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PrinceVфid last won the day on August 15 2023

PrinceVфid had the most liked content!


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  1. @Hydraaa Integrity is strong with this one, wise, swift and efficient. Fit to be seated on a thrown overseeing a kingdom. @AllayTheWolf Always a treat to be in his sits, weather i've reported/been reported, regardless, i will happily take a jail/ban from this man. Joyful but sharp. @Apyr Invested with kindness, capable of defusing problems with slight conflict. Provider of the community and the destroyer of the unlawful.
  2. Added: Hobo+ (selling for friend)
  3. GMAN WEAPONS Melee Damascus sword Pistols Russian model 3, Model 500, Glock, Desert Eagle, Rifles M1918 Bar, AMD 65, VAL, MP40 Shotguns USAS, Winchester 1897, Ithaca M37 Snipers AWP 50, SVT 40, SVD Dragonov SWEPS Bhop Swep, Climb Swep, Unarrest Baton, Disguise kit, Magic Sword, Medkit, Hammer, Hackphone, Camo Swep, ABILITIES 100 Armour Rob bank, Take hints, Mug people, Kidnap People Weed Making, Moonshine, Meth, Printers, Armour charge DJ gadgets, Special arms/Gun dealer weapons £ Price (SOLD) PM Vфid#3743 on Discord/Forums Baldy Description: @Dale @Clippy Based Weapons: Double Barrel - M60 - M249 - SVD Dragunov - Mustang & Sally - Ithaca - Deagle - M14 - Crossbow - Minigun - Damascus Sword - AWP - AK-74 - Vector - TMP - Mac10 - MP9 SWEPS: Climb Swep - Bhop swep - Magic Sword - Unarrest Baton - Medkit - Keypad Cracker - Camo - Fists - Disguise Kit - Pickaxe - Lockpick - Hackphone Abilities: 100 Armour - Take Hits - Mug people - Raid Bank/PD - Kidnap People - Cook Meth - Grow Weed - Spawn Armour Charger - Brew Moonshine - DJ Equipment - Special Arms Equipment SOLD PM Vфid#3743 on Discord/Forums ⤜HOBO+⤛ Description: @Sprickles@Slav King Grappling hook, Elephant Gun what more could you want Weapons: AAC Honeybadger - M249 LMG - Browning Auto - Elephant Gun (.950 JDJ) - M249 - MP7 - Ithaca -M14, Exile Launcher SWEPS: Keypad cracker - Hackphone - Half Life 2 Bugbait - Unarrest Baton - Grappling Hook Abilities: 100 Armour - DJ Equipment - Ability to spawn Gun Dealer Guns - Ability to spawn Special Arms Dealer Guns - Can raid PD - Hits - Drug Lab - Has Custom spawnable drugs £80 - inc fee PM Vфid#3743 on Discord/Forums
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