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Everything posted by Focky

  1. Mango man is pretty hot
  2. Mr Willy Wilton needs to get his stacks of cash somehow.
  3. I believe in Mr mayor, Tobi Wolf supremacy
  4. @profesional gamier is a cool mod man! He took a lotta reports today at a busy time, I had the pleasure of seeing one of the reports he took today. It seemed to me a quite challenging report, it was a building report, many problems arose and the sit was interrupted a few times, the players involved were quite hard to talk with. But he handled this chaotic report very well. Also very chill guy in general.
  5. its a pleasure to see pixie on the server, Such a lovely person
  6. springate is a very nice, super cool mod. I quite enjoy his kindness and level of professionalism
  7. The full video guide will be released soon Cloud gaming darkrp: moderation training series
  8. Yeah i agree all of this is either common sense or in the mentoring. But I feel in the mentoring process the mentor throws a lotta information at the mentee and its a lot to remember in one go so having something to refer to might be useful, I know the staff rules and commands are already listed in the staff area but a few of the commands aren't used by mods, there's a lot of rules to try to remember in one go, and the commands list and punishment list aren't good for quick glances for reference.
  9. Yeah there is but i thought it might be more appropriate to put it here so people who are in the mentoring process or wish to apply for mod can kinda see this
  10. Hey! You have just become a moderator here's a neat lil guide I made for you to refer to. This guide is intended for moderators, mentee's and aspiring staff members At the time of writing this is accurate, if I have used incorrect information please message or comment so I can correct it Moderators exist to keep the server fair and moderated, as a moderator you should be respectful, kind and patient. You must remember as moderator you are a ambassador of the server To type in staff chat in game use @ before your message e.g : @hello! Punishment Here's a small compilation of punishments and times for your convivence (as of the time of writing) Minor offenses 5 minute jail - RDM | RA | FAILRP | FEARRP | STUN STICK ABUSE | PROP ABUSE | FALSE DEMOTION | META GAMING | JOB ABUSE 3 minute jail - NLR 5 minute mute - Voice/Chat spam | 1.1 Major offenses 3 day ban - MASS NLR | LTAP 1 week ban - MASS RDM | MASS RULE BREAK | SKILL ABUSE (+ skill reset) 2 week ban - MASS 1.1 | PROP BLOCKING SPAWN 1 month ban - Advertising | exploiting (loopholing) 6 month ban - Exploiting (server exploit warning) Permanent ban - cheating Ban format If a ban is required you may request a admin to do it for you in darkrp staff chat or alternatively in the discord The following format must be followed: cga ban <steamID> <time> <reason> - <signature> For example if i wanted to ban a user with steam id Steam:0:0:1223456778 for ltap i would request the following: cga ban Steam:0:0:1223456778 3 days ltap - Focky Moderator commands !jail <steamID> <duration (minutes)> <reason> !info <steamID> !unjail <steamID> !ra - reports menu !cgl - logs !sa - sit area !mute <steamID> <time (minutes)> <reason> !respawn <steamID> !cloak !cga - to see what commands you can use if you forget !bring <steamID> !return <steamID> If you want to bind one of these commands such as !cloak type the following in console: bind <keyname> "say <command here> e.g: bind m "say !ra" | this bind would open the reports menu when you press m Focky's golden rules Here's the staff rules that i have deemed the most important as mod -Do not take part in roleplay situations -Keep cloaked unless in a sit or taking a player -Do not power abuse -Obey higher members of staff -Be responsible TIPS AND TRICKS To be updated Make a bind to return yourself for quick transport to your last teleport location with ease: bind <keyname> "say /return <your steamID> Remember to meet your On Duty time! Sources Staff Rules Duty requirements Commands Punishments
  11. I saw @TobiLuvsHuskys was very active to take reports today, tobi handled them maturely efficiency and acted in a way that helped other players. He is friendly respectful and approachable
  12. Focky


    I recently was in a sit with @Tangy. I think he is a great admin, he took my report in a very professional manner, he is very welcoming, respectful and friendly in the way he takes reports, the report was handled swiftly and calmly. Reports handled by some other staff members have been quite chaotic recently (at least for myself) Something about tangy just really stands out from the majority of other staff members that handle reports.
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