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  1. Upvote
    VeryDoge reacted to Toast in How to: Commands on DarkRP   
    /radioman - DJ
  2. Upvote
    VeryDoge reacted to Xappan in How to: Commands on DarkRP   
    This post will mostly help staff members, though I'm going to go through ALL commands that is listed in ULX for users, mods, admins and admin+. With the exception of teleport every command of a lower rank may be used by members of upper ranks. For any typo I'm sorry and feel free to pm me or write a reply, I'll edit it accordingly. So lets get to it:
    What is ULX?
    The creatords described ulx this way: "ULX is the oldest lua-based administration mod released for Gmod, and it is the admin mod that almost every other admin mod has compared itself to or claimed to be better than. Not just an ordinary administration mod with kick/ban features, ULX contains many useful features to assist in administration and server management (reserved slots, detailed logs), or just fun punishments (blind, slap, maul). Combined with its module system and a supportive forum community of developers and ULX users, the possibilities of extensibility are virtually endless."
    Buuut, who cares. I'll put it simply so everyone can understand, even though it won't be correct. Ulx = all the commands we use on the server.
    How to use a ulx command?
    Using ulx commands, is easy. Either you type in the console: "ulx command" and the argument it needs, or you can use the ingame chat for it, e.g. !command <arguments>.
    This will get meaning for mods and above but targeting can be quite hard sometimes. Players might have similar names, weird characters, or keep changin names. With ulx commands there are 12 methods of targeting, not all having different effects. Lets start from easiest and go to the most obscure:
    command NAME - issuing a command with the name of the player you are targeting. This is to be done in the chat.
    ulx command NAME - same as the pervious, done in the console instead of the chat window.
    command $STEAMID - issuing a command with a steamid, or any unique id (userid, ip, etc.). Chat.
    ulx command $STEAMID - same as command $STEAMID. Console
    command $USERID - same as command $STEAMID. Chat
    ulx command $USERID - same as command $STEAMID. Console
    command @ - Target the person you are looking at. Failure to look at someone will result in either failure of the commands, or executing it on everyone you are able to manipulate, depending if the command is multitarget or not (i.e. Jail is multitarget, jailtp is not). Works both in chat and console. (Really not recommended)
    command ^ - Targets yourself. Some commands like god and cloak targets yourself on default. Works both in chat and console.
    command # - Targets a group of people. i.e. command #admin will target everyone who is an admin. Console
    command % - Supposedly targets a group who has acces to a certain group. One can target the group "user" (%user) and thus target everyone as they have acces to the user group. This won't work on higher leves though, as it seems admins do not have acces to mod, so %mod will only target moderators. Works with user, vip, goldvip, ultimatevip, admin for sure. Console
    Command * - Targets EVERYONE who you are allowed to manipulate. (i.e. a mod cannot target admins, etc.) Works in chat and console.
    Command ! - Targets the target but yourself. E.g. command !* will target everyone but ourselves.
    If a command is used in the console, where it is possible, it must be preceeded by the keyword "ulx". I.e. ulx mute <player>
    At all times it seems a players name can be swapped by either $steamid or $userid or $ip. You can get 2/3 by typing "status" in the console. You can get the steamid from the tab menu too. Getting the IP is not possible under a ceratin rank, unless with the help of external programs, though this will have administrative consequences.
    Some commands are multitarget commands, meaning multiple people can be manipulated at once. This can be done by giving a part of the name that fits multiple people, or separating them with a comma (I.e. ulx mute playerA,playerB,playerC)
    Some commands require more than one argument, some require none. For example !thetime/ulx thetime has 0 arguments, simply typing it and pressing enter will have an effect. Some other commands however use 1 or multiple arguments. !kick/ulx kick uses 1, namely who we want to kick. !ban/ulx ban/ulx banid uses 3: The name/id of the player, the length, and the reason. Some commands work without targeting and it will default to ourselves, such as !tp/ulx teleport. We can teleport others by giving an argument, or we can teleport ourselves by giving none.
    For users there is not much in terms of ULX commands. They can use some pretty basic commands but that's that.
    ulx help - When typed into console it shows all the possible commands to be used.
    ulx asay <message> - Sends a message to the admins. Chat equivalent (CE for short) is @.
    ulx psay <player> <message> - sends a PM to somoene. CE is !p <name> <message> or /pm <name> <message>
    ulx thetime - Shows the time of the server (GMT, UK time).
    ulx motd - Shows the message of the day (Rules). CE is !motd.
    xgui - Typing xgui, xgui show, xgui toggle or ulx menu will bring up the menu. Can be closed with the x or commands xgui, xgui hide, xgui toggle or ulx menu. CE is !menu or !xgui
    While (for some reason) ulx help lists dban and xban neither can be used by users.
    ulx usermanagementhelp - See user management help. Utterly pointless under rank Superadmin.
