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_RzVibration last won the day on October 27 2024

_RzVibration had the most liked content!

About _RzVibration

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  1. its only worth what someone is willing to pay, so could vary from like 100k to 10+mill
  2. i sell my dupe folder with like 670 files for a fiver
  3. i use this all the time, very helpful to ensure i dont accidently press the binds with racial slurs
  4. https://cloud-gaming.co.uk/forum/index.php?/topic/20036-weaponentity-bind-list/
  5. jokes aside, splendid guide!
  6. id recommend messaging roast here on the forums, he is not obliged to refund your payment but he may feel charitable. or im sure @Chriss would be a saint and give you enough money to cover your losses
  7. youre being perma banned for erp, if you wish to be unbanned please bake a cloud gaming themed cake and upload proof to the forums, including a receipt of the ingredients
  8. if you need help with your message to roast, pm me
  9. the only person who can deal with this is roast. your steamid should always stay linked to the job until it is sold. i recommend you message roast on the forums with your steamid and ask him to check on his end, although if you dont have it now, probably not much he can realistically do
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