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Everything posted by Minimalist

  1. God the shitposts are real @MeatBallz @MrSockFace
  2. It won't 'break' any dupes, it's literally just copy and pasting the folder onto your desktop and placing it back into the same place once you've reinstalled. reinstalling worked the 2 times I had this issue, so give it a try
  3. 1. Buy cuirexe custom jobe 2. robe bank 3. cloke 4. profit
  4. Agreed, both have been doing exceptionally well recently
  5. Minimalist

    Lost Hat data

    I also lost 2 hats today, haven't bothered trying to get them back because i'm lazy EDIT: I tried to get my hats back last night by typing "hat_data" in console and reconnecting, it didn't work but it seems restarting my game fixed it, I now have my hats back.
  6. Click on his profile, click send message
  7. the Terminator playermodel is a custom model, roast stopped allowing people to use custom models now :/
  8. You need to PM roast with the following things. Player model of your choice (Must be a playermodel from this list) The name you'd like for your job Custom colour for your job the purpose of your job, criminal or law enforcement etc. and if you'd like to get any sweps for an extra £30 each
  9. I told you this earlier in-game, did you not listen?
  10. it's the truth, but oke. Also wanna tell Mr. SYMMIJ this too? or just leave him out because he's staff
  11. Shame his good staffing is ruined by exploiting and abusing.
  12. I still owe you a dupe, let me know when you're ingame. Thanks also <3
  13. Also a very great guy yourself, thanks. :^)
  14. i'll be on in like 5-10. keep in mind i have no idea at all how to play
  15. dude what how is darkrp hard its the simplest shit ever teach me ttt i teach you darkrp hueue
  16. Thank you for making this. TTT sounds confusing and hard asf but i might come on the server later and try it out
  17. I highly agree with this, Arjun has been on the past 3 nights helping us out with the rulebreakers, and every night he manages to get rid of them. I feel Arjun has everything it takes to be a great staff member and he already is, but i think he needs admin for more commands and to be able to help us out more, such as in times like these. +1
  18. Also wanna thank you @WarMachine for how you handled the rulebreakers last night
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