Quality Assurance Team
What is the QA team?
The QA team is a special group of people who aide in producing all of Cloud Gaming’s addons and updates. This is by testing mainly but also idea formulation. QA team is also how you can progress to the gameplay design team which involves much more idea formulation and implementation of new features, addons and overall updates. QA team get paid in tokens.
QA team are not staff members, nor hold any authority more than a regular user.
How do I join?
You can join by applying on the main thread found here
Gameplay Design Team
What is the GD team?
The GD team is a step up from QA. GD team oversees QA, tests with them and performs managerial tasks such as helping new QA members get setup, responding to suggestions, responding to support tickets etc. GD team also plays a big role in formulating updates and ideas.
GD team are not staff members, nor hold any authority more than a regular user.
How do I join?
Invite only, usually former/current QA, SA or A+ who've contributed to the community over many years.