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  1. Forgot my password for my forum account. Im on it now but cant access security settings to change my email is there anyway i can change my password?
  2. I can tell u over steam if u want Not as easy as just subscirbing to a addon you need unpack it and place certain files certain places. Pm me on steam ill tell u how
  3. done it! http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1219475849
  4. im talking about full reskins like this - https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=epic+reskin+physgun&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjf9JOPtOzXAhUnKcAKHUBMChUQ_AUICygC&biw=1920&bih=974#imgrc=U35HQffFl011tM:
  5. So once i logged on to a random server and it had a custom phys gun but i left it and joined cg and boom i still had that physgun model. is there any chance i can somhow keep it?
  6. Thanks you But i have not been as active as i could be as my gmod has been having this very bad lag spike error where a lag spike happens for like 5 mins straight and happens every 10 mins and i just give up and leave. But now its fixed so i will be alot more active But thanks for the recomendation
  7. @MOD MR man has been so active recently and always od when im on great mod keep up the great work
  8. i would like to recommend @Jtwepiczombie because he has been hosting many events the past week
  9. Or you can use plays.tv if you dont have the right processor to run nvidia cpu
  10. Ok so first of this is only windows 10 Step one - go to settings https://gyazo.com/ffab225e893c95369b707a38eba817bb Step two - If your on windows 10 you should a button that says gaming click it Step Three - Go to game DVR and copy my settings https://gyazo.com/e6ed693ea5c4fe6b479cf6a8e1f8332f Step Four - Now go to the button "game bar" and click it Step Five - Make a shortcut for Record that And then when your ingame and somone rule breaks you can save the last 5 mins of ur game so you have proof Where do the video files save? https://gyazo.com/63de3ec0c4a81b1cf12bb92f9249175f just click open folder
  11. saw you today and heard ur on at late times sorry ill add to the list now
  12. I would like to say thank you to the active staff - @Avionix @TR 15inb @jtwepiczombie @madmin3er (dont know forum name) @Neduxas @proxy @Leon Stark @NightBlade @Curski If i missed any of im sorry
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