    Can utilize anthing from the "User" section, furthermore:
    ulx dcals - Clears all dcals. CE is !dcals.
    ulx kick <player> <reason> - Kicks a player with or without reason. CE is !kick <player> <reason>
    ulx nolag - Freezes all props. CE is !nolag.
    ulx gag <players> - Stops someone from using their microphone. CE is !gag <players>. MULTITARGET
    ulx ungag <players> - Opposite of gag. CE is !ungag <players>. MULTITARGET
    ulx mute <players> - Stops someone from inputting into the chat. @ chat excluded. CE is !mute <players>. MULTITARGET
    ulx unmute <players> - Opposite of mute. CE is !unmute <players>. MULTITARGET
    ulx voteban <player> <time> <reason> - Starts a vote to ban someone from the server. Time can be given in minutes, if nothing is written but a number, or can be given in hours days or weeks by giving #h #d #w respectively, where # marks a number. CE is !voteban with same arguments.
    ulx votemap <map>/nothing - Starts a map vote. Not utilized on our server, and one must not use this command. CE is !votemap. Argument can either be a map name, or nothing so a list of available maps will load. <USAGE OF THE COMMAND WILL RESULT IN PUNISHMENT>
    ulx freeze <players> - Freezes the player, so they cannot move, look away, or shoot. While in this state they can be freely teleported, brought, returned or jailtpd, but admins cannot manipulate them with physgun. CE is !freeze <players>. MULTITARGET
    ulx unfreeze <players> - Opposite of freeze. CE is !unfreeze <players>. MULTITARGET
    ulx jail <players> <time> <reason> - Jails the player in a small cage for a given time. Used as the primary punishing method. Time is in seconds, giving 0 will jail them permanently. CE is !jail <players> <time> <reason>. MULTITARGET
    ulx jailtp <player> <time> - Teleports the player where one is looking and jailing them there. One cannot give a reason, this should be done in either OOC after the jail, or be given to the punished player in advance. Time is given in seconds, setting it to 0 will jail them permanently. CE is !jailtp <player> <time>
    !unjail <players> - Removes the cage from around the players, was it spawned with !jail or !jailtp. CE is !unjail <players> MULTITARGET
    ulx strip <players> - Removes all equiped weapons and tools from a player. CE is !strip <players>. MULTITARGET
    ulx bring <player> - Brings a player to your location. CE is !bring <player>
    ulx goto <player> - One goes to the location of target player. In case they are in narrow space or in vehicles one must use noclip, or sit down on something and utilizing the command that way, actually glitching the targeting, but being able to go anywhere. CE is !goto <player>
    ulx return <player> - Returns one to the place they either used "goto" or "bring" from. Can only set this cycle back one stage, so bringing someone twice, and trying to return them will only succed once, placing them at the location of the second bring. CE is !return <player>. Defaults to self
    ulx teleport - Teleports the player or someone else to the location of the crosshair. CE is !tp <player>. Defaults to self.
    ulx unarrest <player> - Unarrets a player without the need to go to them and manually do it. CE is !unarrest <player>
    ulx unlockdown - Forcefully removes a lockdown without the need of a mayor. CE is !unlockdown
    An admin can utilize every command a moderator (and thus a user) can, except for teleport, furthermore:
    ulx ban <player> <time> <reason> - Bans a player from the server (restrict their acces to it) for a given time with a given reason. Time can be given in minutes, if nothing is written but a number, or can be given in hours days or weeks by giving #h #d #w respectively, where # marks a number. CE is !ban <player> <time> <reason>. This is one command where using $STEAMID instead of name might actually be a good idea, since its harder to screw up that way. This command does NOT work on players not connected to the server.
    ulx banid <id> <time> <reason> - Works like ban, with the exception that here one MUST give an id instead of a name. This works whether the target is connected to the server, or not. Console only.
    ulx csay <message> - Sends a message to everyone in the middle of their screens. CE is @@@ <message>.
    ulx tsay <message> - Sends a message to everyone in the chatbox. CE is @@ <message>
    /admintell <player> <message> - Sends a message to someone on the top of their screen. Chat only.
