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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/25/2022 in all areas

  1. Dude put more effort into writing this guide than half the current staff team did writing their staff applications.
    3 points
  2. they're all nice lads ONJB
    3 points
  3. My suggestion for success. This is an application about you. Everyone having the same points and eventually the same application leads nowhere. Make sure you are known by the players and staff, active, not have any recent punishments. If the staff know you and how valuable you would be you don't need a perfect application, similarly, if you are mediocre, a perfect application won't save you. My final tip is to not ask for attention, no asking staff to reply, no asking for support, nothing.
    2 points
  4. Introduction: In my opinion, a good staff application consists of the right things being said, and in a good amount of detail. You do not by any means need to write a massive 2,000 word application to cover all of the most important points, It's just a matter of wording them correctly. To begin: First off you should make sure that you click on the application form to make certain that you follow the template provided to ensure it is in the write format. You will first fill out the information section which will ask for your in game name (For example mine would be "Greywind", your steam (For example mine is STEAM_0:1:597651748, you can copy it off the profile interaction menu in game), your time zone (Mine is GMT) and your current rank (I would recommend both your in game and forum rank, My forum rank is "Collaborator and my in game rank is "vip" What qualities as a staff member should you have?: For this section I believe that the best way to go about filling out this section is to do the following. Step 1: Name the quality step 2: Explain in detail what it means step 3: Explain why it is important step 4: What are the benefits For example: Suggestions for qualities you should mention: Knowledge: Experience Emotional Intelligence Communication Activity Positivity Teamwork Dedication Efficiency All of these are good points to explain in detail given they're all things a staff should show when moderating a Dark RP server. Why do you deserve a promotion / Extension of your rank?: To fill out this section I believe the applicant should do the following. Explain why you want to apply and explain why you deserve the promotion using the following pointers. Show what qualities listed in your "What qualities as a staff member should you have?" section Describe personal traits you posses which will be a benefit to the staff team Explain personal traits you posses which will benefit the community Conclude (Bare in mind you can use the same template as shown above for the first section to further your points) Additional information and a conclusion: You should also consider the following You should tell the truth because staff will support you more if they can relate to you and can confirm what you're saying and believe you. You should not over do your application, keep it to the point and make it informative. Try not to repeat yourself, keep it fresh and interesting. (EXTREMELY IMPORTANT): Build a reputation for yourself, given yourself a good name and make yourself known amongst the staff. Being an active member of the community and someone people like will massively aid your application given that +SUPPORT from staff WILL effect the outcome (Also -SUPPORT will be considered as very bad for applications so try to avoid getting any if possible) This means getting to know the community and standing out as someone who is know for being kind, helpful and an upstanding member with good intentions and looking to do good by the people. To conclude, applications are not so hard, and if you keep in mind what you're writing and you follow these pointers, you will do well and most likely get accepted. Bellow I am going to give you an example of a good application I have written which you can use as a reference for your own application. Practice application for reference:
    1 point
  5. AllayTheWolf


    Thank you very much to kitten for being extremely awesome tonight! Very fast on reports, handled them all well and very competently. Extremely good staff member! Will love to see him further in-game!
    1 point
  6. Tyloo now Reserved for @Chef!!
    1 point
  7. Now Rebellion is up for offers!
    1 point
  8. Appreciate the acknowledgement, Allay! ❤️
    1 point
  9. Im very sorry about this ill try to learn from my own mistakes in the future. Sorry for using up so much time. And I mean that from the bottom of my heart. To tell you the truth this happened many months ago and I genuinely thought I had missing skill points. Very sorry again.
    1 point
  10. Hey thanks a bunch man, was a pleasure dealing with your reports!
    1 point
  11. Sold Marine to @Billy bongus!!
    0 points
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