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Everything posted by Noseian

  1. But this completely contradicts the rule. This is my point exactly. You are saying that you must warn even though rules give a clear exception which is that if they have guns out you don’t have to. Which one should I listen to. You or the rules? Unless they have pulled their gun out which is my question. There’s no clear definition. Here’s you giving your view. Spizor giving his. Then turtle/Jamie giving theirs. All which are totally different. We need a clear rule which states, what is and isn’t allowed. The rule is too vague. It needs to be written down and not discussed or said. If a senior staff member says “this is allowed” or along those lines they need to reference the rules or back it up by them. From my point of view, if a senior staff member does this, how can you tell the staff member dealing with a sit they said this. How can they believe you? You could record them saying it but that could be before a rule change etc. There needs to be a clear written down post or explanation which details what is and isn’t allowed for rules of engagement for CPs. As @Turtle said, it is not clear, it is a total grey area. I guess this post can be moved into suggestions as it has sort of formed into a suggestion or the rule to be rewritten as it’s very vague and staff need a clear basis to go off.
  2. But what counts as not using it? It's a very vague statement. If 3 gangsters are walking along after mugging someone, they are not using their guns however they have "used" their guns therefore i cannot kill them? Say for instance you know 3 gangsters are also walking along and mugging everyone in sight. They have waited the cooldown of mugging but you see them with guns. Now if you go over, they could then mug you and you have no option as it would be fail RP. It's very vague. It needs to be binary yes or no on guns not certain exceptions as it just causes problems like this.
  3. That's what's weird. If they have a gun out, you're not going to ask them to drop if as they're just going to gat you in the face. Say for instance a FAMAS. One of the best guns in the game. It can kill you before you know it tbh. So even if you are asking them, you'll die most likely.
  4. Alright thank you. I thought this was the case. However big n00b @Paul said i had to warn
  5. There's a bit of discrepancies between staff members regarding this rule: "You must give 10 seconds of warning before arresting/killing someone unless they pull out a weapon/are shooting people/are wanted etc." I've been told off other staff members that if a person has a gun out, you can kill them as they have pulled a weapon out, plus are a threat to citizens. However some other staff say that you have to warn even if they have a gun out. However it would be pretty stupid (to put it bluntly) to run up to the said person and say "Oh hi sir can you please put the gun down otherwise i'll have to arrest/kill you" as then you'll have to give them 10 seconds to buy ammo and then kill you. I just want some clarification into when you can KOS and not. As say for instance, there is a sniper walking past PD with a gun out. In my opinion I'd kill him as he has a gun out. Please can senior staff reply into what is and isn't allowed. Thus, I can show staff to this post if they dispute what I am told.
  6. For your own security, please blur out the address info and possibly the bank account. If you just provide the “Transaction ID” that will be enough for the Owner to assist you.
  7. Noseian

    Bonk's store

    How much for sweetie x
  8. Noseian

    Selling blaze

    I have a vendetta against the number 25
  9. Noseian

    Selling blaze

    Ok. Well I wish you the best of luck selling!
  10. Noseian

    Selling blaze

    Right so. How about a number between 20 and 25 but it cannot be 25. Would you be up for that?
  11. Unlike you then But yeah Logan is a sound guy
  12. Change log: Name change woah. Think Kevin added Winchester to Boney but not sure which one lol
  13. Noseian

    Selling blaze

    Well the offer is there for £20
  14. Noseian

    Selling blaze

    I'll go under on you though
  15. Noseian

    Selling blaze

    £20 and I'll speak to you in a very erotic way
  16. Or if you’re Noseian £55 ?????
  17. “How much you selling blaze for” “Why” ”because I might buy” “Ok, 55 just for you”
  18. Radon is being a typical Australian and is overpricing it. So no can do my friend. I wish you a prosperous hunt for Blaze!
  19. I can see if i can get you one for cheap. "Oi radon you aussie, how much are you selling Blaze for" Awaits a reply off @Radontrax1
  20. Heyyyyyy sweeeetttttieeeee. Which job do you want
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