    /admintellall <message> - Sends a message to everyone on top of their screens. Chat only.
    ulx cloak <player> <amount> - Cloaks a player (makes them invisible) by <amount>. Seems any number given there is only invisible and visible. Amount ranges from 0 to 255. CE is !cloak <player>. 
    ulx god <players> - Makes a player immune to damage. CE is !god <players>. Defaults to self. MULTITARGET
    ulx ungod <players> - Opposite of !god. CE is !ungod <players>. Defaults to self. MULTITARGET
    ulx hp <players> <amount> - Sets the target's HP to a certain amount. The amount can be between 1 and 2147483647. Giving any other amount than 100 is considered abusive behaviour if done on purpose. Event staff excluded in case of events. CE is !hp <players> <amount>. MULTITARGET
    xgui fban <player> - Short for "freezeban". Opens a ban menu. If a target is given the command freezes the target, and fills in the name and the steamid section automatically. Closing this window will unfreeze the player. CE is !fban <player>. Giving a target is not required if one wants to search through the players, or give a specific steamid. Fban works on targets not connected to the server, if it is opened without target argument. If it is opened with a target argument, it freezes the player and fills the name + steamid, but if the player disconnects the ban cannot be done. Resorting to ulx banid is advised.
    xgui xban <player> - Works the same as fban, but not freezes the target. Everything otherwise is applicable here too. CE !xban <player>
    ulx jobban <player> <job> - Bans someone from using a job. The job has to be specified carefully and 100% correctly. Mayor exist while mayor does not. Usage of "" is necessary. CE is !jobban <player> <job>
    ulx jobunban <player> <job> - Allows someone to use a job they were banned from previously. Specifying a job is done the same way as in "jobban". CE is !jobunban <player> <job>
    ulx selldoor - Unowns the door one is looking at. CE is !selldoor
    ulx setjob <player> <job> - Sets the players job to the job argument. Job must be specified like in "jobban". CE is !setjob <player> <job>. Using the tab menu is advised, as it is easier.
    Admin+ can use every command mentioned above with the exception of teleport, furthermore they can use:
    ulx send <player> <player2> - Sends player to player2's location. CE is !send <player> <player2>
    There is a wide variety of commands that one can use, using them good makes a good staff member in case of staff. I won't even try to get SA and above's commands, as it is unnecesary.
    I hope this little guide helped you learn what commands you can utilize, how and why. Happy times on DarkRP!
  3. Upvote
    VeryDoge got a reaction from NightBlade in A toast for the Staff Team.   
  4. Upvote
    VeryDoge reacted to NightBlade in A toast for the Staff Team.   
    As you may have noticed the staff team has taken a huge turn in the past couple of days, well it has always been good tbf but it has improved. With the new members of staff and some new ones that could be coming soon, I have to say it has gotten better, as the saying goes as time goes on things will get better and I gladly say it has.
    Yeah before there was a little bit of a fuss about the staff team but I have seen a great improvement, more staff are coming on and though we have lost a few great members of staff from the team we are trying to keep strong and act professionally at all times.
    As you may or may not know I have been here for nearly 3 years now (under a slightly different name) and looking back to the olden days I can say I am glad to be apart of the team.
    I know some members of the team I will be calling SA in the future or even possibly CM. You are all doing an excellent job (Yes even you Nomad) 
    Though it is not only the DarkRP staff are doing great but the TTT side is doing great as well, they are professional as well over there and from what I have heard and seen, I can say that they are doing an amazing job looking after the server (Like DarkRP are), so keep up the  good work, Nomad, you have done a great job with that server as well so keep up the good work yeah?
    Even though I have not been on Surf I am sure it is going great over there as well.
    Finally, I would like to say all the CG staff team, you are doing amazing and I know that everyone even the players are proud of you. Thank you for being apart of the team and it is going to be a great journey, carry on what you are doing!
    Also, for those who may not be doing so good I am only a PM away, so do not hesitate to contact me. 

    Regards, NightBlade.
  5. Upvote
    VeryDoge reacted to Toast in A toast for the Staff Team.   
    'A TOAST for the Staff Team.'
  6. Upvote
    VeryDoge reacted to Mr Saul Goodman in Minimalist   
    Good guy, sacrifices RP time to go OD.
