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Posts posted by toedeli

  1. you fucks, stop telling this guy why he can't get a refund and try to help him, we are not noxious.

    contact roast, possibly a community manager or such, they would be able to help you. normallx refunds are sadly not possible as @jtwepiczombie already explained. though, when you are mature and proof your capability to cooperate, you may get a refund. if not, simply enjoy your new job.

  2. I will not entirely write why they are great members of staff. We are all in Knowledge that they are great and are doing their best to improve the Server. I personally respect them a lot and I believe many do so. They are great and mature staff which are honest and reliable. Both would be the perfect canidates to become an Senior/Super Adminstrator (Or do we still have Lolerbots Owner++ Rank?).


    A mature and great member of staff. Open to solve situations easily, as I could have recently seen (I hope you don't think to bad of me). Since he was a moderator, he acted very professional and responsible. That is the reason he would deserve such great power.



    He once resigned and climbed up the ranks very quickly. If he would have staid, he may would be a higher rank today. But as you can see, he did not give up. He decided to restart and worked harder than he ever did before. He deserved the rank of an adminstrator+, but I believe that he is the best canidate to become a Senior adminstrator. I once spoke to him, one of the most mature person which I have meet in my CloudGaming time.


    I wish both Staff luck and hopefully my Suggestion will happen.

  3. So, you wish to improve your microphone? Then follow these simple steps!


    1. Open Console (If you do not know how: Search up an tutorial, i am to lazy to search it up, and explain it.)

    2. Type in " voice_loopback 1 " in console (Remove the ") in console. You can now hear yourself!

    3. Type in "rate 2500", as always remove the ". Always add +1000 (2500;3500;4500;5500;6500;7500;8500;9500;9999) and at the end 9999. Wait till you sound the best.


    I hope this works for everyone, ask players about their opinion to your microphone.

    Let's hope this gets pinned, kek

  4. He is a great guy, and he is VERY VERY Mature.

    I find he even deserves an higher position, as for example CM, due to his addiction to the server! He is an great guy!


    Proxy is one of my favorite staffs, because i know him from earlier days! He is an great, and nice CM, which is also very fair. He is one of the most mature guys.


    Nightblade is an great Admin+ which deserves the rank of an S-Admin. Seriously, he is an nice (police officer ;) ) and an mature guy!


    gg To you guys!

  5. Do you have any screenshoots? It would be very nice, as you need proof, that you:

    -Ever owned such an gang (I dont think it can be found in the logs anymore)

    -You are actually the owner of it.

  6. 2 hours ago, Random said:

    I don't know if I want a refund or not but I feel like some admins on the servers arn't as good as they should be. I bought a package but thing is admins just treat me like dirt, its just not fun.. Any help anyone?

    If they treat you like Dirt, you should think if you have done something false.

    I dont believe you made an mistake, but incase you did not do that report them. It is really not mature at all to treat an "Admin Buyer" like Dirt. In CG everyone respects eachother. Can you tell any names? I can help you in any form. Feel free to poke me on the forums.

  7. (Yes i post pretty fast, i am bored. This is mostly stuff from wikipedia and my own codes)


    Radio Codes



    Radio Codes where used already in WWII. Today they are used in Police, Military etc.


    Here is an list (Thanks Wikipedia)

    Code Description

    120-(Name) Operation 
    121 Priority on the air
    122 Priority on silence
    123-(Name is not needed but you can add it in) Sick or injured person
    124 Operation completed
    125 Operation continued
    126-(Suspects Name) Intercept suspect
    127-(Place) Proceed with caution
    128-(Place) No siren, no flashing (No sounds)
    129-At-(Coordinates,Callout) Request back up with the Coordinates and the Callout place of downtown for exact localization
    130 Emergency
    131-(Location) Shooting
    132-(Place) Armed robbery
    133-(Name) Possibly dangerous person
    134-(Kidnapper if known)-(Hostage/s)  Kidnapping
    135-(Escaping Person) Escape
    136-(Kidnapper) Hold of hostages
    137 Riot
    138 Bomb alert 

