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Posts posted by Radontrax1

  1. 11 minutes ago, CyberMartin said:


    This is about the system, its presented in such a way that it cons people out of their money.

    There is the link, I recommend changing the popup when trying to access jobs so this doesn't happen again


    Have have you got your PayPal email? The PayPal.me is not working, it’s just taking me to my PayPal.me.


    Pretty funny how you want a pound refund because of your mistake.

  2. 5 minutes ago, CyberMartin said:

    I have not received any token as i did not purchase tokens, i simply donated as instructed! There is nothing I could've read that would inform me that the specific job i was trying to obtain was VIP, the only information I was given was from my screenshot telling me that I needed to donate. the job isn't shown as VIP either. There was nothing as a customer I could've done to prevent this as there was no where that said this was a VIP job, I was only told that I had to donate.

    I only want access to one job, because when i clicked on the job it said i needed to donate for that job, that job only!


    What do you want gain out of this post?

    If you want a pound refund give me your PayPal and I’ll send you a pound if it’ll get you to stop.

  3. 3 minutes ago, CyberMartin said:

    It says donate.

    This is what the server has told me.

    Therefore I have donated accordingly.

    Sorry but this is the way it is.




    donate (2).png

    It clearly states what you're buying on the donation page.



    And if you bought tokens it also clearly states that you buy VIP ingame for a certain amount of tokens.


  4. 31 minutes ago, CyberMartin said:

    No you can just donate and the server said that was what I needed to do, after doing this i received nothing.

    Would appreciate if something could be done about it





    You have to buy tokens then buy VIP under the !store ingame in order to gain access to those jobs. I'm thinking you did the cheapest option and paid for a Custom Job Transfer which is 5 pounds then you thought you would gain access to those jobs?


    You've gotta understand that you can't really ask for a refund before you bought anything on the store you would've had to agree to the terms and conditions before you bought it. @roast

  5. 19 minutes ago, Stanners0809 said:

    @JamieB Is Gman still for sale?

    If so I will buy it when my money in paypal clears.

    What is transfer will I have to get rid of my other customers job Baldy.Can I not have 2 jobs.

    You can have as many custom jobs as you want. You don’t need to get rid of any if you buy another one.

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