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Everything posted by Toast

  1. Toast

    Wiggles store!

    If he wants to buy ownership, let him do so
  2. @Snake he's bumping again, deal with this man. Soldier's looking spicy ?
  3. If you were refunded 8mil for what you lost then you don't get a second refund.
  4. You can't make more than 1 flip at a time so how does that make sense.
  5. Toast

    Lost my rank

    @Turtle @SYMMIJ - Just lock this, it's becoming a giant shitpost.
  6. Toast

    Lost my rank

    check_rank in console
  7. Considering how long ago this was, the only shotguns on Gman is Ithaca & usas as far as I know.
  8. If you wanna learn League, don't learn from the Irish Malphite one-trick.
  9. Yesterday I finished mentoring @Vexxetion for ByReaper and I myself mentored @eets and I can say they are both promising staff members. Good job you plebs
  10. Toast


    Follow this link and subscribe to this workshop item, it should let you connect to the server afterwards. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1186766769
  11. No you're not allowed as far as I've been told by every senior staff.
  12. Everything in purple, teal, orange and green is what the job is capable of doing. The things in yellow are what he wants to add possibly in the future and the thing in blue is how much a slot costs.
  13. Type check_rank in console for your rank, if it doesn't work then shoot a pm to @JamieB and he should be able to help you out.
  14. Toast

    Hat data

    I'm pretty sure it's still a command but I am not 100% sure after the change to the system.
  15. Who did you get a slot off of? I swear you sold yours.
  16. It's empty, you want it for your gay af dippy egg?
  17. Are you alive?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Turtle


      You're a bit of toast, why should you have a say in this peasant?

    3. Toast


      That's rude. Filfthy animal.

    4. Frogman


      The frog is always better. And who you calling filthy @Turtle turtles have weird necks

  18. I'm sure @roast can fix this mistake this once for you. Next time read before buying.
  19. Toast


    You can't delete your profile. Just don't use it. @JamieB @Turtle @Lucas - Lock please.
  20. A+ NOW BIGBOI.

  21. Toast

    Wiggles store!

    Wiggles said he will never sell Cyrax.
  22. Toast

    Custom Jobs

    He doesn't own it, he sold it to Holm.
  23. It's the same as the ice property that makes money slide, when roast changed the prop protection, they all changed as well.
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