    138-A Bomb Alert, bomb planted by Avionix (kek)
    139 Air disaster
    140-(Name of Killer)-(Probally name of the killed) Murder
    141 Accident
    142-(Name of person) Unlawful assembly
    143 Hit and run
    144 Impaired
    145 Prisoner transport
    146 Introduction (vehicle or residence)
    147-(Name/s) Suspect Armed
    148 Brawl/Family feuding (Except Hobo Family)
    149 Ascertainment
    150-(Item)-(Player) Theft

    10-4 Understood, Taking over


    I will add Codes in that are suggested (If they could be needed)




    "Affirmative" Yes.

    "Negative" No.

    "Over" I stopped talking and i am awaiting an response from you.

    "Out" I stopped talking and i am not awaiting an response from you.

    "Need Backup at (Location)" Need help.


    I made this mainly for the S.W.A.T and Police (Mayor can use them to command Units around)


    Thanks for reading! (You can copy any of these into your guides or whatever)



  8. Geolocalization and Coordination



    Downtown is an really big map. There are alot of places which are important to know, so you can find friends/enemies. 

    Avionix already made an awesome post about the Callouts, but sometimes you need to be even more precise.

    The Callout thread can be found here: http://cloudgamingeu.co.uk/forum/index.php?/topic/4801-callouts/


    Coordinates are for example: 9876 5432 1098 If you would search that, you would have an exact location from the person.

    To activate it do this:

    1. Open console

    2. Type into the console : cl_showpos 1

    In your upper right corner you will see an small graphic. There you will see 2 lists. You should use the first one, as that one shows the location.

    So you can have the exact location on the map.

    I'll give you an example (S.W.AT Snipers)

    "Delta, target on 3445-2321-2345" "Copy that. Permission to shoot?" "Affirmative. Target moved to other coordinates in the way to the Fountain." *Shoot* "Target Down"

    It is pretty usefull, as even if you are in one of the callouts, and say that youre in the upper side of it, coordinates are more precise.

    You can to use the Coordinates for advertising like:

    /advert Come to Bob's Gunshop! Pistols and more! Location at fountain 4334-2324-3333

    It is used for serious and awesome roleplay. You dont need to use it, but it is pretty awesome. 


    Jobs for which the localization is good:

    S.W.A.T (Leader, Sniper, Member, Medic)

    Mayor (Example: "Attack at 3454-3444-3333"

    Police (Normal+Chief)


    Terrorist (Plant Explosive at 3333-3333-3333) (Leader+Normal)

    Gangster (Mobboss+Gangster)




    (List can get updated)


    I hope you understand this guide. Post any questions below.


  9. Python is an easy language. I use it with Raspberry Pi. Very awesome, as i can for example have alot of control with my Raspberry Pi. You can even install Lua on it (If you have internet)

    How ever, Lua is an awesome, small language. It is easy to learn, if you need to make fast scripts.

    You can even use Lua for other buisness, not only Gaming.

    Oh and: C is an good language, but i would start with Python, as it has an awesome power (Google and NASA use it) and its goddamn easy.

    If you are an noob, Start with Scratch and make an XXX game.

  10. This site contains all of my Roleplaying Guides.


    The Roleplaying Guide is made, that you can learn and practise Serious Roleplay, and know how to make you're job correctly.



    The Governemental Guide

    http://cloudgamingeu.co.uk/forum/index.php?/topic/5049-the-governemental-guide-commands-and-arrests/'> COMMANDS AND ARREST


    http://cloudgamingeu.co.uk/forum/index.php?/topic/5033-how-to-get-an-good-and-special-law-enforcement-teamswatpolice/'> HOW TO GET AN GOOD AN SPECIAL LAW ENFORCMENT TEAM(SWAT/POLICE) 


    More to come...


    The Roleplay Guide

    More to come...


    The "Bad Guys" Guide

    More to come...


    The Service Guide

    More to come... (Note that i mean with services, Gundealers Medics etc...)


    The Citizen Guide

    More to come...




