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Some Staff Members (And Higher).

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@roast If have gotta hand it to you, you somehow keep this going. Without you, the server would be shit. Unlike other servers, you actually listen to the players (suggestions etc.)

I know you probably get this a lot, but you are a great owner to the community, its full of nice people, and its great to be on. It would be nice if we could see you on here more, but we know you work full time and we respect that also.

@Nomad Ah, Nomad. What would be do without you huh? You are an outstanding staff member and it is amazing how much you spend making sure the community is where it should be. You are a great CM, and it would be different without you.

@docge I honestly feel sorry for you, you hardly get any of these (well of what i have seen) and you are an amazing Super Admin. Whenever somebody needs to be re added to VIP (example) you are right on it. You are extremely under appreciated, it would be nice to see your name more on the staff recommendation section. You are funny as well :D

@Toast Ex-SA, you are great and professional, slowly getting your ranks back :) it was said seeing what happened 'last time' but you are still a great staff member, and you still have a ton of respect in the community, don't worry, you will most likely be back in the 'higher up' tier of staff, you were great before and you still are.                                                                     

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