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  1. Upvote
    Xappan got a reaction from Zolobrine in Constrained - Solution   
    I think many of us faced the problem of our bases suddenly going "constrained". Constrained is a state in which the owner no longer can manipulate his/her props. (Those who can manipulate world can (admin and above)).
    This is all caused by the Keypad H4CK3R tool the thieves use to crack the keypads.
    There is a solution to the problem though! Its quite simple. When we build a base, if we use keypads be sure to don't weld them to ANYTHING. Let me explain:
    Keypads WILL get constrained, there is nothing we can do about that. But we can preserve our props simply by not welding them to the keypad. Yeah easy right? When you place a keypad be sure to uncheck "Weld". And some might ask: "Thats nice and all, but a lot of times I do not have my props attached to the keypad, and they still get constrained."
    That is true, but that is also because it is welded in a way. When you weld a keypad to a prop, and weld another prop to that prop, the keypad WILL BE welded to the second prop too, despite you not welding it to the keypad. Weld not only helps the props keep their relative positions of eachother, but sort of makes them one prop. So if you weld all your props together, and weld a keypad to one of them, it will affect ALL of them.
    So simple thing you can do is:
    a.) Don't weld the keypad to anything.
    b.) Weld the keypad to a prop ,if you don't feel safe without it welded, that you wont need as it will get constrained.
    c.) Weld the keypad to the world.
    The world is the floor, the walls, basically the map itself. If you weld all of your props to the world it WILL NOT get constrained, even if the keypad was welded to the same world. (Same wall, same floor, etc.)
    Think about it like electricity and the weld as a wire. If you let the eletricity in one of your props it will travel through the wires (Constraines everything), but electricity cannot travel through the ground (world).
    I hope this helps some people. I'm sorry for any grammatical or lexical mistakes I might have made, my keyboard is dying.
  2. Upvote
    Xappan got a reaction from VeryDoge in How to: Commands on DarkRP   
    This post will mostly help staff members, though I'm going to go through ALL commands that is listed in ULX for users, mods, admins and admin+. With the exception of teleport every command of a lower rank may be used by members of upper ranks. For any typo I'm sorry and feel free to pm me or write a reply, I'll edit it accordingly. So lets get to it:
    What is ULX?
    The creatords described ulx this way: "ULX is the oldest lua-based administration mod released for Gmod, and it is the admin mod that almost every other admin mod has compared itself to or claimed to be better than. Not just an ordinary administration mod with kick/ban features, ULX contains many useful features to assist in administration and server management (reserved slots, detailed logs), or just fun punishments (blind, slap, maul). Combined with its module system and a supportive forum community of developers and ULX users, the possibilities of extensibility are virtually endless."
    Buuut, who cares. I'll put it simply so everyone can understand, even though it won't be correct. Ulx = all the commands we use on the server.
    How to use a ulx command?
    Using ulx commands, is easy. Either you type in the console: "ulx command" and the argument it needs, or you can use the ingame chat for it, e.g. !command <arguments>.
    This will get meaning for mods and above but targeting can be quite hard sometimes. Players might have similar names, weird characters, or keep changin names. With ulx commands there are 12 methods of targeting, not all having different effects. Lets start from easiest and go to the most obscure:
    command NAME - issuing a command with the name of the player you are targeting. This is to be done in the chat.
    ulx command NAME - same as the pervious, done in the console instead of the chat window.
    command $STEAMID - issuing a command with a steamid, or any unique id (userid, ip, etc.). Chat.
    ulx command $STEAMID - same as command $STEAMID. Console
    command $USERID - same as command $STEAMID. Chat
    ulx command $USERID - same as command $STEAMID. Console
    command @ - Target the person you are looking at. Failure to look at someone will result in either failure of the commands, or executing it on everyone you are able to manipulate, depending if the command is multitarget or not (i.e. Jail is multitarget, jailtp is not). Works both in chat and console. (Really not recommended)
    command ^ - Targets yourself. Some commands like god and cloak targets yourself on default. Works both in chat and console.
    command # - Targets a group of people. i.e. command #admin will target everyone who is an admin. Console
    command % - Supposedly targets a group who has acces to a certain group. One can target the group "user" (%user) and thus target everyone as they have acces to the user group. This won't work on higher leves though, as it seems admins do not have acces to mod, so %mod will only target moderators. Works with user, vip, goldvip, ultimatevip, admin for sure. Console
    Command * - Targets EVERYONE who you are allowed to manipulate. (i.e. a mod cannot target admins, etc.) Works in chat and console.
    Command ! - Targets the target but yourself. E.g. command !* will target everyone but ourselves.
    If a command is used in the console, where it is possible, it must be preceeded by the keyword "ulx". I.e. ulx mute <player>
    At all times it seems a players name can be swapped by either $steamid or $userid or $ip. You can get 2/3 by typing "status" in the console. You can get the steamid from the tab menu too. Getting the IP is not possible under a ceratin rank, unless with the help of external programs, though this will have administrative consequences.
    Some commands are multitarget commands, meaning multiple people can be manipulated at once. This can be done by giving a part of the name that fits multiple people, or separating them with a comma (I.e. ulx mute playerA,playerB,playerC)
    Some commands require more than one argument, some require none. For example !thetime/ulx thetime has 0 arguments, simply typing it and pressing enter will have an effect. Some other commands however use 1 or multiple arguments. !kick/ulx kick uses 1, namely who we want to kick. !ban/ulx ban/ulx banid uses 3: The name/id of the player, the length, and the reason. Some commands work without targeting and it will default to ourselves, such as !tp/ulx teleport. We can teleport others by giving an argument, or we can teleport ourselves by giving none.
    For users there is not much in terms of ULX commands. They can use some pretty basic commands but that's that.
    ulx help - When typed into console it shows all the possible commands to be used.
    ulx asay <message> - Sends a message to the admins. Chat equivalent (CE for short) is @.
    ulx psay <player> <message> - sends a PM to somoene. CE is !p <name> <message> or /pm <name> <message>
    ulx thetime - Shows the time of the server (GMT, UK time).
    ulx motd - Shows the message of the day (Rules). CE is !motd.
    xgui - Typing xgui, xgui show, xgui toggle or ulx menu will bring up the menu. Can be closed with the x or commands xgui, xgui hide, xgui toggle or ulx menu. CE is !menu or !xgui
    While (for some reason) ulx help lists dban and xban neither can be used by users.
    ulx usermanagementhelp - See user management help. Utterly pointless under rank Superadmin.
    Can utilize anthing from the "User" section, furthermore:
    ulx dcals - Clears all dcals. CE is !dcals.
    ulx kick <player> <reason> - Kicks a player with or without reason. CE is !kick <player> <reason>
    ulx nolag - Freezes all props. CE is !nolag.
    ulx gag <players> - Stops someone from using their microphone. CE is !gag <players>. MULTITARGET
    ulx ungag <players> - Opposite of gag. CE is !ungag <players>. MULTITARGET
    ulx mute <players> - Stops someone from inputting into the chat. @ chat excluded. CE is !mute <players>. MULTITARGET
    ulx unmute <players> - Opposite of mute. CE is !unmute <players>. MULTITARGET
    ulx voteban <player> <time> <reason> - Starts a vote to ban someone from the server. Time can be given in minutes, if nothing is written but a number, or can be given in hours days or weeks by giving #h #d #w respectively, where # marks a number. CE is !voteban with same arguments.
    ulx votemap <map>/nothing - Starts a map vote. Not utilized on our server, and one must not use this command. CE is !votemap. Argument can either be a map name, or nothing so a list of available maps will load. <USAGE OF THE COMMAND WILL RESULT IN PUNISHMENT>
    ulx freeze <players> - Freezes the player, so they cannot move, look away, or shoot. While in this state they can be freely teleported, brought, returned or jailtpd, but admins cannot manipulate them with physgun. CE is !freeze <players>. MULTITARGET
    ulx unfreeze <players> - Opposite of freeze. CE is !unfreeze <players>. MULTITARGET
    ulx jail <players> <time> <reason> - Jails the player in a small cage for a given time. Used as the primary punishing method. Time is in seconds, giving 0 will jail them permanently. CE is !jail <players> <time> <reason>. MULTITARGET
    ulx jailtp <player> <time> - Teleports the player where one is looking and jailing them there. One cannot give a reason, this should be done in either OOC after the jail, or be given to the punished player in advance. Time is given in seconds, setting it to 0 will jail them permanently. CE is !jailtp <player> <time>
    !unjail <players> - Removes the cage from around the players, was it spawned with !jail or !jailtp. CE is !unjail <players> MULTITARGET
    ulx strip <players> - Removes all equiped weapons and tools from a player. CE is !strip <players>. MULTITARGET
    ulx bring <player> - Brings a player to your location. CE is !bring <player>
    ulx goto <player> - One goes to the location of target player. In case they are in narrow space or in vehicles one must use noclip, or sit down on something and utilizing the command that way, actually glitching the targeting, but being able to go anywhere. CE is !goto <player>
    ulx return <player> - Returns one to the place they either used "goto" or "bring" from. Can only set this cycle back one stage, so bringing someone twice, and trying to return them will only succed once, placing them at the location of the second bring. CE is !return <player>. Defaults to self
    ulx teleport - Teleports the player or someone else to the location of the crosshair. CE is !tp <player>. Defaults to self.
    ulx unarrest <player> - Unarrets a player without the need to go to them and manually do it. CE is !unarrest <player>
    ulx unlockdown - Forcefully removes a lockdown without the need of a mayor. CE is !unlockdown
    An admin can utilize every command a moderator (and thus a user) can, except for teleport, furthermore:
    ulx ban <player> <time> <reason> - Bans a player from the server (restrict their acces to it) for a given time with a given reason. Time can be given in minutes, if nothing is written but a number, or can be given in hours days or weeks by giving #h #d #w respectively, where # marks a number. CE is !ban <player> <time> <reason>. This is one command where using $STEAMID instead of name might actually be a good idea, since its harder to screw up that way. This command does NOT work on players not connected to the server.
    ulx banid <id> <time> <reason> - Works like ban, with the exception that here one MUST give an id instead of a name. This works whether the target is connected to the server, or not. Console only.
    ulx csay <message> - Sends a message to everyone in the middle of their screens. CE is @@@ <message>.
    ulx tsay <message> - Sends a message to everyone in the chatbox. CE is @@ <message>
    /admintell <player> <message> - Sends a message to someone on the top of their screen. Chat only.
