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How to write an effective application


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Over the past few weeks with many different applications flooding in, I have seen a varying degree of the quality of them. In this guide I will talk about how to make an effective application, that stands out, and will show other people how much you wish to become the rank you are applying for. 

Step 1: Enter your username.


I am called Cytonex in game, so I will enter Cytonex in that field.


Step 2: Enter your SteamID. Your SteamID is a unique code that is used to identify your account, and is used to give you a specific rank if you are promoted. You can find your SteamID by going on http://steamidfinder.com/
Once you are on this, enter your username, or your profile url. I enter Cytonex, and it comes up with my SteamID: 


Using this, I can now enter my SteamID in the field asking for that!


Step 3: Time Zone. A time zone is the zone of time where you live. As I live in Britain, I would put GMT. You should know your time zone, if not a simple google search will bring it up.


Step 4: Current Rank. Your current rank is simply attained by knowing what you are on the server. If you are a moderator, you will be making an admin application, so you will put "Moderator / Mod" inside the current rank. If you are a user applying for Mod, you will simply put "User". There's no need for something like "Regular Player". Putting VIP is optional, but it doesn't fully matter.


Step 5: This step is pretty self-explanatory; there is a drop down menu, where you can click: DarkRP, TTT (Which is dead and will be removed soon), and Surf. You choose which one you are applying for staff on.




Step 6: Qualities of a staff member. This is your first section to get some writing in. In this section, write about how a staff member should act on duty, and off. You should write about what a staff member should do to improve the server, and make it a better place. You should also talk about what staff members should do to get respect, and stand out. Talking about all of this will show that you know your stuff, and you are willing to follow what you have talked about. You should always finish this section by promising that you will attain everything you have talked about to the best of your ability.


"A staff member should always be mature when OD, as who would want to place their trust in someone that cannot help out the server responsibly. Being mature is an impressive quality to have a staff member, however all should be somewhat mature, to stand out, and to do their job correctly."


Step 7: Why do you deserve a promotion? This is the section where you can talk freely about yourself, and who you are as a person, showing you're capable of handling the responsibilities that come with being on the staff team. You should talk about hobbies, skills you've learnt, how these are applicable to in game use, qualifications you have, time you've spent on the server, why you want to be staff, what you like about being staff, why you think you deserve a rank. You should talk about all of these things, really blow the minds of the staff team, show them how much you really want to be staff.


"In my school, I am a prefect, meaning I have to handle a lot of responsibilities, and balance my time efficiently. I'm sure this would greatly benefit being staff on the server, as I can deal with the pressures of being staff, and have good time management. By doing this I can get through sits quickly, yet efficiently. I feel I would help out the staff team well, as I am able to work as a team well, yet be independent when necessary."


Step 8: The requirements. Firstly, the requirements can be found here .

Before applying, make sure you do meet the requirements. If you do not, your application will most likely be Auto-Declined. When you have made sure you meet the requirements, tick the box, and complete the captcha, then let the +Supports come in ;) 


In this guide I have only given brief examples. To really show off, make everything incredibly detailed, and make the staff team impressed with you!

I hope this guide helps as least someone when they're thinking of making an application to join the staff team!


Edited by Nomad
Added Hyperlink to requirements URL.
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