter7 - VIP Printer

/buysilencer -Printer Silencer

/buytimer - Printer Speed Upgrade

/buycooler - Printer Cooler Upgrade

/buyamount - Printer Amount Upgrade

Misc Entities:

/buycamera – Camera

/buyterminal - Terminal

/buyboombox - Boombox

/buybank - Bank

ULX Commands (these will only include the console commands for bind them, not the !commands.):

ulx noclip - Noclip (Admin only).

ulx menu - Menu (All ranks).

ulx dcals - Clear's decals.

ulx nolag - Freeze's all props.

ulx cloak - Cloaks you (Admin only).

ulx uncloak - Uncloaks you (Admin only).

Note that the above commands have to be bound in this format: bind key "ulx noclip" with "noclip" being replaced with whatever command, I know I missed a lot of commands, please tell me what they are so I can add them.

If I have missed any commands, made a mistake, or if you want to suggest another command, then post below.

Thanks for reading.



(This is from the old forums, [uSER=4]@Crimson L[/uSER] had it backed up and updated it and corrected my grammar.)

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