    /admintellall <message> - Sends a message to everyone on top of their screens. Chat only.
    ulx cloak <player> <amount> - Cloaks a player (makes them invisible) by <amount>. Seems any number given there is only invisible and visible. Amount ranges from 0 to 255. CE is !cloak <player>. 
    ulx god <players> - Makes a player immune to damage. CE is !god <players>. Defaults to self. MULTITARGET
    ulx ungod <players> - Opposite of !god. CE is !ungod <players>. Defaults to self. MULTITARGET
    ulx hp <players> <amount> - Sets the target's HP to a certain amount. The amount can be between 1 and 2147483647. Giving any other amount than 100 is considered abusive behaviour if done on purpose. Event staff excluded in case of events. CE is !hp <players> <amount>. MULTITARGET
    xgui fban <player> - Short for "freezeban". Opens a ban menu. If a target is given the command freezes the target, and fills in the name and the steamid section automatically. Closing this window will unfreeze the player. CE is !fban <player>. Giving a target is not required if one wants to search through the players, or give a specific steamid. Fban works on targets not connected to the server, if it is opened without target argument. If it is opened with a target argument, it freezes the player and fills the name + steamid, but if the player disconnects the ban cannot be done. Resorting to ulx banid is advised.
    xgui xban <player> - Works the same as fban, but not freezes the target. Everything otherwise is applicable here too. CE !xban <player>
    ulx jobban <player> <job> - Bans someone from using a job. The job has to be specified carefully and 100% correctly. Mayor exist while mayor does not. Usage of "" is necessary. CE is !jobban <player> <job>
    ulx jobunban <player> <job> - Allows someone to use a job they were banned from previously. Specifying a job is done the same way as in "jobban". CE is !jobunban <player> <job>
    ulx selldoor - Unowns the door one is looking at. CE is !selldoor
    ulx setjob <player> <job> - Sets the players job to the job argument. Job must be specified like in "jobban". CE is !setjob <player> <job>. Using the tab menu is advised, as it is easier.
    Admin+ can use every command mentioned above with the exception of teleport, furthermore they can use:
    ulx send <player> <player2> - Sends player to player2's location. CE is !send <player> <player2>
    There is a wide variety of commands that one can use, using them good makes a good staff member in case of staff. I won't even try to get SA and above's commands, as it is unnecesary.
    I hope this little guide helped you learn what commands you can utilize, how and why. Happy times on DarkRP!
  3. Upvote
    Xappan got a reaction from Lollipopxxxxx in How to: Commands on DarkRP   
    This post will mostly help staff members, though I'm going to go through ALL commands that is listed in ULX for users, mods, admins and admin+. With the exception of teleport every command of a lower rank may be used by members of upper ranks. For any typo I'm sorry and feel free to pm me or write a reply, I'll edit it accordingly. So lets get to it:
    What is ULX?
    The creatords described ulx this way: "ULX is the oldest lua-based administration mod released for Gmod, and it is the admin mod that almost every other admin mod has compared itself to or claimed to be better than. Not just an ordinary administration mod with kick/ban features, ULX contains many useful features to assist in administration and server management (reserved slots, detailed logs), or just fun punishments (blind, slap, maul). Combined with its module system and a supportive forum community of developers and ULX users, the possibilities of extensibility are virtually endless."
    Buuut, who cares. I'll put it simply so everyone can understand, even though it won't be correct. Ulx = all the commands we use on the server.
    How to use a ulx command?
    Using ulx commands, is easy. Either you type in the console: "ulx command" and the argument it needs, or you can use the ingame chat for it, e.g. !command <arguments>.
    This will get meaning for mods and above but targeting can be quite hard sometimes. Players might have similar names, weird characters, or keep changin names. With ulx commands there are 12 methods of targeting, not all having different effects. Lets start from easiest and go to the most obscure:
    command NAME - issuing a command with the name of the player you are targeting. This is to be done in the chat.
    ulx command NAME - same as the pervious, done in the console instead of the chat window.
    command $STEAMID - issuing a command with a steamid, or any unique id (userid, ip, etc.). Chat.
    ulx command $STEAMID - same as command $STEAMID. Console
    command $USERID - same as command $STEAMID. Chat
    ulx command $USERID - same as command $STEAMID. Console
    command @ - Target the person you are looking at. Failure to look at someone will result in either failure of the commands, or executing it on everyone you are able to manipulate, depending if the command is multitarget or not (i.e. Jail is multitarget, jailtp is not). Works both in chat and console. (Really not recommended)
    command ^ - Targets yourself. Some commands like god and cloak targets yourself on default. Works both in chat and console.
    command # - Targets a group of people. i.e. command #admin will target everyone who is an admin. Console
    command % - Supposedly targets a group who has acces to a certain group. One can target the group "user" (%user) and thus target everyone as they have acces to the user group. This won't work on higher leves though, as it seems admins do not have acces to mod, so %mod will only target moderators. Works with user, vip, goldvip, ultimatevip, admin for sure. Console
    Command * - Targets EVERYONE who you are allowed to manipulate. (i.e. a mod cannot target admins, etc.) Works in chat and console.
    Command ! - Targets the target but yourself. E.g. command !* will target everyone but ourselves.
    If a command is used in the console, where it is possible, it must be preceeded by the keyword "ulx". I.e. ulx mute <player>
    At all times it seems a players name can be swapped by either $steamid or $userid or $ip. You can get 2/3 by typing "status" in the console. You can get the steamid from the tab menu too. Getting the IP is not possible under a ceratin rank, unless with the help of external programs, though this will have administrative consequences.
    Some commands are multitarget commands, meaning multiple people can be manipulated at once. This can be done by giving a part of the name that fits multiple people, or separating them with a comma (I.e. ulx mute playerA,playerB,playerC)
    Some commands require more than one argument, some require none. For example !thetime/ulx thetime has 0 arguments, simply typing it and pressing enter will have an effect. Some other commands however use 1 or multiple arguments. !kick/ulx kick uses 1, namely who we want to kick. !ban/ulx ban/ulx banid uses 3: The name/id of the player, the length, and the reason. Some commands work without targeting and it will default to ourselves, such as !tp/ulx teleport. We can teleport others by giving an argument, or we can teleport ourselves by giving none.
    For users there is not much in terms of ULX commands. They can use some pretty basic commands but that's that.
    ulx help - When typed into console it shows all the possible commands to be used.
    ulx asay <message> - Sends a message to the admins. Chat equivalent (CE for short) is @.
    ulx psay <player> <message> - sends a PM to somoene. CE is !p <name> <message> or /pm <name> <message>
    ulx thetime - Shows the time of the server (GMT, UK time).
    ulx motd - Shows the message of the day (Rules). CE is !motd.
    xgui - Typing xgui, xgui show, xgui toggle or ulx menu will bring up the menu. Can be closed with the x or commands xgui, xgui hide, xgui toggle or ulx menu. CE is !menu or !xgui
    While (for some reason) ulx help lists dban and xban neither can be used by users.
    ulx usermanagementhelp - See user management help. Utterly pointless under rank Superadmin.
    Can utilize anthing from the "User" section, furthermore:
    ulx dcals - Clears all dcals. CE is !dcals.
    ulx kick <player> <reason> - Kicks a player with or without reason. CE is !kick <player> <reason>
    ulx nolag - Freezes all props. CE is !nolag.
    ulx gag <players> - Stops someone from using their microphone. CE is !gag <players>. MULTITARGET
    ulx ungag <players> - Opposite of gag. CE is !ungag <players>. MULTITARGET
    ulx mute <players> - Stops someone from inputting into the chat. @ chat excluded. CE is !mute <players>. MULTITARGET
    ulx unmute <players> - Opposite of mute. CE is !unmute <players>. MULTITARGET
    ulx voteban <player> <time> <reason> - Starts a vote to ban someone from the server. Time can be given in minutes, if nothing is written but a number, or can be given in hours days or weeks by giving #h #d #w respectively, where # marks a number. CE is !voteban with same arguments.
