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  1. Today
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  3. If you want any of my dupes and or have any questions about building pm me on the forums and or discord ( megabouse ) this is not a guide on server rules and isn't intended to help you know them. special values: Shoot window width = 47.51 Shoot window height = 33 hope you have a wonderful day
  4. Last week
  5. Fuck, guess I’m staying clear of the road
  6. For real man yato is a fucking g cl
  7. thanks @sweatshirt and @SIR bob i will run you over in me caravan
  8. Careful if you get in his bad side, he may run you over with his caravan.
  9. jello


    Yato as been the only admin that I've never felt any sort of misunderstanding of what I had done and or malice in any of the punishment's that would come from it. He's very helpful in everything related to the server, and if I ask a question he answers them to the best of his ability. I've never seen a better example of how to administrate a server than yato is, he deserves everything that he as and will get in the future.
  10. Thank you, kindred spirit.
  11. As title says, I wonder if I could make an IGM journal on this forum, and if so, where? Regards, sincerely - Jonsen
  12. Ali

    Blight Store

  13. Shook

    Blight Store

    Blight Update - Added Claws
  14. removed Ace Gun for M4A1 Iron removed MG3 for Famas removed CSS Aug for Crossbow
  15. Earlier
  16. Store update 05.22.2024 Shinobi Update: Added: Crypto
  17. So the thing that @Gavin Searched up was ''Einsatzkommando'' Which means task force. This appears up as what gavin said but the name he is using ''Einsatzkommando Cobra'' Does not mean the same thing.
  18. what kind of stuff are you looking up?
  19. Einsatzkommando is german for task force ... The Einsatzgruppen where part of the SS and the Einsatzkommandos sub groups, but is nowadays used for a lot of special units, like "Das Mobile Einsatzkommando" or "Sondereinsatzkommando"
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