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Everything posted by Arian

  1. Arian

    Inv reset thingy

    that's a huge rip, did anyone get refunded or nah? @Avionix
  2. Arian

    Inv reset thingy

    yo just saying forgive me if this has already been solved I just haven't been on the forums/in game for almost a year; has this been fixed yet? (you can come up with the typical "you don't play why would you care", but I still had items which were quite rare nd not playing here for almost a year doesn't mean I won't ever return to it)
  3. Arian

    Inv reset thingy

    so a few months ago something happened that a lot of stuff from our inventories were wiped. roast said he knows what we had and we'll be given them back, but we haven't got them back. I had an extremely rare item in my inv which was wiped. any news on that??
  4. Arian

    i donated

    https://gyazo.com/c6db1cfa9845fe9d8d28f62531518876 yes me donate too where my tokens is please?????????????????????????????????????
  5. Arian


    I completely agree This dudes amazing, dont know why he hasn't got admin yet tbh
  6. Arian


    Your date is wrong bruv, it's not 1st April yet #RIPJamal
  7. To be honest, nomad was amazing sometimes, but sometimes he was bad, and I mean, really biased and bad at his role, yet imo he wouldn't be classed as a bad CM overall, it's just that @proxy is really good.
  8. Tbh, think about the amount of work our current past community managers have done, how inactive active they were, how helpful and rude friendly they were, now we got @proxy, the kind of CM that in my opinion CG needs. Just take a quick look at what he's done since he's became the community manager, it's like double what other CMs did for the entire time they were CM ( excluding @Bodman, so you know who we're left with ) tl;dr - Proxy is the best CM that CG has ever had, I think.
  9. Stfu no one likes you I agree, Dandy is very professional and friendly.
  10. Arian


    Hold on hold on, are you saying the reason ain't good? If I change the reason would it be fine?
  11. I would also like to recommend @Minimalist due to his great memes and him up voting my posts the reason they are separated topics is bc it says recommend A player not recommend playerS so if I recommend more than 1 it's against the rules
  12. I would like to recommend @Zaadlob bc he gave me +rep
  13. If they say for example £40 inc transfer fee, it means that you pay £40 INCLUDING the transfer fee, meaning you don't have to pay for the transfer fee as you're already paying for it
  14. Back as admin, last time you did this, ended up havin 2 CMs

    gonna work with nomad eyy

    1. proxy


      Nah idk, will work myself up I suppose haha

  15. Why do you like anime so much

    1. Toast


      Because it's good and interesting. Others may say different but my personal opinion is that anime is fun to watch.

  16. Why don't u ever use your mic?

  17. true dat, he sounds like a duck when he screams :^) #dagur4sa
  18. Arian


    asian that's roooood
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