Owner: MikeyWP | Unverified | Weapons 10 | Sweps 14 | Abilities 5 | Entities 6 | Slots 6 | CMD: /Odesa
Slots may be Limited | Anything Exclusive to the job will be in Purple
Weapons: M4 Hybrid, Type 25, Double Barrel, AK47, HK416, M40A3, Remington1858, PKM, Mustang and Sally, Ithaca M37.
Sweps: Climb, Bhop, Hammer, Hackphone, Lockpick, Keypad Cracker, Magic Sword, Medkit, Camera, Unarrest, OP Fishing Rod, Adrenaline, Disguise, Camo.
Abilities: Hits, Kidnap, 100 Armor, Mug, Rob the Bank.
Entities: Weed, Moonshine, Crypto Miner, Armor Charger, Store_Shelf, Spec_Arms_Guns.
To Buy Slots Message MikeyWP#6828 for more info.