    ulx votemap <map>/nothing - Starts a map vote. Not utilized on our server, and one must not use this command. CE is !votemap. Argument can either be a map name, or nothing so a list of available maps will load. <USAGE OF THE COMMAND WILL RESULT IN PUNISHMENT>
    ulx freeze <players> - Freezes the player, so they cannot move, look away, or shoot. While in this state they can be freely teleported, brought, returned or jailtpd, but admins cannot manipulate them with physgun. CE is !freeze <players>. MULTITARGET
    ulx unfreeze <players> - Opposite of freeze. CE is !unfreeze <players>. MULTITARGET
    ulx jail <players> <time> <reason> - Jails the player in a small cage for a given time. Used as the primary punishing method. Time is in seconds, giving 0 will jail them permanently. CE is !jail <players> <time> <reason>. MULTITARGET
    ulx jailtp <player> <time> - Teleports the player where one is looking and jailing them there. One cannot give a reason, this should be done in either OOC after the jail, or be given to the punished player in advance. Time is given in seconds, setting it to 0 will jail them permanently. CE is !jailtp <player> <time>
    !unjail <players> - Removes the cage from around the players, was it spawned with !jail or !jailtp. CE is !unjail <players> MULTITARGET
    ulx strip <players> - Removes all equiped weapons and tools from a player. CE is !strip <players>. MULTITARGET
    ulx bring <player> - Brings a player to your location. CE is !bring <player>
    ulx goto <player> - One goes to the location of target player. In case they are in narrow space or in vehicles one must use noclip, or sit down on something and utilizing the command that way, actually glitching the targeting, but being able to go anywhere. CE is !goto <player>
    ulx return <player> - Returns one to the place they either used "goto" or "bring" from. Can only set this cycle back one stage, so bringing someone twice, and trying to return them will only succed once, placing them at the location of the second bring. CE is !return <player>. Defaults to self
    ulx teleport - Teleports the player or someone else to the location of the crosshair. CE is !tp <player>. Defaults to self.
    ulx unarrest <player> - Unarrets a player without the need to go to them and manually do it. CE is !unarrest <player>
    ulx unlockdown - Forcefully removes a lockdown without the need of a mayor. CE is !unlockdown
    An admin can utilize every command a moderator (and thus a user) can, except for teleport, furthermore:
    ulx ban <player> <time> <reason> - Bans a player from the server (restrict their acces to it) for a given time with a given reason. Time can be given in minutes, if nothing is written but a number, or can be given in hours days or weeks by giving #h #d #w respectively, where # marks a number. CE is !ban <player> <time> <reason>. This is one command where using $STEAMID instead of name might actually be a good idea, since its harder to screw up that way. This command does NOT work on players not connected to the server.
    ulx banid <id> <time> <reason> - Works like ban, with the exception that here one MUST give an id instead of a name. This works whether the target is connected to the server, or not. Console only.
    ulx csay <message> - Sends a message to everyone in the middle of their screens. CE is @@@ <message>.
    ulx tsay <message> - Sends a message to everyone in the chatbox. CE is @@ <message>
    /admintell <player> <message> - Sends a message to someone on the top of their screen. Chat only.
    /admintellall <message> - Sends a message to everyone on top of their screens. Chat only.
    ulx cloak <player> <amount> - Cloaks a player (makes them invisible) by <amount>. Seems any number given there is only invisible and visible. Amount ranges from 0 to 255. CE is !cloak <player>. 
    ulx god <players> - Makes a player immune to damage. CE is !god <players>. Defaults to self. MULTITARGET
    ulx ungod <players> - Opposite of !god. CE is !ungod <players>. Defaults to self. MULTITARGET
    ulx hp <players> <amount> - Sets the target's HP to a certain amount. The amount can be between 1 and 2147483647. Giving any other amount than 100 is considered abusive behaviour if done on purpose. Event staff excluded in case of events. CE is !hp <players> <amount>. MULTITARGET
    xgui fban <player> - Short for "freezeban". Opens a ban menu. If a target is given the command freezes the target, and fills in the name and the steamid section automatically. Closing this window will unfreeze the player. CE is !fban <player>. Giving a target is not required if one wants to search through the players, or give a specific steamid. Fban works on targets not connected to the server, if it is opened without target argument. If it is opened with a target argument, it freezes the player and fills the name + steamid, but if the player disconnects the ban cannot be done. Resorting to ulx banid is advised.
    xgui xban <player> - Works the same as fban, but not freezes the target. Everything otherwise is applicable here too. CE !xban <player>
    ulx jobban <player> <job> - Bans someone from using a job. The job has to be specified carefully and 100% correctly. Mayor exist while mayor does not. Usage of "" is necessary. CE is !jobban <player> <job>
    ulx jobunban <player> <job> - Allows someone to use a job they were banned from previously. Specifying a job is done the same way as in "jobban". CE is !jobunban <player> <job>
    ulx selldoor - Unowns the door one is looking at. CE is !selldoor
    ulx setjob <player> <job> - Sets the players job to the job argument. Job must be specified like in "jobban". CE is !setjob <player> <job>. Using the tab menu is advised, as it is easier.
    Admin+ can use every command mentioned above with the exception of teleport, furthermore they can use:
    ulx send <player> <player2> - Sends player to player2's location. CE is !send <player> <player2>
    There is a wide variety of commands that one can use, using them good makes a good staff member in case of staff. I won't even try to get SA and above's commands, as it is unnecesary.
    I hope this little guide helped you learn what commands you can utilize, how and why. Happy times on DarkRP!
  4. Upvote
    Xappan got a reaction from Cytonex in How to: Commands on DarkRP   
    This post will mostly help staff members, though I'm going to go through ALL commands that is listed in ULX for users, mods, admins and admin+. With the exception of teleport every command of a lower rank may be used by members of upper ranks. For any typo I'm sorry and feel free to pm me or write a reply, I'll edit it accordingly. So lets get to it:
    What is ULX?
    The creatords described ulx this way: "ULX is the oldest lua-based administration mod released for Gmod, and it is the admin mod that almost every other admin mod has compared itself to or claimed to be better than. Not just an ordinary administration mod with kick/ban features, ULX contains many useful features to assist in administration and server management (reserved slots, detailed logs), or just fun punishments (blind, slap, maul). Combined with its module system and a supportive forum community of developers and ULX users, the possibilities of extensibility are virtually endless."
    Buuut, who cares. I'll put it simply so everyone can understand, even though it won't be correct. Ulx = all the commands we use on the server.
    How to use a ulx command?
    Using ulx commands, is easy. Either you type in the console: "ulx command" and the argument it needs, or you can use the ingame chat for it, e.g. !command <arguments>.
    This will get meaning for mods and above but targeting can be quite hard sometimes. Players might have similar names, weird characters, or keep changin names. With ulx commands there are 12 methods of targeting, not all having different effects. Lets start from easiest and go to the most obscure:
    command NAME - issuing a command with the name of the player you are targeting. This is to be done in the chat.
    ulx command NAME - same as the pervious, done in the console instead of the chat window.
    command $STEAMID - issuing a command with a steamid, or any unique id (userid, ip, etc.). Chat.
    ulx command $STEAMID - same as command $STEAMID. Console
    command $USERID - same as command $STEAMID. Chat
    ulx command $USERID - same as command $STEAMID. Console
    command @ - Target the person you are looking at. Failure to look at someone will result in either failure of the commands, or executing it on everyone you are able to manipulate, depending if the command is multitarget or not (i.e. Jail is multitarget, jailtp is not). Works both in chat and console. (Really not recommended)
    command ^ - Targets yourself. Some commands like god and cloak targets yourself on default. Works both in chat and console.
    command # - Targets a group of people. i.e. command #admin will target everyone who is an admin. Console
    command % - Supposedly targets a group who has acces to a certain group. One can target the group "user" (%user) and thus target everyone as they have acces to the user group. This won't work on higher leves though, as it seems admins do not have acces to mod, so %mod will only target moderators. Works with user, vip, goldvip, ultimatevip, admin for sure. Console
    Command * - Targets EVERYONE who you are allowed to manipulate. (i.e. a mod cannot target admins, etc.) Works in chat and console.
    Command ! - Targets the target but yourself. E.g. command !* will target everyone but ourselves.
    If a command is used in the console, where it is possible, it must be preceeded by the keyword "ulx". I.e. ulx mute <player>
    At all times it seems a players name can be swapped by either $steamid or $userid or $ip. You can get 2/3 by typing "status" in the console. You can get the steamid from the tab menu too. Getting the IP is not possible under a ceratin rank, unless with the help of external programs, though this will have administrative consequences.
    Some commands are multitarget commands, meaning multiple people can be manipulated at once. This can be done by giving a part of the name that fits multiple people, or separating them with a comma (I.e. ulx mute playerA,playerB,playerC)
    Some commands require more than one argument, some require none. For example !thetime/ulx thetime has 0 arguments, simply typing it and pressing enter will have an effect. Some other commands however use 1 or multiple arguments. !kick/ulx kick uses 1, namely who we want to kick. !ban/ulx ban/ulx banid uses 3: The name/id of the player, the length, and the reason. Some commands work without targeting and it will default to ourselves, such as !tp/ulx teleport. We can teleport others by giving an argument, or we can teleport ourselves by giving none.
    For users there is not much in terms of ULX commands. They can use some pretty basic commands but that's that.
    ulx help - When typed into console it shows all the possible commands to be used.
    ulx asay <message> - Sends a message to the admins. Chat equivalent (CE for short) is @.
    ulx psay <player> <message> - sends a PM to somoene. CE is !p <name> <message> or /pm <name> <message>
    ulx thetime - Shows the time of the server (GMT, UK time).
    ulx motd - Shows the message of the day (Rules). CE is !motd.
    xgui - Typing xgui, xgui show, xgui toggle or ulx menu will bring up the menu. Can be closed with the x or commands xgui, xgui hide, xgui toggle or ulx menu. CE is !menu or !xgui
    While (for some reason) ulx help lists dban and xban neither can be used by users.
    ulx usermanagementhelp - See user management help. Utterly pointless under rank Superadmin.
