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Everything posted by Cytonex

  1. yo bro is exile slot still for sale? couldn’t msg u was getting sent to wrong cortez

  2. Cheers man, I appreciate it a lot I will be working on my activity, but I need to get on top of coursework and stuff you're a great staff member too, @NightBlade keep at it!
  3. Thank you very much man! I'm glad to help I really appreciate the recommendation!
  4. @WarMachine, you're a superb admin+, and you are most definitely on a steady path to SA! Well done with all the hard work mate
  5. haha true, well I'll try keep an eye out then
  6. Over the past few weeks with many different applications flooding in, I have seen a varying degree of the quality of them. In this guide I will talk about how to make an effective application, that stands out, and will show other people how much you wish to become the rank you are applying for. Step 1: Enter your username. Example I am called Cytonex in game, so I will enter Cytonex in that field. Step 2: Enter your SteamID. Your SteamID is a unique code that is used to identify your account, and is used to give you a specific rank if you are promoted. You can find your SteamID by going on http://steamidfinder.com/ Once you are on this, enter your username, or your profile url. I enter Cytonex, and it comes up with my SteamID: Using this, I can now enter my SteamID in the field asking for that! Step 3: Time Zone. A time zone is the zone of time where you live. As I live in Britain, I would put GMT. You should know your time zone, if not a simple google search will bring it up. Step 4: Current Rank. Your current rank is simply attained by knowing what you are on the server. If you are a moderator, you will be making an admin application, so you will put "Moderator / Mod" inside the current rank. If you are a user applying for Mod, you will simply put "User". There's no need for something like "Regular Player". Putting VIP is optional, but it doesn't fully matter. Step 5: This step is pretty self-explanatory; there is a drop down menu, where you can click: DarkRP, TTT (Which is dead and will be removed soon), and Surf. You choose which one you are applying for staff on. Example Step 6: Qualities of a staff member. This is your first section to get some writing in. In this section, write about how a staff member should act on duty, and off. You should write about what a staff member should do to improve the server, and make it a better place. You should also talk about what staff members should do to get respect, and stand out. Talking about all of this will show that you know your stuff, and you are willing to follow what you have talked about. You should always finish this section by promising that you will attain everything you have talked about to the best of your ability. Example "A staff member should always be mature when OD, as who would want to place their trust in someone that cannot help out the server responsibly. Being mature is an impressive quality to have a staff member, however all should be somewhat mature, to stand out, and to do their job correctly." Step 7: Why do you deserve a promotion? This is the section where you can talk freely about yourself, and who you are as a person, showing you're capable of handling the responsibilities that come with being on the staff team. You should talk about hobbies, skills you've learnt, how these are applicable to in game use, qualifications you have, time you've spent on the server, why you want to be staff, what you like about being staff, why you think you deserve a rank. You should talk about all of these things, really blow the minds of the staff team, show them how much you really want to be staff. Example "In my school, I am a prefect, meaning I have to handle a lot of responsibilities, and balance my time efficiently. I'm sure this would greatly benefit being staff on the server, as I can deal with the pressures of being staff, and have good time management. By doing this I can get through sits quickly, yet efficiently. I feel I would help out the staff team well, as I am able to work as a team well, yet be independent when necessary." Step 8: The requirements. Firstly, the requirements can be found here . Before applying, make sure you do meet the requirements. If you do not, your application will most likely be Auto-Declined. When you have made sure you meet the requirements, tick the box, and complete the captcha, then let the +Supports come in In this guide I have only given brief examples. To really show off, make everything incredibly detailed, and make the staff team impressed with you! I hope this guide helps as least someone when they're thinking of making an application to join the staff team! ~Cytonex
  7. Thanks so much man, makes me really happy
  8. Aha you're right over the past few weeks I've tried hard to balance school and a decent OD time, and it's improved quite a bit (Not being modest here whatsoever xD) Thanks though man, it means a lot
  9. Thank you @priorduck★! I really do appreciate it!
  10. Thanks very much @Lightnin', I really appreciate it! I just try my hardest for the server, and try and be friendly with everyone! Thanks
  11. I can agree with all of this, the server has been a lot of a nicer place recently, with a good ratio of staff OD and rping. @Nomad is doing a fantastic job as CM and things in the server are improving!
  12. @roast, I'm pretty sure I speak for nearly every member of the community here. Thank you so very much for Cloud Gaming. The community you have built here is phenomenal, and CG is so incredibly unique, it is by far the best DarkRP server, and the best GMod community in Garry's Mod. The amount of work and dedication you have put into CG is amazing, and we're all so very grateful for it. Through the highs and the lows, the community has stuck together, and brought great memories to every member. Like every other server, we get our minges, we get our trolls, rulebreakers, people that try and destroy our community, snakes, and just awful people. However, the people of Cloud Gaming haven't ever been knocked down, we've all been a great community, and we owe it all to you. Cloud Gaming isn't just a set of servers, it's a whole community of people, where friendships have been made, people have made their mark, and just as a whole has been a whole bundle of fun. So once again, thank you very much Roast for the community you have built, all the time and development you have put into the servers, the money, blood, sweat and tears. It's made a brilliant community of CG, so I think we all thank you for that. Here's to many more years of CG ahead! ~Cytonex
  13. this has completely revamped my darkrp experience thank you for this brilliant contribution
  14. Two to the one from the one to the three,
    I like good pussy and I like good trees.
    Smoke so much weed you wouldn't believe,
    and I get more ass than a toilet seat

