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Everything posted by 15inb

  1. You are welcome This is a democracy so i have power
  2. !report @Jake Innit has rdm'd me about 50 times now, he's also rdm'd about everyone else on the entire server about 50 times as well.
  3. 15inb


    Elitehitman is an error for me please help, i don't if it's just a bug or if it's just me https://gyazo.com/df723e5cd9f0c3d3352108941a8d20f5
  4. 15inb


    +Support he gots mod on my minecraft server
  5. 15inb


    -Support for staff on minecraft. You're not worthy for this ultimate position and responsibility @Turtle
  6. 15inb

    The Sims Props

    You could try uninstalling it then just install it again and restart your game.
  7. 15inb

    MR man

    What tf did i start with "Ye"
  8. 15inb


    But... 7656119813703497 0X112 Chiel 5h, 54m
  9. 15inb


    -Support, this man has a small dick.
  10. Deal, where and when?
  11. Be original Don't be gay Don't be racist Make all memes about Tide Pods(Our Lord). Don't hate Watch porn regularly Jerk off Peel your oranges Eat apples Eat lemons Eat pussy Don't eat dick ruin your teacher's kahoot games like me. Pray every night to Tide Pods No stealing (Goes with rule 1) Only can disrespect if it's a good meme Only say good about your lord and savior (Tide Pods)
  12. So many people are having trouble getting sims props to work this is all you have to do, download the addon. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=316122155&searchtext=sims+props
  13. Accepted Congratulations on your new rank, I have added you to your new rank in-game, in order to gain your rank on the forums you must have connected your steam account with your forums account and reconnected to the server, if this doesn't work for you contact me through a PM and I will sort it for you. I suggest you read this topic before starting to administrate as it will give you a lot of useful information about your new position within the staff team. Regards, The Meme Team
  14. Accepted Congratulations on your new rank, I have added you to your new rank in-game, in order to gain your rank on the forums you must have connected your steam account with your forums account and reconnected to the server, if this doesn't work for you contact me through a PM and I will sort it for you. I suggest you read this topic before starting to administrate as it will give you a lot of useful information about your new position within the staff team. Regards, The Meme Team
  15. fake, his mom is telling him to tip his hat look in the bottom left she's saying "tip your hat" like bruh dry meme.
  16. +Support He good Administrator
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