    Can utilize anthing from the "User" section, furthermore:
    ulx dcals - Clears all dcals. CE is !dcals.
    ulx kick <player> <reason> - Kicks a player with or without reason. CE is !kick <player> <reason>
    ulx nolag - Freezes all props. CE is !nolag.
    ulx gag <players> - Stops someone from using their microphone. CE is !gag <players>. MULTITARGET
    ulx ungag <players> - Opposite of gag. CE is !ungag <players>. MULTITARGET
    ulx mute <players> - Stops someone from inputting into the chat. @ chat excluded. CE is !mute <players>. MULTITARGET
    ulx unmute <players> - Opposite of mute. CE is !unmute <players>. MULTITARGET
    ulx voteban <player> <time> <reason> - Starts a vote to ban someone from the server. Time can be given in minutes, if nothing is written but a number, or can be given in hours days or weeks by giving #h #d #w respectively, where # marks a number. CE is !voteban with same arguments.
    ulx votemap <map>/nothing - Starts a map vote. Not utilized on our server, and one must not use this command. CE is !votemap. Argument can either be a map name, or nothing so a list of available maps will load. <USAGE OF THE COMMAND WILL RESULT IN PUNISHMENT>
    ulx freeze <players> - Freezes the player, so they cannot move, look away, or shoot. While in this state they can be freely teleported, brought, returned or jailtpd, but admins cannot manipulate them with physgun. CE is !freeze <players>. MULTITARGET
    ulx unfreeze <players> - Opposite of freeze. CE is !unfreeze <players>. MULTITARGET
    ulx jail <players> <time> <reason> - Jails the player in a small cage for a given time. Used as the primary punishing method. Time is in seconds, giving 0 will jail them permanently. CE is !jail <players> <time> <reason>. MULTITARGET
    ulx jailtp <player> <time> - Teleports the player where one is looking and jailing them there. One cannot give a reason, this should be done in either OOC after the jail, or be given to the punished player in advance. Time is given in seconds, setting it to 0 will jail them permanently. CE is !jailtp <player> <time>
    !unjail <players> - Removes the cage from around the players, was it spawned with !jail or !jailtp. CE is !unjail <players> MULTITARGET
    ulx strip <players> - Removes all equiped weapons and tools from a player. CE is !strip <players>. MULTITARGET
    ulx bring <player> - Brings a player to your location. CE is !bring <player>
    ulx goto <player> - One goes to the location of target player. In case they are in narrow space or in vehicles one must use noclip, or sit down on something and utilizing the command that way, actually glitching the targeting, but being able to go anywhere. CE is !goto <player>
    ulx return <player> - Returns one to the place they either used "goto" or "bring" from. Can only set this cycle back one stage, so bringing someone twice, and trying to return them will only succed once, placing them at the location of the second bring. CE is !return <player>. Defaults to self
    ulx teleport - Teleports the player or someone else to the location of the crosshair. CE is !tp <player>. Defaults to self.
    ulx unarrest <player> - Unarrets a player without the need to go to them and manually do it. CE is !unarrest <player>
    ulx unlockdown - Forcefully removes a lockdown without the need of a mayor. CE is !unlockdown
    An admin can utilize every command a moderator (and thus a user) can, except for teleport, furthermore:
    ulx ban <player> <time> <reason> - Bans a player from the server (restrict their acces to it) for a given time with a given reason. Time can be given in minutes, if nothing is written but a number, or can be given in hours days or weeks by giving #h #d #w respectively, where # marks a number. CE is !ban <player> <time> <reason>. This is one command where using $STEAMID instead of name might actually be a good idea, since its harder to screw up that way. This command does NOT work on players not connected to the server.
    ulx banid <id> <time> <reason> - Works like ban, with the exception that here one MUST give an id instead of a name. This works whether the target is connected to the server, or not. Console only.
    ulx csay <message> - Sends a message to everyone in the middle of their screens. CE is @@@ <message>.
    ulx tsay <message> - Sends a message to everyone in the chatbox. CE is @@ <message>
    /admintell <player> <message> - Sends a message to someone on the top of their screen. Chat only.
    /admintellall <message> - Sends a message to everyone on top of their screens. Chat only.
    ulx cloak <player> <amount> - Cloaks a player (makes them invisible) by <amount>. Seems any number given there is only invisible and visible. Amount ranges from 0 to 255. CE is !cloak <player>. 
    ulx god <players> - Makes a player immune to damage. CE is !god <players>. Defaults to self. MULTITARGET
    ulx ungod <players> - Opposite of !god. CE is !ungod <players>. Defaults to self. MULTITARGET
    ulx hp <players> <amount> - Sets the target's HP to a certain amount. The amount can be between 1 and 2147483647. Giving any other amount than 100 is considered abusive behaviour if done on purpose. Event staff excluded in case of events. CE is !hp <players> <amount>. MULTITARGET
    xgui fban <player> - Short for "freezeban". Opens a ban menu. If a target is given the command freezes the target, and fills in the name and the steamid section automatically. Closing this window will unfreeze the player. CE is !fban <player>. Giving a target is not required if one wants to search through the players, or give a specific steamid. Fban works on targets not connected to the server, if it is opened without target argument. If it is opened with a target argument, it freezes the player and fills the name + steamid, but if the player disconnects the ban cannot be done. Resorting to ulx banid is advised.
    xgui xban <player> - Works the same as fban, but not freezes the target. Everything otherwise is applicable here too. CE !xban <player>
    ulx jobban <player> <job> - Bans someone from using a job. The job has to be specified carefully and 100% correctly. Mayor exist while mayor does not. Usage of "" is necessary. CE is !jobban <player> <job>
    ulx jobunban <player> <job> - Allows someone to use a job they were banned from previously. Specifying a job is done the same way as in "jobban". CE is !jobunban <player> <job>
    ulx selldoor - Unowns the door one is looking at. CE is !selldoor
    ulx setjob <player> <job> - Sets the players job to the job argument. Job must be specified like in "jobban". CE is !setjob <player> <job>. Using the tab menu is advised, as it is easier.
    Admin+ can use every command mentioned above with the exception of teleport, furthermore they can use:
    ulx send <player> <player2> - Sends player to player2's location. CE is !send <player> <player2>
    There is a wide variety of commands that one can use, using them good makes a good staff member in case of staff. I won't even try to get SA and above's commands, as it is unnecesary.
    I hope this little guide helped you learn what commands you can utilize, how and why. Happy times on DarkRP!
  5. Upvote
    Xappan got a reaction from NoT eNgLiSh in How to: Commands on DarkRP   
    This post will mostly help staff members, though I'm going to go through ALL commands that is listed in ULX for users, mods, admins and admin+. With the exception of teleport every command of a lower rank may be used by members of upper ranks. For any typo I'm sorry and feel free to pm me or write a reply, I'll edit it accordingly. So lets get to it:
    What is ULX?
    The creatords described ulx this way: "ULX is the oldest lua-based administration mod released for Gmod, and it is the admin mod that almost every other admin mod has compared itself to or claimed to be better than. Not just an ordinary administration mod with kick/ban features, ULX contains many useful features to assist in administration and server management (reserved slots, detailed logs), or just fun punishments (blind, slap, maul). Combined with its module system and a supportive forum community of developers and ULX users, the possibilities of extensibility are virtually endless."
    Buuut, who cares. I'll put it simply so everyone can understand, even though it won't be correct. Ulx = all the commands we use on the server.
    How to use a ulx command?
    Using ulx commands, is easy. Either you type in the console: "ulx command" and the argument it needs, or you can use the ingame chat for it, e.g. !command <arguments>.
    This will get meaning for mods and above but targeting can be quite hard sometimes. Players might have similar names, weird characters, or keep changin names. With ulx commands there are 12 methods of targeting, not all having different effects. Lets start from easiest and go to the most obscure:
    command NAME - issuing a command with the name of the player you are targeting. This is to be done in the chat.
    ulx command NAME - same as the pervious, done in the console instead of the chat window.
    command $STEAMID - issuing a command with a steamid, or any unique id (userid, ip, etc.). Chat.
    ulx command $STEAMID - same as command $STEAMID. Console
    command $USERID - same as command $STEAMID. Chat
    ulx command $USERID - same as command $STEAMID. Console
    command @ - Target the person you are looking at. Failure to look at someone will result in either failure of the commands, or executing it on everyone you are able to manipulate, depending if the command is multitarget or not (i.e. Jail is multitarget, jailtp is not). Works both in chat and console. (Really not recommended)
    command ^ - Targets yourself. Some commands like god and cloak targets yourself on default. Works both in chat and console.
    command # - Targets a group of people. i.e. command #admin will target everyone who is an admin. Console
    command % - Supposedly targets a group who has acces to a certain group. One can target the group "user" (%user) and thus target everyone as they have acces to the user group. This won't work on higher leves though, as it seems admins do not have acces to mod, so %mod will only target moderators. Works with user, vip, goldvip, ultimatevip, admin for sure. Console
    Command * - Targets EVERYONE who you are allowed to manipulate. (i.e. a mod cannot target admins, etc.) Works in chat and console.
    Command ! - Targets the target but yourself. E.g. command !* will target everyone but ourselves.
    If a command is used in the console, where it is possible, it must be preceeded by the keyword "ulx". I.e. ulx mute <player>
    At all times it seems a players name can be swapped by either $steamid or $userid or $ip. You can get 2/3 by typing "status" in the console. You can get the steamid from the tab menu too. Getting the IP is not possible under a ceratin rank, unless with the help of external programs, though this will have administrative consequences.
