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Everything posted by L1oficail_

  1. just to lyk 100 armour is an ability not swept
  2. in the search bar on the top left search unarrest and i think it should come up then show you it then right click and copy to clipboard on it
  3. To bind weapons u wanna do - Bind <key> "use <weapon name> " to get the weapon name go on the spawn menu and search up the gun name then right click and press "copy to clipboard" E.G bind x "use m9k_scar " You can also use this to bind medkit/swepts e.g. Bind caps "use weapon_medkit " u can also use ; on the end of binding to make it say smth e.g Bind caps " use weapon_medkit ; say take this medkit " hope this helped
  4. £45 (update coming soon) Selling Brute+ 45 -i pay fee-
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