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Everything posted by JEFF42

  1. JEFF42

    Can't join server

    So basically when I join the server (CG) and right before i get to play, GMOD crashes. Anyone who knows this is there a fix to this? and if so could you please tell me? UPDATE: i verified the integrity of the game files but it's still not working.
  2. I’m pretty sure you can’t buy tokens with IGM
  3. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) tbh never seen him do anything (MOSTLY because i have no motivation to play lol) but yea if he does a good job then cool
  4. JEFF42

    OoO's OoO

    It's not called blaze anymore man! >:(>:(>:( Jokes aside this looks nice but it does hurt my eyes a little bit (O_O).
  5. wow gl selling it i guess
  6. JEFF42

    Eskimo's Store

    You can swap most of the weapons that have been nerfed in the warfare update
  7. JEFF42


    A moderator who applied for administrator. Cool guy i guess
  8. Yes Spooderman is a good guy yesyes.
  9. There's something wrong with this picture, not from the fact that he's watching weeb shit (which is real) but he is in TBL and he has Rebellion!
  10. Since when did you have a Gman slot?
  11. I just checked it and it's the shotgun.
  12. Poggers woo poggers. now the anime lovers will be even more weeb!
  13. He’s a fine lad, although his mic destroys my ears to the point where i can’t hear anything anymore (okay that’s a lil’ too much but his mic does kind of hurt my ears, maybe he changed his mic but idk).
  14. The Asuna custom job. Meant for weebs that like anime! (Because pog)
  15. It's just that @Nate Bar here always does this, anyways good luck with buyin' it!
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