    Some commands are multitarget commands, meaning multiple people can be manipulated at once. This can be done by giving a part of the name that fits multiple people, or separating them with a comma (I.e. ulx mute playerA,playerB,playerC)
    Some commands require more than one argument, some require none. For example !thetime/ulx thetime has 0 arguments, simply typing it and pressing enter will have an effect. Some other commands however use 1 or multiple arguments. !kick/ulx kick uses 1, namely who we want to kick. !ban/ulx ban/ulx banid uses 3: The name/id of the player, the length, and the reason. Some commands work without targeting and it will default to ourselves, such as !tp/ulx teleport. We can teleport others by giving an argument, or we can teleport ourselves by giving none.
    For users there is not much in terms of ULX commands. They can use some pretty basic commands but that's that.
    ulx help - When typed into console it shows all the possible commands to be used.
    ulx asay <message> - Sends a message to the admins. Chat equivalent (CE for short) is @.
    ulx psay <player> <message> - sends a PM to somoene. CE is !p <name> <message> or /pm <name> <message>
    ulx thetime - Shows the time of the server (GMT, UK time).
    ulx motd - Shows the message of the day (Rules). CE is !motd.
    xgui - Typing xgui, xgui show, xgui toggle or ulx menu will bring up the menu. Can be closed with the x or commands xgui, xgui hide, xgui toggle or ulx menu. CE is !menu or !xgui
    While (for some reason) ulx help lists dban and xban neither can be used by users.
    ulx usermanagementhelp - See user management help. Utterly pointless under rank Superadmin.
    Can utilize anthing from the "User" section, furthermore:
    ulx dcals - Clears all dcals. CE is !dcals.
    ulx kick <player> <reason> - Kicks a player with or without reason. CE is !kick <player> <reason>
    ulx nolag - Freezes all props. CE is !nolag.
    ulx gag <players> - Stops someone from using their microphone. CE is !gag <players>. MULTITARGET
    ulx ungag <players> - Opposite of gag. CE is !ungag <players>. MULTITARGET
    ulx mute <players> - Stops someone from inputting into the chat. @ chat excluded. CE is !mute <players>. MULTITARGET
    ulx unmute <players> - Opposite of mute. CE is !unmute <players>. MULTITARGET
    ulx voteban <player> <time> <reason> - Starts a vote to ban someone from the server. Time can be given in minutes, if nothing is written but a number, or can be given in hours days or weeks by giving #h #d #w respectively, where # marks a number. CE is !voteban with same arguments.
    ulx votemap <map>/nothing - Starts a map vote. Not utilized on our server, and one must not use this command. CE is !votemap. Argument can either be a map name, or nothing so a list of available maps will load. <USAGE OF THE COMMAND WILL RESULT IN PUNISHMENT>
    ulx freeze <players> - Freezes the player, so they cannot move, look away, or shoot. While in this state they can be freely teleported, brought, returned or jailtpd, but admins cannot manipulate them with physgun. CE is !freeze <players>. MULTITARGET
    ulx unfreeze <players> - Opposite of freeze. CE is !unfreeze <players>. MULTITARGET
    ulx jail <players> <time> <reason> - Jails the player in a small cage for a given time. Used as the primary punishing method. Time is in seconds, giving 0 will jail them permanently. CE is !jail <players> <time> <reason>. MULTITARGET
    ulx jailtp <player> <time> - Teleports the player where one is looking and jailing them there. One cannot give a reason, this should be done in either OOC after the jail, or be given to the punished player in advance. Time is given in seconds, setting it to 0 will jail them permanently. CE is !jailtp <player> <time>
    !unjail <players> - Removes the cage from around the players, was it spawned with !jail or !jailtp. CE is !unjail <players> MULTITARGET
    ulx strip <players> - Removes all equiped weapons and tools from a player. CE is !strip <players>. MULTITARGET
    ulx bring <player> - Brings a player to your location. CE is !bring <player>
    ulx goto <player> - One goes to the location of target player. In case they are in narrow space or in vehicles one must use noclip, or sit down on something and utilizing the command that way, actually glitching the targeting, but being able to go anywhere. CE is !goto <player>
    ulx return <player> - Returns one to the place they either used "goto" or "bring" from. Can only set this cycle back one stage, so bringing someone twice, and trying to return them will only succed once, placing them at the location of the second bring. CE is !return <player>. Defaults to self
    ulx teleport - Teleports the player or someone else to the location of the crosshair. CE is !tp <player>. Defaults to self.
    ulx unarrest <player> - Unarrets a player without the need to go to them and manually do it. CE is !unarrest <player>
    ulx unlockdown - Forcefully removes a lockdown without the need of a mayor. CE is !unlockdown
    An admin can utilize every command a moderator (and thus a user) can, except for teleport, furthermore:
    ulx ban <player> <time> <reason> - Bans a player from the server (restrict their acces to it) for a given time with a given reason. Time can be given in minutes, if nothing is written but a number, or can be given in hours days or weeks by giving #h #d #w respectively, where # marks a number. CE is !ban <player> <time> <reason>. This is one command where using $STEAMID instead of name might actually be a good idea, since its harder to screw up that way. This command does NOT work on players not connected to the server.
    ulx banid <id> <time> <reason> - Works like ban, with the exception that here one MUST give an id instead of a name. This works whether the target is connected to the server, or not. Console only.
    ulx csay <message> - Sends a message to everyone in the middle of their screens. CE is @@@ <message>.
    ulx tsay <message> - Sends a message to everyone in the chatbox. CE is @@ <message>
    /admintell <player> <message> - Sends a message to someone on the top of their screen. Chat only.
    /admintellall <message> - Sends a message to everyone on top of their screens. Chat only.
    ulx cloak <player> <amount> - Cloaks a player (makes them invisible) by <amount>. Seems any number given there is only invisible and visible. Amount ranges from 0 to 255. CE is !cloak <player>. 
    ulx god <players> - Makes a player immune to damage. CE is !god <players>. Defaults to self. MULTITARGET
    ulx ungod <players> - Opposite of !god. CE is !ungod <players>. Defaults to self. MULTITARGET
    ulx hp <players> <amount> - Sets the target's HP to a certain amount. The amount can be between 1 and 2147483647. Giving any other amount than 100 is considered abusive behaviour if done on purpose. Event staff excluded in case of events. CE is !hp <players> <amount>. MULTITARGET
    xgui fban <player> - Short for "freezeban". Opens a ban menu. If a target is given the command freezes the target, and fills in the name and the steamid section automatically. Closing this window will unfreeze the player. CE is !fban <player>. Giving a target is not required if one wants to search through the players, or give a specific steamid. Fban works on targets not connected to the server, if it is opened without target argument. If it is opened with a target argument, it freezes the player and fills the name + steamid, but if the player disconnects the ban cannot be done. Resorting to ulx banid is advised.
    xgui xban <player> - Works the same as fban, but not freezes the target. Everything otherwise is applicable here too. CE !xban <player>
    ulx jobban <player> <job> - Bans someone from using a job. The job has to be specified carefully and 100% correctly. Mayor exist while mayor does not. Usage of "" is necessary. CE is !jobban <player> <job>
    ulx jobunban <player> <job> - Allows someone to use a job they were banned from previously. Specifying a job is done the same way as in "jobban". CE is !jobunban <player> <job>
    ulx selldoor - Unowns the door one is looking at. CE is !selldoor
    ulx setjob <player> <job> - Sets the players job to the job argument. Job must be specified like in "jobban". CE is !setjob <player> <job>. Using the tab menu is advised, as it is easier.
    Admin+ can use every command mentioned above with the exception of teleport, furthermore they can use:
    ulx send <player> <player2> - Sends player to player2's location. CE is !send <player> <player2>
    There is a wide variety of commands that one can use, using them good makes a good staff member in case of staff. I won't even try to get SA and above's commands, as it is unnecesary.
    I hope this little guide helped you learn what commands you can utilize, how and why. Happy times on DarkRP!
  6. Upvote
    Xappan reacted to Pookie in How to: Commands on DarkRP   
    Damm this is 1 long guide and very informative guide! This is an amazing guide.
  7. Upvote
    Xappan got a reaction from CG | King in How to: Commands on DarkRP   
    This post will mostly help staff members, though I'm going to go through ALL commands that is listed in ULX for users, mods, admins and admin+. With the exception of teleport every command of a lower rank may be used by members of upper ranks. For any typo I'm sorry and feel free to pm me or write a reply, I'll edit it accordingly. So lets get to it:
    What is ULX?
    The creatords described ulx this way: "ULX is the oldest lua-based administration mod released for Gmod, and it is the admin mod that almost every other admin mod has compared itself to or claimed to be better than. Not just an ordinary administration mod with kick/ban features, ULX contains many useful features to assist in administration and server management (reserved slots, detailed logs), or just fun punishments (blind, slap, maul). Combined with its module system and a supportive forum community of developers and ULX users, the possibilities of extensibility are virtually endless."
    Buuut, who cares. I'll put it simply so everyone can understand, even though it won't be correct. Ulx = all the commands we use on the server.
    How to use a ulx command?
    Using ulx commands, is easy. Either you type in the console: "ulx command" and the argument it needs, or you can use the ingame chat for it, e.g. !command <arguments>.