    More Guides (?)

  11. Nice guides Toedeli!

    I'm making some updates to the CloudGaming Main Help Page soon.

    This will offer links to guides from other members. I would be happy to include yours, but if you have too many with the same theme i advise you make a main page that i can link it too!

    (As i don't want to overflow the amount of images on the Help page)

    I feel honored! I actually wanted to send you an PM so to ask if that is ok, so nobody can say: OMG! COPY PASTE!!

    I will to make more Governemental Guides (And Others) so i will make an main page about it!

  12. In my last Guide, i talked about Squadrons and how to make them(Training etc...) 

    I'm gonna talk now how to make an proper Reason for an wanted/warranted person.

    Here an small list to what i'm gonna talk about


    • The Commands
    • Arresting
    • Wanted and Warrant
    • What to do if someone breaks an law


    The Commands


    You can see the Commands normally in the F4 menu. But if you want to make an fast wanted/warrant(Which i'm gonna explain later)

    /wanted "Player Name" "Reason": Make someone wanted

    /warrant "Player Name" "Reason": Needs approval from the mayor. Make on someone an warrant

    /g : Talk in you're group chat (You can to press you're binded button to the Group Chat)

    /cr : Normally used by normal citizens. You can use this so: /cr Help, i'm getting "Sort of Crime" at the "Place" (by "Names" IF KNOWN)  The Governement will see this in an red text in the chatbox.




    As i already told in my other guide, dont arrest player's without any proper reason. I'm gonna explain now what arresting does and what it means

    • If you arrest someone, he will be put into the prison at the PD.
    • Try always to arrest people, because arresting is better than killing the person (Because the player just loses his guns not more)
    • You dont need to escort them to the PD, they will be Automaticly Teleported to the PD.
    • If you arrest someone, it will be noticeable for every player, because it then appears in the screen of the player.

    ​To arrest someone, take you're "Arrest Stick" (The Red Stick) and Left click on the player(Or you're other "Primary Fire" bind.)

    If you want to unarrest someone, you can choose the "Unarrest Stick" (The Green one) and Left click on the player(Or you're other Primary Fire bind.) You can ask an ransom (Money that you will be released) to the player's, and then unarrest them. Small hint: Always want small ransoms, because if you make them to high, the player will not pay. Try to ask them directly after the arrest for for example 700£ (IG-Money)

    If you choose the "Stun Stick" (The Blue Stick) you stun the person. For a short time, the screen of them will be white. If you left click them there will be no effect, except of the white screen. But if you Right click on the accused person, the person will lose 10 HP.


    Wanted and Warrant

    I will explain you the Wanted and Warrant command very precisely, so you know when you use which one.


    /wanted "Player Name" "Reason": The /wanted command is to make someone wanted. Then an red text will appear overthem that they're wanted and for which reason they are wanted

    This means you may kill the person (Bring him Dead OR alive). You may not storm his base if not needed. If you want to search his base use the /warrant command


    /warrant "Player Name" "Reason": The /warrant command is to put on someone an warrant. Then an red text will appear overthem that they have an warrant and for which reason they have an warrant.

    This means you shall ARREST him. Here an explication by "Google Translate"

     document issued by a legal or government official authorizing the police or some other body to make an arrest, search premises, or carry out some other action relating to the administration of justice.

    You may search his house if you want. Normally warrants are used to raid bases, because of Printers and other things.


    What to do if someone breaks an law


    If someone breaks the /laws or the F4 laws, you may arrest him.  But i would recommnend that you make an /warrant before you arrest him. Normally you can to make an /wanted because that is faster and the /warrant needs to get accepted by the mayor.

    You can to do this: If someone breaks an law, you can bring them, by escorting them, to the PD. There you ask an ransom, that they dont get arrested(You can to make that in the street's, but in the PD it's way safer). 

    You can make that if the accused person is in public. If you need to raid his base, make an /warrant. Normally he has guns, but dont try to kill him! Only if needed, you may kill him.






    Thank's for reading. You may link to this post In-Game to player's so they know what to do.


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