  7. Upvote
    VeryDoge reacted to HeyBoss in how to survive a failed bank heist (need a partned)   
    1. Shoot your friend
    2. Tell the cops you killed the thief, and ask them can they let you go/
    3. Loose a friend
    4.Thank me
  8. Upvote
    VeryDoge reacted to Hellstrom in TTT - how to play   
    WHAT? Darkrp is hard af how could you possibly know the rules!!?!? And i applied for mod xD xD xD
  9. Upvote
    VeryDoge reacted to roast in Roast is a wizard.   
  10. Upvote
    VeryDoge reacted to Toast in Roast is a wizard.   
    Today @roast spent a good few hours going over bugs and stuff and fixing them and a lot of it has been fixed. Also the updates he has been putting out are pretty cool.
    I get he doesn't have a lot of time to do updates regularly but over the past few days, he has done a lot and it's nice to see. We all thank you for the updates and hard work, roast.
  11. Upvote
    VeryDoge reacted to Toast in Normal breads better   
    It happens. I dealt with it.
    And prior, you're a scrub but thank you for the kind words.
  12. Upvote
    VeryDoge reacted to millzy59 in TTT Gun Damage Guide   
    So I thought it would be helpful for myself and others to know the actual stats of guns so I decided to start recording it all down. This took a LOT of time as there were way more weapons than I anticipated when I started recording the damages. It may not all be extremely accurate but if not correct, it will still be very close to what the damage actually is.
    Common Guns
    Honey Badger
    Head: 80
    Body: 25
    Legs/Arms: 13
    Head: 15
    Body: 7
    Legs/Arms: 3
    Head: 62
    Body: 23
    Legs/Arms: 12
    Almost impossible to calculate, close range head shot is ussually an insta kill is all I could gather
    Head: 200
    Body: 50
    Legs/Arms: 27
    Head: 48
    Body: 18
    Legs/Arms: 9
    Head: 37
    Body: 12
    Legs/Arms: 6
    Head: 62
    Body: 23
    Legs/Arms: 12
    Steryr Aug A3
    Head: 53
    Body: 21
    Legs/Arms: 11
    73 Winchester Carbine
    Head: 108
    Body: 43
    Legs/Arms: 22
    Head: 81
    Body: 43
    Legs/Arms: 16
    FN Fal
    Head: 78
    Body: 29
    Legs/Arms: 15
    Head: 48
    Body: 25
    Legs/Arms: 14
    Head: 59
    Body: 22
    Legs/Arms: 12
    Head: 81
    Body: 30
    Legs/Arms: 16
    Head: 75
    Body: 28
    Legs/Arms: 15
    Head: 67
    Body: 25
    Legs/Arms: 13
    Head: 49
    Body: 18
    Legs/Arms: 6
    Head: 56
    Body: 21
    Legs/Arms: 11
    Head: 59
    Body: 22
    Legs/Arms: 12
    Head: 15
    Body: 5
    Legs/Arms: 3
    HK G3A3
    Head: 86
    Body: 32
    Legs/Arms: 18
    Head: 62
    Body: 23
    Legs/Arms: 13
    Head: 51
    Body: 13
    Legs/Arms: 7
    Head: 67
    Body: 25
    Legs/Arms: 13
    Head: 21
    Body: 12
    Legs/Arms: 7
    Desert Eagle (Deagle)
    Head: 148
    Body: 37
    Legs/Arms: 20
    Traitor Weapons
    Guass Rifle
    Head: Instant Kill (+explosive damage)
    Body: Instant Kill (+explosive damage)
    Legs/Arms: Instant Kill (+explosive damage)
    Golden Dragon
    Head: 24 (+2 fire damage per second)
    Body: 9 (+2 fire damage per second)
    Legs/Arms: 5(+2 fire damage per second)
    Head: 600
    Body: 150
    Legs/Arms: 83
    Head: 37
    Body: 37
    Legs/Arms: 37
    Silenced Pistol
    Head: 78
    Body: 28
    Legs/Arms: 14
    Poison Dart Gun
    Head: 2 Per Second
    Body: 2 Per Second
    Legs/Arms: 2 Per Second
    Detective Weapons
    UMP Prototype
    Head: 41 (+disorientation)
    Body: 9 (+disorientation)
    Legs/Arms: 5 (+disorientation)
    Golden Deagle
    Head: 26973
    Body: 26973
    Legs/Arms: 26973
    So I think thats pretty much all the guns, as I said, the damages may not be spot on and of course each gun has other variables such Rate of Fire and Mag Capacity but I hope this helps people, thx for reading.