    This will get meaning for mods and above but targeting can be quite hard sometimes. Players might have similar names, weird characters, or keep changin names. With ulx commands there are 12 methods of targeting, not all having different effects. Lets start from easiest and go to the most obscure:
    command NAME - issuing a command with the name of the player you are targeting. This is to be done in the chat.
    ulx command NAME - same as the pervious, done in the console instead of the chat window.
    command $STEAMID - issuing a command with a steamid, or any unique id (userid, ip, etc.). Chat.
    ulx command $STEAMID - same as command $STEAMID. Console
    command $USERID - same as command $STEAMID. Chat
    ulx command $USERID - same as command $STEAMID. Console
    command @ - Target the person you are looking at. Failure to look at someone will result in either failure of the commands, or executing it on everyone you are able to manipulate, depending if the command is multitarget or not (i.e. Jail is multitarget, jailtp is not). Works both in chat and console. (Really not recommended)
    command ^ - Targets yourself. Some commands like god and cloak targets yourself on default. Works both in chat and console.
    command # - Targets a group of people. i.e. command #admin will target everyone who is an admin. Console
    command % - Supposedly targets a group who has acces to a certain group. One can target the group "user" (%user) and thus target everyone as they have acces to the user group. This won't work on higher leves though, as it seems admins do not have acces to mod, so %mod will only target moderators. Works with user, vip, goldvip, ultimatevip, admin for sure. Console
    Command * - Targets EVERYONE who you are allowed to manipulate. (i.e. a mod cannot target admins, etc.) Works in chat and console.
    Command ! - Targets the target but yourself. E.g. command !* will target everyone but ourselves.
    If a command is used in the console, where it is possible, it must be preceeded by the keyword "ulx". I.e. ulx mute <player>
    At all times it seems a players name can be swapped by either $steamid or $userid or $ip. You can get 2/3 by typing "status" in the console. You can get the steamid from the tab menu too. Getting the IP is not possible under a ceratin rank, unless with the help of external programs, though this will have administrative consequences.
    Some commands are multitarget commands, meaning multiple people can be manipulated at once. This can be done by giving a part of the name that fits multiple people, or separating them with a comma (I.e. ulx mute playerA,playerB,playerC)
    Some commands require more than one argument, some require none. For example !thetime/ulx thetime has 0 arguments, simply typing it and pressing enter will have an effect. Some other commands however use 1 or multiple arguments. !kick/ulx kick uses 1, namely who we want to kick. !ban/ulx ban/ulx banid uses 3: The name/id of the player, the length, and the reason. Some commands work without targeting and it will default to ourselves, such as !tp/ulx teleport. We can teleport others by giving an argument, or we can teleport ourselves by giving none.
    For users there is not much in terms of ULX commands. They can use some pretty basic commands but that's that.
    ulx help - When typed into console it shows all the possible commands to be used.
    ulx asay <message> - Sends a message to the admins. Chat equivalent (CE for short) is @.
    ulx psay <player> <message> - sends a PM to somoene. CE is !p <name> <message> or /pm <name> <message>
    ulx thetime - Shows the time of the server (GMT, UK time).
    ulx motd - Shows the message of the day (Rules). CE is !motd.
    xgui - Typing xgui, xgui show, xgui toggle or ulx menu will bring up the menu. Can be closed with the x or commands xgui, xgui hide, xgui toggle or ulx menu. CE is !menu or !xgui
    While (for some reason) ulx help lists dban and xban neither can be used by users.
    ulx usermanagementhelp - See user management help. Utterly pointless under rank Superadmin.
    Can utilize anthing from the "User" section, furthermore:
    ulx dcals - Clears all dcals. CE is !dcals.
    ulx kick <player> <reason> - Kicks a player with or without reason. CE is !kick <player> <reason>
    ulx nolag - Freezes all props. CE is !nolag.
    ulx gag <players> - Stops someone from using their microphone. CE is !gag <players>. MULTITARGET
    ulx ungag <players> - Opposite of gag. CE is !ungag <players>. MULTITARGET
    ulx mute <players> - Stops someone from inputting into the chat. @ chat excluded. CE is !mute <players>. MULTITARGET
    ulx unmute <players> - Opposite of mute. CE is !unmute <players>. MULTITARGET
    ulx voteban <player> <time> <reason> - Starts a vote to ban someone from the server. Time can be given in minutes, if nothing is written but a number, or can be given in hours days or weeks by giving #h #d #w respectively, where # marks a number. CE is !voteban with same arguments.
    ulx votemap <map>/nothing - Starts a map vote. Not utilized on our server, and one must not use this command. CE is !votemap. Argument can either be a map name, or nothing so a list of available maps will load. <USAGE OF THE COMMAND WILL RESULT IN PUNISHMENT>
    ulx freeze <players> - Freezes the player, so they cannot move, look away, or shoot. While in this state they can be freely teleported, brought, returned or jailtpd, but admins cannot manipulate them with physgun. CE is !freeze <players>. MULTITARGET
    ulx unfreeze <players> - Opposite of freeze. CE is !unfreeze <players>. MULTITARGET
    ulx jail <players> <time> <reason> - Jails the player in a small cage for a given time. Used as the primary punishing method. Time is in seconds, giving 0 will jail them permanently. CE is !jail <players> <time> <reason>. MULTITARGET
    ulx jailtp <player> <time> - Teleports the player where one is looking and jailing them there. One cannot give a reason, this should be done in either OOC after the jail, or be given to the punished player in advance. Time is given in seconds, setting it to 0 will jail them permanently. CE is !jailtp <player> <time>
    !unjail <players> - Removes the cage from around the players, was it spawned with !jail or !jailtp. CE is !unjail <players> MULTITARGET
    ulx strip <players> - Removes all equiped weapons and tools from a player. CE is !strip <players>. MULTITARGET
    ulx bring <player> - Brings a player to your location. CE is !bring <player>
    ulx goto <player> - One goes to the location of target player. In case they are in narrow space or in vehicles one must use noclip, or sit down on something and utilizing the command that way, actually glitching the targeting, but being able to go anywhere. CE is !goto <player>
    ulx return <player> - Returns one to the place they either used "goto" or "bring" from. Can only set this cycle back one stage, so bringing someone twice, and trying to return them will only succed once, placing them at the location of the second bring. CE is !return <player>. Defaults to self
    ulx teleport - Teleports the player or someone else to the location of the crosshair. CE is !tp <player>. Defaults to self.
    ulx unarrest <player> - Unarrets a player without the need to go to them and manually do it. CE is !unarrest <player>
    ulx unlockdown - Forcefully removes a lockdown without the need of a mayor. CE is !unlockdown
    An admin can utilize every command a moderator (and thus a user) can, except for teleport, furthermore:
    ulx ban <player> <time> <reason> - Bans a player from the server (restrict their acces to it) for a given time with a given reason. Time can be given in minutes, if nothing is written but a number, or can be given in hours days or weeks by giving #h #d #w respectively, where # marks a number. CE is !ban <player> <time> <reason>. This is one command where using $STEAMID instead of name might actually be a good idea, since its harder to screw up that way. This command does NOT work on players not connected to the server.
    ulx banid <id> <time> <reason> - Works like ban, with the exception that here one MUST give an id instead of a name. This works whether the target is connected to the server, or not. Console only.
    ulx csay <message> - Sends a message to everyone in the middle of their screens. CE is @@@ <message>.
    ulx tsay <message> - Sends a message to everyone in the chatbox. CE is @@ <message>
    /admintell <player> <message> - Sends a message to someone on the top of their screen. Chat only.
    /admintellall <message> - Sends a message to everyone on top of their screens. Chat only.
    ulx cloak <player> <amount> - Cloaks a player (makes them invisible) by <amount>. Seems any number given there is only invisible and visible. Amount ranges from 0 to 255. CE is !cloak <player>. 
    ulx god <players> - Makes a player immune to damage. CE is !god <players>. Defaults to self. MULTITARGET
    ulx ungod <players> - Opposite of !god. CE is !ungod <players>. Defaults to self. MULTITARGET
    ulx hp <players> <amount> - Sets the target's HP to a certain amount. The amount can be between 1 and 2147483647. Giving any other amount than 100 is considered abusive behaviour if done on purpose. Event staff excluded in case of events. CE is !hp <players> <amount>. MULTITARGET
    xgui fban <player> - Short for "freezeban". Opens a ban menu. If a target is given the command freezes the target, and fills in the name and the steamid section automatically. Closing this window will unfreeze the player. CE is !fban <player>. Giving a target is not required if one wants to search through the players, or give a specific steamid. Fban works on targets not connected to the server, if it is opened without target argument. If it is opened with a target argument, it freezes the player and fills the name + steamid, but if the player disconnects the ban cannot be done. Resorting to ulx banid is advised.
    xgui xban <player> - Works the same as fban, but not freezes the target. Everything otherwise is applicable here too. CE !xban <player>
    ulx jobban <player> <job> - Bans someone from using a job. The job has to be specified carefully and 100% correctly. Mayor exist while mayor does not. Usage of "" is necessary. CE is !jobban <player> <job>
    ulx jobunban <player> <job> - Allows someone to use a job they were banned from previously. Specifying a job is done the same way as in "jobban". CE is !jobunban <player> <job>
    ulx selldoor - Unowns the door one is looking at. CE is !selldoor
    ulx setjob <player> <job> - Sets the players job to the job argument. Job must be specified like in "jobban". CE is !setjob <player> <job>. Using the tab menu is advised, as it is easier.
