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Ethan l TTE

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Ethan l TTE last won the day on February 7

Ethan l TTE had the most liked content!


About Ethan l TTE

  • Birthday 07/10/2006

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  1. personally I have meet Mr fedora in game he makes sure every one upholds to the rules on CG I believe that Mr fedora should be given a reward for helping out the staff team so much i think he should be made a statue at spawn or have custom role so he can help us better - Ethan
  2. in my opinion problem one of the nicest CG players he helps around on the staff team and also helps new players and he owns the best gang on CG but in general he's a sound person and has became like another brother of mine in the past 2 or so months of playing with him ❤️
  3. Today I woke up and forgot I was banned I went to go play but it said no I have to wait so I played way to much terraria and rewatched ted 1 and 2 

    TTE on top

  4. got banned today not feeling so good bob go on cg me feel sad me want to play TTE on top 

  5. felling good in the firm :)

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