  13. Upvote
    VeryDoge reacted to bubert! in Nomad for CM   
  14. Upvote
    VeryDoge got a reaction from hibird in Nomad for CM   
    Nomad for president
    He will make a wall and he will make rulebreakers pay for it!
  15. Upvote
    VeryDoge reacted to Xappan in Nomad for CM   
    Allright I do not know what is the usual method for this or where should I post it but since its mostly a recommendation I'm going to do it here.
    Since we had @Nomad on the staff team, at least as far as I've known him, he has always been very helpful to everyone who needed help, he is on the server for a ridicolous time every week. Apart from that I can always see him on the forums active, commenting on many post, and from personal experience I can tell if I have any doubt or problem I can go to him and get an answer in a short time. He cares about the staff team to the points where I can discuss my daily life with him and such. He is friendly, fair, and always willing to listen to peoples problems and questions. He is probably the most devoted member of the community I ever seen after Proxy, though I've known Proxy for a longer time.
    And this is where I come to the part I'm writing this thing at all. Namely: We need a new Community Manager. Apart from Nomad being the closest to it in rank with his Superadmin (Unless our lord Roast wana become a CM) he puts an insane ammount of time and energy into the servers and the community, he is truly someone you can go to if you have questions, problems, or you need things done. I truly believe that he is fully capable of handling the responsibilites of the rank and that he'd do a damn fine job.
    But of course this is my opinion only so I want to hear what others have to say about/think about him. I'm going to tag quite a lot of people, please those of you who can and want to share your opinion do so!
    @NightBlade@docge@Toast@Madninja44@kelloz@WarMachine@Deadlux@priorduck★@Leon Stark@Senaeth@Zecron@Dexter@Jerry@JimmyTortellini@OU Pals@Dandy@jacksolget@Lightnin9515@Zaadlob@Nukez@TheMadMin3r@Zoulou@Yuuki
    And of course if I didn't call your name (Mostly did staff and not all of them just whom I can remember fast) please feel free to add your POV too.
  16. Upvote
    VeryDoge reacted to Dr.Lolerbot in MENTORING FAILED   
  17. Upvote
    VeryDoge reacted to bubert! in how to open f4 menu   
    u have to be ingame
    then press f4 

    thanks for cheking out my guide
    like and subsribe for mroe
    if u want more guides remember to support me on pateron
    subescirbe to my youtube channle here::: https://www.youtube.com/user/kwebbelkop
    thaks u guys
  18. Upvote
    VeryDoge reacted to WarMachine in Priorduck   
    I would like to recommend a good friend and brilliant staff member. @priorduck★ has been admin for a bit now and you can really see him in all his colours as he flies to you, he is a special duck as he cant fly straight like a normal duck. He has shown great knowledge of rules and just overall been an A*. Nothing more to add but that he does truly try his best as he stays for long hours OD and you can have a lot of fun with him.
  19. Upvote
    VeryDoge reacted to Avionix in Callouts   
    Basically there are some standard callouts for the darkrp map, I thought I would make a topic to clarify them all.

    Below I shall list the callouts corresponding to each area.
    The admin area/admin island.
    The residential district or "residentials".
    Small residentials.
    Original gunshop.
    The PD.
    Warehouse district.
  20. Upvote
    VeryDoge reacted to priorduck★ in Priorduck and Warmachine   
    thanks xappan that means alot to me i have not known you for very long but i can already tell that you are a great guy that deserves respect.
    you are a great admin always ready to help out people in need. stay awesome
  21. Upvote
    VeryDoge reacted to Xappan in Priorduck and Warmachine   
    I'd like to recommend both of you @priorduck★ @WarMachine_Homie, you kept the server going when no other staff was on and you managed to pull through with a 30+ player server without admin, maintaining order. I see all the hard work and effort you put into the community and for that I'd like to thank you both very much. Should any of you in the near future apply for admin you have my utmost and ultimate support! Keep up the good work!
    Best Wishes
  22. Upvote
    VeryDoge reacted to Avionix in Dr.Lolerbot   
    best memer in cg has nice memes and good dress sense
    he paid me to say this
  23. Upvote
    VeryDoge reacted to proxy in Whole Staff Team   
    Sounds evil af, admin+ rank delayed with 10 years
  24. Upvote
    VeryDoge got a reaction from Xappan in Whole Staff Team   
    I got a mini hearth attack, I thought you are leaving the staff team.
    Yeah, I'm also very thankful to staff, we had 3 events last evening.
  25. Upvote
    VeryDoge reacted to Xappan in Whole Staff Team   
    Nah I plan to get in more power
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