    Admin+ can use every command mentioned above with the exception of teleport, furthermore they can use:
    ulx send <player> <player2> - Sends player to player2's location. CE is !send <player> <player2>
    There is a wide variety of commands that one can use, using them good makes a good staff member in case of staff. I won't even try to get SA and above's commands, as it is unnecesary.
    I hope this little guide helped you learn what commands you can utilize, how and why. Happy times on DarkRP!
  8. Upvote
    Xappan got a reaction from CG | Tryhard Goat in Constrained - Solution   
    I think many of us faced the problem of our bases suddenly going "constrained". Constrained is a state in which the owner no longer can manipulate his/her props. (Those who can manipulate world can (admin and above)).
    This is all caused by the Keypad H4CK3R tool the thieves use to crack the keypads.
    There is a solution to the problem though! Its quite simple. When we build a base, if we use keypads be sure to don't weld them to ANYTHING. Let me explain:
    Keypads WILL get constrained, there is nothing we can do about that. But we can preserve our props simply by not welding them to the keypad. Yeah easy right? When you place a keypad be sure to uncheck "Weld". And some might ask: "Thats nice and all, but a lot of times I do not have my props attached to the keypad, and they still get constrained."
    That is true, but that is also because it is welded in a way. When you weld a keypad to a prop, and weld another prop to that prop, the keypad WILL BE welded to the second prop too, despite you not welding it to the keypad. Weld not only helps the props keep their relative positions of eachother, but sort of makes them one prop. So if you weld all your props together, and weld a keypad to one of them, it will affect ALL of them.
    So simple thing you can do is:
    a.) Don't weld the keypad to anything.
    b.) Weld the keypad to a prop ,if you don't feel safe without it welded, that you wont need as it will get constrained.
    c.) Weld the keypad to the world.
    The world is the floor, the walls, basically the map itself. If you weld all of your props to the world it WILL NOT get constrained, even if the keypad was welded to the same world. (Same wall, same floor, etc.)
    Think about it like electricity and the weld as a wire. If you let the eletricity in one of your props it will travel through the wires (Constraines everything), but electricity cannot travel through the ground (world).
    I hope this helps some people. I'm sorry for any grammatical or lexical mistakes I might have made, my keyboard is dying.
  9. Upvote
    Xappan reacted to NightBlade in NightBlade   
    Thank you mate it means a lot, kinda brought a tear to my eye aha, always here of you need me and that also goes for the rest of the staff team.
  10. Upvote
    Xappan reacted to WarMachine in NightBlade   
    NightBlade has been my right hand man in quite a few situations now and i'am very pleased to have had him with me, aiding me in admin+ duties as well as regular duties. Thanks NightBlade for being a helpful admin and hopefully I will see you as an admin+ sooner or later!
  11. Upvote
    Xappan reacted to Jonathan in Xappan   
    @Xappan I've known you for ages under different names (SAMURAI FLAMENCO, Von Stroheim, THE LAW). 
    You've always been fluent with your understanding of the rules and great when it comes to decision making. On top of that you make some fun or useful (or both) structures in-game. This is coming from someone like me who simply likes the cop-thief aspect of the server mainly so I hope you understand it's a big compliment the fact your RP out of that can engage me, simply put it's cool .
  12. Upvote
    Xappan got a reaction from priorduck★ in Xappan   
    Nawww, thank you guys :3 Means a lot.
  13. Upvote
    Xappan got a reaction from Lightnin in Xappan   
    Nawww, thank you guys :3 Means a lot.
  14. Upvote
    Xappan got a reaction from Toast in A few staff members   
    The misterious goat agrees, and seems satisfied with your words.
    (Really tho, thank you ;))
  15. Upvote
    Xappan reacted to Nomad in Xappan   
    Very good admin, helpful always willing to help and go above and beyond. Has a mind of his own and argues well.
  16. Upvote
    Xappan reacted to Lightnin in Xappan   
    Yes. Good Xappan, Goood 

  17. Upvote
    Xappan reacted to priorduck★ in Xappan   
    @Xappan I've known you for a while and i agree with this 100%!
  18. Upvote
    Xappan reacted to Toast in A few staff members   
    This is my Opinion of what I have seen in my time on the server.

    Here's a list of staff members I have seen going OD and doing well over the past week.
    @SYMMIJ - Goes OD a lot and does a good job. @Shift - Good friend and a good staff member. @priorduck★ - Good friend and a good staff member as well. @Xappan - That one goat no-one knows about but does good things. @JimmyTortellini - Was one of the two only staff on the server yesterday for a good few hours and still managed to get reports done quickly. @NoT_eNgLiSh - Had this kid in a few of my sits, deals with them quickly and efficiently. @WarMachine - Just randomly appears in one of the TS channels I'm in and does good forum work. @Lightnin' - Does good forum work as well and actually listens to all my complaints. @NightBlade - Has done good mentor work recently, keep it up. @alltimegamer - This guy is pretty much OD 98% of his time on the server, barely RP's and I personally think would be suited to be a Mentor.
    If there's anymore of you, I'll probably edit it if I can be bothered.
    Maybe not though
  19. Upvote
    Xappan reacted to Mr Robot in How to: Unban appeals & Ban requests   
    this is sure going to help the team out with bans, im sure more people will stick to the template
  20. Downvote
    Xappan reacted to TauntPT in How to: Unban appeals & Ban requests   
    -I´M BLIND-
  21. Upvote
    Xappan got a reaction from Nomad in How to: Unban appeals & Ban requests   
    First what are those things? Well an appeal is a post you make when you were banned from one of the CG servers, and you wish to appeal it, or you think it was unfair, and you want to get unbanned. Writing one some steps we'll go over, but one thing is certain: You might get unbanned, you might not.
    A ban requests is made when you seen someone else break the server rules, and you think their behaviour is unacceptable. In this case you'll need to follow a template AND have evidence of their wrongdoings. (this is important)
    If you want to make an unban appeal or a ban request you can navigate there by pressing the links.
    Furthermore before continuing it'd be wise to read this guide on the same topic made by Fruitel. This guide here is going to go through it in more detail.
    -----Unban appeals-----
    First lets look at what we're going to need while making an appeal. We'll need the following informations:
    What server
    Ingame name
    Screenshot of ban
    What server - Since Cloud Gaming has multiple servers you'll first have to choose on which you've been banned.
    Ingame name - The name you used ingame. This is most likely will be your steam friends name, unless in RP you used a command to change it, in that case write that one.
    SteamID - The most problematic for some people, a steamid is a unique ID to everyone. It looks like this: STEAM_X:X:XXXXXXXX where the Xs are numbers. Getting your steamid is not hard, though it can cause a headache for some people. The simplest way to get your steamid is to join a server on any steam game, open the console and type 'status' then hit enter. It'll bring up the names and ids of all the players on the server. From this point on you'll just have to copy your own.
    Another method is using an online search engine like this one. For this to work you'll need your community id, which you can get from your steam community page. THIS IS IMPORTANT! You are banned via this ID so if you cannot supply it you can't get unbanned.
    Reason - The reason why you want to get unbanned. If you think you were falsely banned you can write down that, if you are sorry for what you have done you can write down that. Be honest and if you did break rules at least appologize. Be mature. Try to grammar proof what you write. Having bad grammar can really hinder your chances, and using a google search to correct your words only take some seconds. Be polite, do not swear and do not accuse people. The administrators are people too, they have feelings, and they will be more likely to accept your appeal if you are nice, than if you accuse others of everything, swear a lot, and call people names.
    Screenshot of ban - Another tricky one. This should be a picture of your attempt while trying to join the server. It won't let you join, but it'll display a little window on why you were banned by who and for how long. This is important too. The easiest way to do it is open the game, try to connect, the window pops up, you press the "Prt Sc" button on your keypad (Short for Print Screen), open the paint program and paste it with ctrl+v or from the menu, then save it. Ofc there are other methods, you can use whichever you want.
    After this you only have to post it, and admins will read it, reply on it, and either unban you or leave you banned. Your chances are still better if you are informed. If you do not get unbanned don't worry, either your ban will expire, or you can appeal your ban again, still, trying is a sign to the admins that you do care about the community at least a little bit.
    -----Ban Requests-----
    Mostly the same as in ban appeals with the exception of:
    Name of offender
    Offender SteamID
    Why they should be banned
    Time of incident
    Just like before lets go through separately:
    Name of offender - This is the name the offender used while he commited the rulebreaks. If he changed names you can list which you can.
    Offender SteamID - The steamid of the offender, you can get it the same way you can get yours, or, if the offender disconnects by the time you are making the appeal, look in the console. It will say something like: "Dropped "Offender's name" from server<STEAM_X:X:XXXXXXXX>" From this you can see their id and name too.
    Why they should be banned - You can write down the rules he broke while on the server (YOU MUST BE ABLE TO PROVE IT), or if it happened to you you can write down what happened from your point of view. I.e. on RP:
    "I was walking in the middle of the street with my friend when this guy came up to us, adverted 'raid' and shot us both. I think this was rdm as we were not in/near our base/didn't have a base, so the raid was invalid."
    After writing down what happened you have to prove it somehow. Proof can be a video, or a picture, or a picture of the console, or the chat if that proves your point, or a set of pictures. However, no matter how many people say it happened, if you cannot prove something with hard evidence, admins cannot listen to witnesses.
    Time of incident - Just write down when it happened, though try not to be too vague. Do not write "at night" write "9pm" or "9pm GMT" or "2016.11.28 18:21 GMT", more information is never bad, but less information can be.
