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How to: Unban appeals & Ban requests


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First what are those things? Well an appeal is a post you make when you were banned from one of the CG servers, and you wish to appeal it, or you think it was unfair, and you want to get unbanned. Writing one some steps we'll go over, but one thing is certain: You might get unbanned, you might not.

A ban requests is made when you seen someone else break the server rules, and you think their behaviour is unacceptable. In this case you'll need to follow a template AND have evidence of their wrongdoings. (this is important)

If you want to make an unban appeal or a ban request you can navigate there by pressing the links.

Furthermore before continuing it'd be wise to read this guide on the same topic made by Fruitel. This guide here is going to go through it in more detail.

-----Unban appeals-----

First lets look at what we're going to need while making an appeal. We'll need the following informations:

What server
Ingame name
Screenshot of ban

What server - Since Cloud Gaming has multiple servers you'll first have to choose on which you've been banned.

Ingame name - The name you used ingame. This is most likely will be your steam friends name, unless in RP you used a command to change it, in that case write that one.

SteamID - The most problematic for some people, a steamid is a unique ID to everyone. It looks like this: STEAM_X:X:XXXXXXXX where the Xs are numbers. Getting your steamid is not hard, though it can cause a headache for some people. The simplest way to get your steamid is to join a server on any steam game, open the console and type 'status' then hit enter. It'll bring up the names and ids of all the players on the server. From this point on you'll just have to copy your own.
Another method is using an online search engine like this one. For this to work you'll need your community id, which you can get from your steam community page. THIS IS IMPORTANT! You are banned via this ID so if you cannot supply it you can't get unbanned.

Reason - The reason why you want to get unbanned. If you think you were falsely banned you can write down that, if you are sorry for what you have done you can write down that. Be honest and if you did break rules at least appologize. Be mature. Try to grammar proof what you write. Having bad grammar can really hinder your chances, and using a google search to correct your words only take some seconds. Be polite, do not swear and do not accuse people. The administrators are people too, they have feelings, and they will be more likely to accept your appeal if you are nice, than if you accuse others of everything, swear a lot, and call people names.

Screenshot of ban - Another tricky one. This should be a picture of your attempt while trying to join the server. It won't let you join, but it'll display a little window on why you were banned by who and for how long. This is important too. The easiest way to do it is open the game, try to connect, the window pops up, you press the "Prt Sc" button on your keypad (Short for Print Screen), open the paint program and paste it with ctrl+v or from the menu, then save it. Ofc there are other methods, you can use whichever you want.

After this you only have to post it, and admins will read it, reply on it, and either unban you or leave you banned. Your chances are still better if you are informed. If you do not get unbanned don't worry, either your ban will expire, or you can appeal your ban again, still, trying is a sign to the admins that you do care about the community at least a little bit.

-----Ban Requests-----

Mostly the same as in ban appeals with the exception of:

Name of offender
Offender SteamID
Why they should be banned
Time of incident

Just like before lets go through separately:

Name of offender - This is the name the offender used while he commited the rulebreaks. If he changed names you can list which you can.

Offender SteamID - The steamid of the offender, you can get it the same way you can get yours, or, if the offender disconnects by the time you are making the appeal, look in the console. It will say something like: "Dropped "Offender's name" from server<STEAM_X:X:XXXXXXXX>" From this you can see their id and name too.

Why they should be banned - You can write down the rules he broke while on the server (YOU MUST BE ABLE TO PROVE IT), or if it happened to you you can write down what happened from your point of view. I.e. on RP:
"I was walking in the middle of the street with my friend when this guy came up to us, adverted 'raid' and shot us both. I think this was rdm as we were not in/near our base/didn't have a base, so the raid was invalid."
After writing down what happened you have to prove it somehow. Proof can be a video, or a picture, or a picture of the console, or the chat if that proves your point, or a set of pictures. However, no matter how many people say it happened, if you cannot prove something with hard evidence, admins cannot listen to witnesses.

Time of incident - Just write down when it happened, though try not to be too vague. Do not write "at night" write "9pm" or "9pm GMT" or "2016.11.28 18:21 GMT", more information is never bad, but less information can be.


And with that we came to an end I hope it was some help to you. If anyone has any questions with the workings of ban appeals or ban requests feel free to comment here, and I'll edit the thread according to those. Always remember: Give as many information as you can, be polite, do not make false accusations, and do not rush what you write. Take your time think it through make a draft if you will, it will help!

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