  15. I won't type a speech but yes, you were phenomenal today @Zaadlob Thank you
  16. Table of Contents Introduction Section 1: Are you sure? Section 2: Why are you doing this? Section 3: Is this a decision you will regret? Section 4: Stating names Section 5: Making the post End Introduction You're obviously reading this guide because you are thinking of resigning, or you are just checking it out. If you are thinking of the first thing, then I can tell you I am not here to convince you to resign, nor am I here to tell you not to. The final choice is in your hands, and your hands only. I made this guide as guidance to help you make the right choice for you. Section 1 - Are you sure? First things first, are you absolutely sure you want to do this? You need to think about what you are doing, you are leaving the staff of Cloud Gaming, and becoming a member. This could be a good, or extremely bad decision, depending on your situation (See Section 2 - Why are you doing this?) This could be a decision that you will regret massively (See Section 4 - Is this a decision you will regret?) or it could be a necessary decision, resulting in a school success, or achieving a job. Eventually you will need to make your mind up. This guide won't convince you not to, nor will it convince you to. However, it will make sure you are 100% knowing in what you are doing. Now we will move on to Section 2. Section 2 - Why are you doing this? I'm going to start this off bluntly, if you're doing it for attention, then you probably shouldn't even be reading this guide. However, the most common cause for resigning is GCSEs or getting a job. This is a very valid reason. However, I'm not writing this to convince you to resign, or to not resign. The final choice lays in your hands. I would advise however, being staff on a server is a great and responsible role, however, you have to think about your life, and your future. If you know your OD time is taking up that of revising or applying for jobs, you should consider resigning, as it is affecting your future. However, if it is possible to fit it into a timetable, then I would recommend this alternative. Remember though, your future has to come first. Section 3 - Is this a decision you will regret? Firstly, you need to be 100% sure about resigning. If you aren't, then you will regret it. This is the problem a lot of people get. They resign, and then wish they didn't. If you aren't completely 100% sure, you will surely regret it later. This is a short section as it just needs to get to the point. Section 4 - Stating names Right, so you're absolutely sure that you that you want to resign. What a lot of people do when resigning is mention those that have been nice to them in the community. While this is a nice idea, you are pretty much guaranteed to forget someone, causing upset. This is why you should think again about stating the names. However, if you want to go for it, then you can, as it can be nice to let those that helped you know that you remember them. Section 5 - Making the post When making the post, you have to make it with confidence, and maturity. Explain why you are leaving, making sure it is a valid reason (See Section 2), and state names if you want to (See Section 4) . Then it will come to saying your final goodbyes to the staff community of Cloud Gaming. Once your post is mature, and friendly, explaining why you're leaving, and saying if you are coming back or not, it comes down to clicking the Post New Topic button. This is it. This is your last chance to back out. You have to be ABSOLUTELY sure that you are doing the right thing. If you press that button, it is very difficult/impossible to get back into staff, before waiting the time period to apply again. If you are 100% sure, then you can go ahead and press the button. Once you have done that, it is official that you have resigned. End As a final mention, please don't resign unless completely necessary. We don't want to lose more members of the Cloud Gaming staff. However, if you have to do it, then it is your decision. I hope you have enjoyed reading my first guide, and that it has convinced you to make the right decision for you. ~NamesAreSoLastYear
  17. get spooped

    1. Avionix
    2. A Random Caucasian

      A Random Caucasian

      Get spooned.......

      wait wat

    3. diiPY


      Not sure if get spooked or get spooned

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