Hello welcome!! I'll be showing console commands.
How to dance
So the first one will be on act [Animations].
open console by pressing ` or F10 then type act [Animations] for example act dance (it will make you dance)
on the list below you could type any animation you would like for example act robot or anything else!
or you could just do this by simply getting your keys out and pressing R
how to disable the gmod crosshair
If there is a crosshair that looks like this
or this
you can disable it by opening console by pressing ` or F10 then type hud_draw_fixed_reticle 0 if you want it back change the 0 to a 1
you can use CG's crosshair instead by pressing f4
turning this on
then customizing it by this
How to see your ping/fps
Open console by pressing ` or F10 then type net_graph 1
like this
you can also change the place of the netgraph type net_graphpos [number] only 1 to 3
you also can make it smaller by typing net_graphproportionalfont 0
it will show your fps and ping
(don't mind my bad ping and fps)
How to change your scroll wheel speed
Open console by pressing ` or F10 then type physgun_wheelspeed [number]
for example
It will make your scroll wheel speed faster when dragging props or anything else.
[I know it says "physugun" thats just a typo its physgun]
How to change your physgun color
Open console by pressing ` or F10 then type cl_weaponcolor [R] [G] [B]
you could see some cool physgun colors under this By Chr1ssY
how to increase physgun fov
Open console by pressing ` or F10 then type viewmodel_fov [number]
this is 100 looks pretty cool
this is 1000 its flipped over
you can make it any other number u would like
How to toggle voice chat
Open console by pressing ` or F10 and you could see the commands on the link under this by DILF Kami
How to bind to use guns or say something
Open console by pressing ` or F10 then type bind [key] "use [something]"
for example binding bhop bind x "use bhop_swep"
it looks like this
or you could use any key you would like instead of x
You could even bind saying something for example bind [key] "say [something]"
for example it could be like
you could also bind kill
for example
and once you press the bind it will work 😎
How to unbind and list of your binds
Open console by pressing ` or F10 then type key_listboundkeys to list all your binded binds.
It looks like this
Unbinding keys
Open up console and type unbind [key]
for example
and it unbinds the key
you could also do
and it unbinds everything
That's all!! Thanks for reading and DM me on discord if you need help.
I'll keep adding more stuff if I find
My discord is hzdr
BYE!!! 👋