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Daryl the Fairy

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Posts posted by Daryl the Fairy

  1. 5 hours ago, pooplez said:


    Muting a person thats mic spamming won't do anything. I also find this extreamly annoying. A person thats been in the community for like 1 week telling othrr people how to do there job. You also make it seem like all mods are terrible. You didn't need to make a guide just tell them. Most mods know how to do a ban request. Your making it seem like we're all stupid and incorrect by do "Ban request on steamid:0;000000 for lta 4 days please." that's how Lightnin' and WarMachine taught me. I will not listen to someone who has not been a member of the community long.

  2. 6 minutes ago, Mordecai The Blue Jay said:

    I think you should correct something, you shouldn't put quotation marks before and after the key.


    And the bind for reports should be !report [issue] (example: !report I just got RDMed)

    I mean the command for opening reports as a staff memeber if i rememebet correctly it was !ra.

  3. As many people still don't know how to bind an advert or an OCC. I'm going to give some examples.

    bind "[" "say /advert MUG! Drop 5K or die! Running is fearRP."

    bind "]" "say // Hello guys!"

    bind "l" "say LEAVE! (Warning, leave or die)

    As a staff member, here are some useful commands!

    bind "f" "ulx teleport"

    bind "m" "say You made a report?"

    bind "o" "say !cgl"

    I can't remember the command for opening reports so please feel free to add it in the comments!

    bind "v" "ulx noclip"

    bind "n" "ulx !freeze @"

    bind "k" "ulx !unfreeze @"

    bind "Key" "Command"

    bind "o" "say !ra"

    You need to quotation marks!


    Hope this helped out.

  4. 1 hour ago, NoT_eNgLiSh said:

    ''IT'' Ginger's are a rare species, and we will take over Cloud Gaming, one day. Just you watch... Kappa

    Sure thing, boss.

    1 hour ago, MeatBallz said:

    Why would you even have a dog like daryl? He is a bitch and a ugly dog, he aint deserve No scooby snacks


    @Daryl Dixon fight me stupid dog


    Fuck you. You fucking knob suck a dick you cunt fuck bitch ass whore.

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