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DarkRP Admin
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Posts posted by Turtle

  1. You can buy someone tokens here by just putting in their SteamID, but under no circumstances should you use token flips as a way to 'gift' tokens or it will result in a severe punishment

  2. 13 minutes ago, hnood190 said:

    Yes, I understand, they're self explanatory. I made this because some people still have questions about these types of things. It's just to make things more clear. And having the knowledge of being reported is a rare scenario, but it has happened before, it's just an example after all.

    Yeah I understand, some of the rules are pretty vague but at the same time they can't be too long so there just needs to be a balance which can only be found by seeing what problems arise. In relation to the LTA thing, I meant that getting evidence of the person who has been reported being knowledgeable of them being reported and therefore leaving the server/going AFK would be the tricky thing to get(if that makes sense lol)

  3. I feel like most of these are pretty self explanatory, especially 1.3 and 1.7 -- if someone is AFK when needed for a sit usually I just put  text screen up saying something along the lines of '/pm Turtle when you're back, if you leave you will be banned for LTA.' However I think that it would be difficult to prove that someone had the knowledge of them being reported and as a result left, and if that evidence was apparent it would just be common sense to ban them. IMO Rule 1.7 is pretty blatant in its meaning when it says 'third party software ', it already covers everything. 

    Edit: I only saw the top three and didn't scroll down ?

  4. 2 minutes ago, Chriss said:

    But what counts as not using it? It's a very vague statement. If 3 gangsters are walking along after mugging someone, they are not using their guns however they have "used" their guns therefore i cannot kill them? Say for instance you know 3 gangsters are also walking along and mugging everyone in sight. They have waited the cooldown of mugging but you see them with guns. Now if you go over, they could then mug you and you have no option as it would be fail RP. It's very vague. 


    It needs to be binary yes or no on guns not certain exceptions as it just causes problems like this. 

    That's exactly what I'm saying, the rules on this and others things are vague and should be updated to help players  and staff.

  5. If they have a weapon out but aren't using it you have to warn them, and if you tell someone they are under arrest and they pull a weapon out you can kill them (this has been clarified by Jamie.) IMO the rules need the right balance between information and length, which can only be found by editing them until no further problems arise.

  6. Unfortunately, we cannot transfer tokens from one account to another as they are the amount that you accumulate on that certain account for the amount of time that you play for. You will need to either play for longer on your current account or purchase them via PayPal or IGM. Apologies. 

  7. 2 hours ago, Happy Günther said:

     i first tried to delete the map folder still said the same, then i tried to unsubscribe vworkshop and it downloaded it while i was going in and yet the motherfucker still says the same... 


    There may be a few other reasons why it isn't working - you may not have enough storage space available, or the map installation location differs to your gmod file location. Try moving the file into the general 'garrysmod' file location. (Not 'GarrysMod'). Ensure  that the map is in the 'map' folder, and not addons or downloads.

  8. Hi, Happy Gunther - this has happened to me before.

    All you have to do is delete the files in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\GarrysMod\garrysmod\maps, and then verify your game cache; you most likely have a corrupt game file. Alternatively, you can unsubscribe from it via the workshop and then let the server download it for you manually. If this doesn't work, let me know.


  9. 1 hour ago, Notpsojosh moat.gg said:

    Thanks, thought someone who could administrate forums might be able to go onto account settings

    We are able to moderate the forums although we cannot give you a new name as we do not have those permissions, apologies.

  10. Good evening, Josh.
    Unfortunately, we are unable to edit your name on the forums and you are also not able to edit your own name via settings; the only solution I can think of is making a new forum account so that the moat.gg does not stay with you forever.

  11. 40 minutes ago, Turtle for CM said:



    That works for me, although I thought that those were only my permissions. I spoke to other users about it and they said that they did not have the option ?  

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