    And with that we came to an end I hope it was some help to you. If anyone has any questions with the workings of ban appeals or ban requests feel free to comment here, and I'll edit the thread according to those. Always remember: Give as many information as you can, be polite, do not make false accusations, and do not rush what you write. Take your time think it through make a draft if you will, it will help!
  22. Upvote
    Xappan reacted to Alltimegamer12 in How to: Unban appeals & Ban requests   
    That was needed! that will help people out alot !
  23. Upvote
    Xappan got a reaction from NightBlade in How to: Unban appeals & Ban requests   
    First what are those things? Well an appeal is a post you make when you were banned from one of the CG servers, and you wish to appeal it, or you think it was unfair, and you want to get unbanned. Writing one some steps we'll go over, but one thing is certain: You might get unbanned, you might not.
    A ban requests is made when you seen someone else break the server rules, and you think their behaviour is unacceptable. In this case you'll need to follow a template AND have evidence of their wrongdoings. (this is important)
    If you want to make an unban appeal or a ban request you can navigate there by pressing the links.
    Furthermore before continuing it'd be wise to read this guide on the same topic made by Fruitel. This guide here is going to go through it in more detail.
    -----Unban appeals-----
    First lets look at what we're going to need while making an appeal. We'll need the following informations:
    What server
    Ingame name
    Screenshot of ban
    What server - Since Cloud Gaming has multiple servers you'll first have to choose on which you've been banned.
    Ingame name - The name you used ingame. This is most likely will be your steam friends name, unless in RP you used a command to change it, in that case write that one.
    SteamID - The most problematic for some people, a steamid is a unique ID to everyone. It looks like this: STEAM_X:X:XXXXXXXX where the Xs are numbers. Getting your steamid is not hard, though it can cause a headache for some people. The simplest way to get your steamid is to join a server on any steam game, open the console and type 'status' then hit enter. It'll bring up the names and ids of all the players on the server. From this point on you'll just have to copy your own.
    Another method is using an online search engine like this one. For this to work you'll need your community id, which you can get from your steam community page. THIS IS IMPORTANT! You are banned via this ID so if you cannot supply it you can't get unbanned.
    Reason - The reason why you want to get unbanned. If you think you were falsely banned you can write down that, if you are sorry for what you have done you can write down that. Be honest and if you did break rules at least appologize. Be mature. Try to grammar proof what you write. Having bad grammar can really hinder your chances, and using a google search to correct your words only take some seconds. Be polite, do not swear and do not accuse people. The administrators are people too, they have feelings, and they will be more likely to accept your appeal if you are nice, than if you accuse others of everything, swear a lot, and call people names.
    Screenshot of ban - Another tricky one. This should be a picture of your attempt while trying to join the server. It won't let you join, but it'll display a little window on why you were banned by who and for how long. This is important too. The easiest way to do it is open the game, try to connect, the window pops up, you press the "Prt Sc" button on your keypad (Short for Print Screen), open the paint program and paste it with ctrl+v or from the menu, then save it. Ofc there are other methods, you can use whichever you want.
    After this you only have to post it, and admins will read it, reply on it, and either unban you or leave you banned. Your chances are still better if you are informed. If you do not get unbanned don't worry, either your ban will expire, or you can appeal your ban again, still, trying is a sign to the admins that you do care about the community at least a little bit.
    -----Ban Requests-----
    Mostly the same as in ban appeals with the exception of:
    Name of offender
    Offender SteamID
    Why they should be banned
    Time of incident
    Just like before lets go through separately:
    Name of offender - This is the name the offender used while he commited the rulebreaks. If he changed names you can list which you can.
    Offender SteamID - The steamid of the offender, you can get it the same way you can get yours, or, if the offender disconnects by the time you are making the appeal, look in the console. It will say something like: "Dropped "Offender's name" from server<STEAM_X:X:XXXXXXXX>" From this you can see their id and name too.
    Why they should be banned - You can write down the rules he broke while on the server (YOU MUST BE ABLE TO PROVE IT), or if it happened to you you can write down what happened from your point of view. I.e. on RP:
    "I was walking in the middle of the street with my friend when this guy came up to us, adverted 'raid' and shot us both. I think this was rdm as we were not in/near our base/didn't have a base, so the raid was invalid."
    After writing down what happened you have to prove it somehow. Proof can be a video, or a picture, or a picture of the console, or the chat if that proves your point, or a set of pictures. However, no matter how many people say it happened, if you cannot prove something with hard evidence, admins cannot listen to witnesses.
    Time of incident - Just write down when it happened, though try not to be too vague. Do not write "at night" write "9pm" or "9pm GMT" or "2016.11.28 18:21 GMT", more information is never bad, but less information can be.
    And with that we came to an end I hope it was some help to you. If anyone has any questions with the workings of ban appeals or ban requests feel free to comment here, and I'll edit the thread according to those. Always remember: Give as many information as you can, be polite, do not make false accusations, and do not rush what you write. Take your time think it through make a draft if you will, it will help!
  24. Upvote
    Xappan reacted to Pookie in How to: Unban appeals & Ban requests   
    Great Guide. Will be great for people who are new to the forums!
  25. Upvote
    Xappan got a reaction from TheMadMin3r in How to: Unban appeals & Ban requests   
    First what are those things? Well an appeal is a post you make when you were banned from one of the CG servers, and you wish to appeal it, or you think it was unfair, and you want to get unbanned. Writing one some steps we'll go over, but one thing is certain: You might get unbanned, you might not.
    A ban requests is made when you seen someone else break the server rules, and you think their behaviour is unacceptable. In this case you'll need to follow a template AND have evidence of their wrongdoings. (this is important)
    If you want to make an unban appeal or a ban request you can navigate there by pressing the links.
    Furthermore before continuing it'd be wise to read this guide on the same topic made by Fruitel. This guide here is going to go through it in more detail.
    -----Unban appeals-----
    First lets look at what we're going to need while making an appeal. We'll need the following informations:
    What server
    Ingame name
    Screenshot of ban
    What server - Since Cloud Gaming has multiple servers you'll first have to choose on which you've been banned.
    Ingame name - The name you used ingame. This is most likely will be your steam friends name, unless in RP you used a command to change it, in that case write that one.
    SteamID - The most problematic for some people, a steamid is a unique ID to everyone. It looks like this: STEAM_X:X:XXXXXXXX where the Xs are numbers. Getting your steamid is not hard, though it can cause a headache for some people. The simplest way to get your steamid is to join a server on any steam game, open the console and type 'status' then hit enter. It'll bring up the names and ids of all the players on the server. From this point on you'll just have to copy your own.
    Another method is using an online search engine like this one. For this to work you'll need your community id, which you can get from your steam community page. THIS IS IMPORTANT! You are banned via this ID so if you cannot supply it you can't get unbanned.
    Reason - The reason why you want to get unbanned. If you think you were falsely banned you can write down that, if you are sorry for what you have done you can write down that. Be honest and if you did break rules at least appologize. Be mature. Try to grammar proof what you write. Having bad grammar can really hinder your chances, and using a google search to correct your words only take some seconds. Be polite, do not swear and do not accuse people. The administrators are people too, they have feelings, and they will be more likely to accept your appeal if you are nice, than if you accuse others of everything, swear a lot, and call people names.
    Screenshot of ban - Another tricky one. This should be a picture of your attempt while trying to join the server. It won't let you join, but it'll display a little window on why you were banned by who and for how long. This is important too. The easiest way to do it is open the game, try to connect, the window pops up, you press the "Prt Sc" button on your keypad (Short for Print Screen), open the paint program and paste it with ctrl+v or from the menu, then save it. Ofc there are other methods, you can use whichever you want.
    After this you only have to post it, and admins will read it, reply on it, and either unban you or leave you banned. Your chances are still better if you are informed. If you do not get unbanned don't worry, either your ban will expire, or you can appeal your ban again, still, trying is a sign to the admins that you do care about the community at least a little bit.
    -----Ban Requests-----
    Mostly the same as in ban appeals with the exception of:
    Name of offender
    Offender SteamID
    Why they should be banned
    Time of incident
    Just like before lets go through separately:
    Name of offender - This is the name the offender used while he commited the rulebreaks. If he changed names you can list which you can.
    Offender SteamID - The steamid of the offender, you can get it the same way you can get yours, or, if the offender disconnects by the time you are making the appeal, look in the console. It will say something like: "Dropped "Offender's name" from server<STEAM_X:X:XXXXXXXX>" From this you can see their id and name too.
    Why they should be banned - You can write down the rules he broke while on the server (YOU MUST BE ABLE TO PROVE IT), or if it happened to you you can write down what happened from your point of view. I.e. on RP:
    "I was walking in the middle of the street with my friend when this guy came up to us, adverted 'raid' and shot us both. I think this was rdm as we were not in/near our base/didn't have a base, so the raid was invalid."
    After writing down what happened you have to prove it somehow. Proof can be a video, or a picture, or a picture of the console, or the chat if that proves your point, or a set of pictures. However, no matter how many people say it happened, if you cannot prove something with hard evidence, admins cannot listen to witnesses.
    Time of incident - Just write down when it happened, though try not to be too vague. Do not write "at night" write "9pm" or "9pm GMT" or "2016.11.28 18:21 GMT", more information is never bad, but less information can be.
    And with that we came to an end I hope it was some help to you. If anyone has any questions with the workings of ban appeals or ban requests feel free to comment here, and I'll edit the thread according to those. Always remember: Give as many information as you can, be polite, do not make false accusations, and do not rush what you write. Take your time think it through make a draft if you will, it will help!
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